Rock and Metal vs Pop

EvilAngel Here we go.
Since deciding on staying I have been seriously thinking about making a blog series, but haven't decided what yet, so while I decide, I've decided to make a contest based on the age old question: rock or pop?
In modern times, pop easily rules in quantity, with it being played on radio far more and therefore reaching more listeners, however, on TheTopTens we actually seem to find far more members liking rock or metal than we do pop. I am so glad of this: as I likely don't need to explain, my vote easily goes to rock and metal, due to bands in these genres really having to work far harder than pop artists do, for far less fame and money. Take Dark Tranquility: they are a legendary metal band that have had to work DECADES, making gripping and jaw dropping music, having to often produce their own albums, always having to write their own music and play their own instruments perfectly, and touring extensively for each and every of their so far ten studio albums, vs pop artists, who just have to walk in the studio, sing over a backing track about a topic that isn't meaningful, and get more fame from one song than Dark Tranquility have over their whole career. It is a crime. Therefore, my vote goes to rock and metal. But fans of pop may have an opinion that contradicts mine. After all, it's opinion, the thing that keeps this site great, so let's keep it clean people.. can be friends with fans of both genres.
So simply, in the comments, vote for the one you prefer. No subgenres, all the subgenres are included, for example, metalcore is included in metal. Rock and metal are together due to less popularity, maybe we can do a rock vs metal one another day. So...

Rock and Metal, or, Pop?
Vote away.


And I forgot to say... If you like this and are interested in finding the winner that TheTopTens community has chosen, spread this blog! Send the link to your friends and followers, let the war be settled! I will tally the results and announce the winner in roughly a couple of weeks. Give it time. - EvilAngel

Metal and Rock! There's nothing better for me! - visitor

Here's my prediction: 1 person will say pop. Everyone will say rock and metal. Let's see how that works out.
My vote goes to rock and metal - Songsta41

I mean everyone else - Songsta41

Rock and Metal all the way! - Garythesnail

Gotta go with pop. Sorry:( - visitor

The old Pop yes, but the new pop is crap.. - 05yusuf09

Is this song vs song or artist vs artist? - visitor

Just the genres against each other in general - EvilAngel

Of course practically EVERYONE knows my answer. But! Pop does have some good music. ABBA for example. They worked hard as a pop band, and they deserved the love they had gotten. I don't think they should get so much hate... But anyways, I also enjoy Taylor Swift sometimes, but she has had many terrible tracks. Rock and Metal however will always be the best. Pink Floyd, a rock band, for example, has worked so hard to get where they have gotten. With their beautiful lyrics and amazing guitar solos. I mean, it takes outstanding talent for that type of skill. I do enjoy both genres, but rock and metal will always win. ALWAYS! - MontyPython

I've never heard metal music, but I enjoy rock a lot. Pop on the other hand, is what I grew up with. It's what I listened to during long car rides and what I lip-synced to with my sisters and what my friends and I belted on the top of our lungs...
In general, with musical quality, I choose rock. But I can't refute the fact that the old pop songs I listened to as a kid hold a lot of memories. - keycha1n

Rock and metal, definitely. - 05yusuf09

Rock & Metal for the win! - visitor

Do I really need to say it...

Rock & Metal. People ought to just listen to stuff on Youtube instead of the radio all the time too. - NuMetalManiak

Does this cover old pop as well as current? - PetSounds

All mate - EvilAngel

I choose Pop. Pop music has the structure and figures the ear has the most probability to enjoy. The problem is there are many songs that are just too common, with patterns that are way to used. And the ear gets tired. But there is good Pop, lots of it fairly unknown, that deserves to be on the Top Ten Most Artistic Songs of All Time of each person.
Rock, on the other hand, is a symbol of rebellion, and its usual combination of instruments together with lots of figures and patterns that are common, makes it enjoyable to many people who despise the exaggerated repetition of certain usually enjoyable patterns given on thousands of Pop songs. Still, most Rock songs have those patterns too, but given a number of reasons like them not being so "mainstream" or the fact its rebellion disguise many Rock songs are quite usual as well among many other reasons, there is a huge mass that chooses Rock.
I personally choose Pop because I find enjoyable the usual patterns, and I don't get tired easily of listening a song over and over again, for high its proportion of common figures is, when it is not overloaded and its songwriting is of a certain quality. Plenty of Rock songs are excellent, and I find it quite enjoyable, mostly when I get a little too overloaded of the usual. But there is just too many elements that don't trap me in many Rock songs, which happens less often in Pop.
To add up, some of my favourite songs are originally intended as Rock songs which turned out to be recognized as Pop songs, given their sublime proportion of features that ears love combined in a way the ear doesn't tire easily of. Inspiration brilliancies. Some of these include "Complicated" by Avril Lavigne, "Manda Una Señal" by Maná and "Viva la Vida" by Coldplay.

