Top 10 Things People Often Get Wrong About Life

Here's a list of 10 misconceptions about life that people always seem to state the most.
The Top Ten
1 Your friends and family will always be there for you.

Sadly, this is the case for some people. But there are others to reach out to, people who have your back when you don't even know it.

Not necessarily your friends and family. However, there is always someone you can reach out to if you're facing a serious problem, like a therapist.

Well, this might be a useless response, but that's my comment.

The only family I have left is my mom and dad. Everyone else has died - all 15 of them. Luckily, my mom is my best friend, so I am very loved by her. The others were kind of mean to me anyway.

2 There's nothing to be afraid of.

Fear is natural, but it's not healthy to let it control you. There is no excuse for avoiding things just because you fear something might happen. It's always better to face your fears rather than let them control you.

Sometimes there's nothing to fear, but other times there is. Fear is a natural and healthy part of life. One fear humanity can't escape, no matter what, is the fear of death.

You shouldn't let your fears control you, but fear is a natural thing that we need to survive.

3 Everything in life is free.

I don't recall anyone using this as a philosophy. If someone believed this, it wouldn't take long for them to realize it's not true. Yes, some people are advantaged from a young age, but sooner or later, they'll most likely understand that they need to work to gain what's missing from their life.

No. If you really want something so bad in life, then you're going to have to work hard for it. Things aren't given, they're earned.

4 Life is only unfair.

Some people ignorantly claim that life isn't fair at all, but that is untrue. The truth is that life is both fair and unfair. Life is about both positivity and negativity. If life were only unfair, the concept of yin and yang wouldn't exist.

Life is fair, life is unfair, life is sexy, life is ugly, life is good, life is bad. Life is pretty much everything. It's not only unfair.

It isn't ONLY unfair. There's way too much in life to determine whether or not life as a whole is fair or unfair. It just is.

5 Something bad happening means it's all over.

No, it doesn't. Whatever happens to you, it never lasts forever. You're not alone. I can guarantee there are thousands of people out there who have it worse than you. Trust me.

I'm not trying to start an argument, but many people thought it was all over when COVID hit in early 2020. As bad as it was, it wasn't something that caused the world to end.

Me: Has loads of fun for the whole day.
Me: While sleeping, I sleepwalk and accidentally get a splinter. Wake up. Oh, it's ok.
Other person: Life is over now.

6 Life is absolutely simple.

It's not that simple. It's a lot more complicated. That's why we make movies and write books about it, which offer all sorts of different ideas.

7 Life is all about positivity.

As I mentioned in number 1, life involves both positivity and negativity.

I'm not saying we should aim to be negative, but difficult things will happen in life. The best we can do is find a proper way to respond or find different ways to solve our situations.

Not all lives are full of sunshine, rainbows, and unicorns.

Not always. Toxic positivity is pretty bad.

8 People won't change at all.

Generally, for most of us, we are who we are, and that's who we'll always be. However, perhaps 1 in 20 does make a significant life change in my experience.

This isn't always true. Sometimes people change for the worse, but I'm not saying we should change for the worse either. You should always stay true to yourself no matter what, even when it gets really hard. Trust me, hard times don't last forever.

Some don't, but this is pretty incorrect.

9 One should wait for life to get better.

No. You shouldn't wait for life to get better. You should start living while you have the chance. Ignore all the negativity in the world and move on with your life.

I'll frown severely at anyone who replies, "Good things come to those who wait." That's like a shoplifter justifying their actions by saying, "I steal to build a better life." God helps those who help themselves.

No, make it better. Don't just wait around. I'm working on a board game, and I feel proud of myself for it!

10 We should all strive to be negative.

I've never seen anyone genuinely saying this quote.

The Contenders
11 You should take life as seriously as possible.

If you take life too seriously, it can become depressing. Learn to have fun once in a while, though there are certainly times to be serious. Just saying.

12 Romantic love isn't hard to get

Maybe for some people, but it is so hard for me! I'm almost crying right now.

13 If you put your mind into it, you will get what you want

A fallacy kids are made to believe. We should teach: find your talents, pick the one you enjoy most - and then go all out.

14 It won't get better
15 Childbirth doesn't hurt

I want to have kids, but if my periods hurt like this, I don't want to imagine childbirth.

16 People are homeless because of something they did
17 Pregnancy isn't dangerous

Women have died from complicated pregnancies. Young girls have died from pregnancy itself.

18 It's not wrong to like something that's bad, or hate something that's good, because good and bad are subjective.
19 Parenting isn't hard.

Whoever said this quote has no children.

20 You can have a good life or a bad one, but not both
21 If everyone thought the same, the world would be boring
22 If all your dreams came true, you'd have nothing to look forward to
23 Just because something is popular means it's automatically overrated and bad
24 Being different from everyone else is automatically a good thing
25 Life is what you make it.
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