Top Ten Most Awkward Common Situations
This happened to me when I was in kindergarten. I was walking in line and suddenly went into another line, and neither the teacher nor I realized it until I got to the classroom. The teacher told us to go to the table with our names on it, but there wasn't one with my name because I wasn't in that class! I told the teacher, and she found out I wasn't in her class. She brought me to my class, which took a while because I forgot where my class was!
I felt very awkward, and when I finally arrived, everyone was staring at me as if I had committed a crime.
I asked my friend at school (on Valentine's Day), "If someone asked you to be their Valentine, who do you think it would be?" It took me a little while to realize I was talking to a random student!
This happened to me once in a boxing club while I was training with one of my friends.
Well, that's how friendships form!
On a trip to Tennessee, I had to use the toilet, but since I was on a tour bus and we couldn't use the toilets on the bus, I had to hold it in for over half an hour!
Yep! Or just needing the toilet and your teacher says, "No, you can't go." Jokes on those teachers! We can go, and we will!
I don't use public toilets because of social anxiety, so I have it worse.
At my birthday party, I told a joke that wasn't even funny, but knowing me, I have no sense of humor whatsoever. I started laughing really hard, and everyone just stared at me.
Why are friends like bananas?
Because if you peel off their skin and eat them, they die!
What instrument do users of TheTopTens play?
A TopTenor saxophone!
No one likes that joke.
I hate this so much! One day, I was bored and laughed at some funny ones. Apparently, autocorrect can be pretty perverted...
Especially when it auto-corrects stuff that's spelled right.
It messed up my assignment when I typed Barangaroo in Australia. It auto-corrected to Barangaroo in Austria.
I hate forgetting someone's name. Once, I was in basketball class, and we were told to call out each other's names when passing the ball. So, I threw the ball at someone and forgot their name! I had to say it quietly because I was afraid I'd get it wrong.
My Asian family all have Chinese names, but only my aunts, uncles, parents, cousins, sister, and I have American names. The older adults (great-aunts and great-uncles) don't. I wish they had American names, too.
I don't know half of my own family's names.
I'm single, but I'm mainly attracted to guys, so this would be pretty awkward.
I was late in first grade once. People stared at me like I had murdered five kids.
My first date was actually fun. I got to know my boyfriend better.
The Newcomers
Someone: "How was your day?"
Me: "Great!"
The person behind me: "Good."
Me: Standing there feeling awkward.
Happened too many times. It's embarrassing, and the smell doesn't make it any better.
I accidentally said hi to someone who always tells everyone that my Fortnite kills are fake because I have more than him. I thought it was my friend because their hair looks the same from the back.
I once saw someone I know saying "hi," so I said "hi" back, but he was actually saying "hi" to the person behind me.
Or when you think someone said hi or waved at you, so you do it back, only to realize they weren't talking to you. That's just awkward!
Class: Doing an exam and being really quiet.
Me: *farts*
Someone: Who farted?
Everyone: Looks at me.
I did that once in fifth grade, and the girl sitting next to me leaned over and said, "It's okay, everybody does it."
Class: Is extremely silent during an exam
Stomach: I shall now demonstrate what many call a whale's mating call!
For example, when you're in class and suddenly your stomach makes noises that sound like a dying whale.
This made me laugh. So awkward. What do you do in this situation? Do you pretend that you haven't noticed them still walking at your side for the next two hundred yards? What is the correct etiquette for this type of awkward social situation?
The only possible good thing is knowing they're probably just as embarrassed as you are.
This once happened to me. I was visiting my family, and we did this six times before realizing we were going the same way every time.
Walk into a room as fast as possible or take a turn. Trust me, I do it all the time.
I had my first kiss when I was 13. My boyfriend and I were on a date, and when I said goodbye, he asked if he could give me a kiss. I said sure. It was quick and a little awkward, but it was an amazing experience for me at the time.
When I was in the car with my dad that day, I felt like I was on top of the world.
Like walking into your parents' room. It happened to me... scarred for life.
So, this one time, an entire other school came to ours, and we had to do joint lessons! The kids from the other school sat across the desk from me, and we were all just silent. It was awkward, especially because my school and theirs were mortal enemies!
Hands down the most awkward thing ever! Especially if you have social anxiety like me!
Ah, this is horrible. I have the dreaded social anxiety, which does not help.
This happened to me in the middle of an exam. Thank God I got high scores, but here's what really happened earlier...
Me: (hurriedly hides earphones under hoodie)
Students: (already started answering)
Me: (forgets to plug in earphones) (presses play button)
Me: *hears guitar riff and thinks it's from outside*
Students: (stare at me)
Me: (starts stuttering) (tries to lower the volume, instead it goes to max) (gives up and plugs the damn thing in)
Nearby student: Aw, dammit, that was fun...
Oh my Lord, to the person who was listening to the One Punch Man theme, I LOVE that song! This actually happened to me in 6th grade when I was listening to this really weird Japanese rock band.
Thankfully, my class was already so loud that no one heard anything.
Happened with my gym teacher. Luckily, I was very quiet, and he didn't notice.
This happened with my old PE teacher. Luckily, he didn't notice me.
Once I sent a message asking my mom where she was, but I sent it to my friend instead.
Oh god... bad memories are returning.
Lol, one time a girl in this group chat I was in sent a message saying she was going to the bathroom. The message was technically meant for her dad...
Me in that situation: "*stares at them*"
Friend's Friend: "*stares at me*"
Me: "*stares at them*"
Friend's Friend: "*stares at me*"
*We start a staring contest*
Friend: "What the hell?"
Bro! My friend would always leave me hanging in her kitchen with her mom. Like, why?
I don't know what's worse: being stuck with their parents or their siblings.
Especially if their parents don't like you!