But this is just a view of some musician who is intending to see music as the mathematical science that studies the way of combining sounds in order to create aesthetic pleasure... Also known as Art. - keyson

Very well explained reason my friend. Good comment. - EvilAngel

Justin Bieber and Nicki Minaj are killed the pop together... :( - 05yusuf09

Rock 'n' metal - muffinkid

As many of you know, I'm a techno fan, but I also have a taste for classic and alternative rock. And I'll really listen to anything but pop and rap, so I choose rock. - PositronWildhawk

Rock and metal all the way. - LizardKing99

I would say Rock but unlike the voters of Rock, I'm not one of those flower pained hipster kids with groovy lava lamps at their bedroom. It ain't cool, brah. - visitor

...neither am I - EvilAngel

Rock and Metal easily. Pop is just recylced, computurized music. Rock/Metal and blues for that Metal requires talent in playing guitar, bass, drums, and vocals. Some pop songs can be catchy but they aren't original. The only pop artist I can give full respect to is Prince. (I would say Michael Jackson but his criminal record ruined any positive thoughts I would have had on him.) - ryanrimmel

Every word you said is on the money - Tylerlangford1234

Well,I like pop. But for this one,I choose rock. Rock music brings me memories. - visitor

Music sucks - Puga

Does not. - EvilAngel

Excellent debate EvilAngel!
Ah, now, the thing is, I don't like either genre BUT, if I had to choose, I'd sway towards rock and metal. I know, I know! Weird isn't it? My reason is this: my two brothers are complete metalheads and I have to listen to it every single day so, apart from Jazz, rock and metal is the genre I know a little about. Rock and metal (through all its noise) actually makes sense. I quite like A Day To Remember's I'm Already Gone - the lyrics just make so much sense to me. The whole genre is actually listened to by some of the nicest, most polite and calm people you will ever have the pleasure of meeting. Seriously! Pop, on the other hand is calmer, easier on the ears but have such meaningless lyrics "Oh my God! Look at her butt! " I mean, wha...?
I just find Rock and Metal to have more passion. And that's always a good thing.
Rock rocks! And so say all of me! And now I need help stepping down from my soapbox! - visitor

Metal and rock, pop isn't music it's a corporate money machine - dootdoot

To be honest, I never heard metal. I listened to some rock music and I liked them. Heck, I'm not much of a music fan. Anyway, I choose rock. - Delgia2k

Same, but there are some pop songs I love. - visitor

Rock and metal. Reasons : Better lyrics, better music and meaningful songs. - Kiteretsunu

Definitely. - 05yusuf09

Rock/metal duh. Although 80s pop artists like Prince and Depeche Mode and Fleetwood Mac (they were a bit pop rock in the 80s) have my respect. - IronSabbathPriest

25 comments at the time of me writing this... When it gets to 40 I'll announce the winner - EvilAngel

Pop could be artistic if you look for the right music so pop - JaysTop10List

Yeah, except about 90% of Rock and Metal has a meaning or tells a story where as pop only 10-20% fit the description.Don't get me wrong there are plenty of good Pop songs like Beat it and Hey Jude, but most of the time,especially with the mainstream of today, Pop's just about love - MrQuaz680

Pop has meanings too in today's generation too other than pop. What are you on? - JaysTop10List

Dude- In fact, all of you need to listen to The Weeknd. His music is very dark and WAY different than modern pop. Wicked Games is an example... - JaysTop10List

Hey man, one music artist isn't enough to change my mind, though I kind of like the Weeknd. Oh and I'm on speed. - MrQuaz680

Lolololololo - JaysTop10List

Rock and metal. *all of a sudden, a concert stage appears* GOODNIGHT STRIATON! *walks off stage* - RiverClanRocks

No doubt in my mind, Metal and Rock! - music-is-life

It depends... - venomouskillingmachine

I choose rock and metal and I must say, pop music from the 70s and 80s is far superior to modern pop. - bobbythebrony

I have the exact same opinion! - visitor

Listen to The Weeknd and come back here! - JaysTop10List


*sticks up devil horns and walks out of the room* - MrQuaz680

Ye man - EvilAngel

23 for rock and metal counting my vote from what I've counted, may have missed one but... Not gonna change the results :-) and to pop, 4. Thrashed :-) the winner is Rock and Metal. Thank you guys.

Now,... To the Rock vs Metal blog -). - EvilAngel

Metal & Rock Wins!
FATALITY! - visitor

Rock and Metal! - AngryByrd

Rock and Metal. It's more complicated, which makes it more enjoyable. Pop is too simple in most cases. - Turkeyasylum

Rock, but if it was Indie Pop, I'd listen to it - kaitlynrad11

Guys the next one is Rock vs Metal, the post can be found on my profile. Need more votes before finding a winner, it is close between the two... Thanks guys - EvilAngel

Rock. - TheRegular1227

Pop. *shot*

No really metal. - visitor

Pop. It's the thing I grew up on. Lady Gaga, Maroon 5, Taio Cruz, Adele, and a couple others have been part of my childhood.

I hate metal. And the only rock band that I grew up on is Shinedown, and that's just because of their single biggest hit. - WonkeyDude98

Well it depends. NuMetal < MJ Pirate Metal > JB - visitor

Metal my username is not PopObsessed is it? - visitor

Rock and Metal. Rock in the sense that it's the most accessible genre to me and many of my favorite musical acts are usually Rock. Metal is flat-out amazing likewise.

Pop is actually not as bad as people make it out to be. There's a lot of great ones, even to this day, although I naturally prefer the former. - CrimsonShark