Top 10 New Year's Resolutions
A list of what most people are resolving to do for the new year.This is something I think a lot of people forget to do. Once most people reach their mid-20s, they completely lose track of what it was like to be young and alive and to have fun.
Enjoy life more! Don't let stress, work, and negativity bring you down! Finding your inner spirit animal will help you enjoy your time on Earth!
I try to enjoy life as much as possible, even though sometimes things happen that I don't like. But I think that's a thing with everyone.
Yeah. I'm thinking about whether I should lose weight or not. I feel like my stomach is kind of fat.
I asked some of my relatives and friends if they noticed anything about my stomach in the past, and these were the results:
My mom and dad: No! You're not fat at all.
My aunt: You are NOT fat!
My uncle: You don't look fat. No need to lose weight.
Some of my friends: You're pretty skinny. No need to look like you're fat.
So most of you think what I think. Ha Ha Ha.
Laugh out loud. This should be at number one.
I am learning Swedish and loving it. The best thing to do is to learn a language. It is fun and can inspire other people to learn a language too. It also allows you to be more social. It is definitely a conversation starter.
Keep challenging the mind with new skills.
This is the year I get fit. Get bigger muscles, less fat, and ab definition. I'm doing great so far (it's day 3).
Being fit makes you feel better able to tackle everything else on the list.
I lost like 2 stone, and now more girls like me and talk to me.
Let's quit being self-centered and reach out to those who are struggling. This is the American way.
I don't smoke, but I think it's really important to try to quit. Smoking kills people, cigarettes smell really bad, and it harms others. If you smoke, please try to quit!
Really, people, if you smoke you shouldn't. It's dumb!
There's always room for being better organized.
I might get a tablet or laptop if I stay organized, so I'm keeping up the good work.
I don't understand why people do not want to get close to their savior and father?! He sacrificed his own life for everyone, for you and me. God loves you all. There are no words to describe Him. He is my Lord, and I don't care what people say. I just love Him!
This is definitely the best way to go. This leads to happiness and enjoying life more, as well as making life better for others as you strive to live your life in a way that makes God happy.
I was going to vote for "Enjoy Life More," but then I saw this one and of course I had to vote for it! By the way, I did actually make this resolution!
The Newcomers
Or, hell, just take better care of yourself in general.
It helps reduce the clutter in the house and it also helps save up for bigger and/or better things.
A very difficult resolution to keep, but one that should make a big difference. I think the key is to understand why we procrastinate and to change little habits, one step at a time.
So far this New Year has been great. I have found myself an amazing woman who I truly believe is capable of being the woman I grow old with.
Play or sing Queen's Somebody to Love while you're at it.
Yeah, I would like to get a love of my life.
Yes, because so many software students spend time outside only. Please share with parents.
Doing better in school can change your life. This is my saying: the harder you work, the better your life will be.
I hate school, but I must study if I want to be someone in the future.
I am trying, but I have a C in one class. It's an AP, but still, it's lower than my other grades.
For the most part, I am fine, but I really need to work on my impatience and anger issues.
I need to be a nicer, better, and more outgoing person.