Music Hunger Games: Episode 7 - Sheer Blood Hanging From a Tree
MontyPython [The Sun Begins to Rise]Bob Dylan: *Opens eyes* What.. What time is it?
George Harrison: *Cooking fish over fire* There's nothing that can tell time here, Bob.
Bob: Damn... *Rubs eyes*
George: You want some fish?
Bob: N-Nah... I'm good. *Stands up* Damn, I want a harmonica.
George: I want tea.
[They both pout]
George: Anyways, want some fish?
Bob: George, I just said "no".
George: .... No you didn't.
Bob: *Looks at George suspiciously* Yeah... You did.
George: *Shakes head* Y-Yeah... That's right.. I must be going crazy or something. Haha!
Bob: ... Yeaaah... *Chuckles*
[George eats and Bob thinks about the situation]
[Robert Plant, Jimmy Page, and John Bonham are getting water after waking up]
Robert Plant: It's rather hot outside.
Jimmy Page: It is. *Wipes forehead* Ugh...
Bonzo: *Drops fish he was holding* Damn it!
Jimmy: *Looks into forest and sees deer running off*
Jimmy: *Grabs bow and arrows and smirks* Come to Pagey... *Runs off*
Jimmy: DINNER OF COURSE! HAHAHA! *Runs into forest* Now, now, now... Where are you...
[The Bushes rattle]
Jimmy: *Looks over* Hm? Oh, you must be in there, hm?
Jimmy: *Shoots arrow into bush* HAHAHA!
[Jimmy walks over to the bush and looks into it, but finds nothing]
Jimmy: Wait... What?
[Something giant and monstrous grabs Jimmy]
Jimmy: AGH!!
[Robert Plant and Bonzo hear Jimmy's cry for help]
Robert: Wha-... JIMMY?!?!
Bonzo: SH*T!
[They begin to run over, but hear a death canon go off]
[In a far distance, Bonzo screams]
Robert: *Rushes over* BONZO?!
[Bonzo grabs Robert and pulls him to a tree, then points up. Only to see a web holding Jimmy's corpse. His body is still there, but his stomach has been gashed open and his intestines are gone.]
Robert: *Screams, then pukes*
Bonzo: *Faints*
Robert: *Picks up Bonzo and rushes back to John and Paul*
[John and Paul follow Robert into the forest]
John: What do you mean Jimmy's dead? It must've been someone weak like Rick or something.
Paul: I'll have to agree with John on this one...
Robert: N-No, look! *Points to the corpse*
Paul: *Gasps* Jesus!
John: Dear God... *Covers mouth* Whoever did that isn't human, that's for sure...
Paul: A mutant!?!?!
Bonzo: Most likely...
[Axl Rose wakes up, Slash is still sleeping]
Axl: Humph. *Gets up and looks at Slash* That idiot... He's still sleeping?! God, he's lazy...
{Axl: *Thinks* Maybe... I can kill him? I mean, come on. He's lazy, ignorant, conceded, ugh! I despise him...}
Axl: *Walks back to bag to grab a knife to kill Slash, but steps on bomb planted on the ground*
[The bomb explodes, which causes Axl to fly back and have himself thrown against a tree. Slash is thrown as well, but not as far and he only lands on the ground.]
Slash: *Stands up* Ugh... M-My head... And my ears won't stop ringing... *Looks over* Axl... YOU DUMBASS! *Runs over and grabs Axl, then shakes him* W-WAKE UP!
[The death canon goes off, claiming that Axl is dead]
Slash: *Grits teeth and sighs* Damn...
[Slash grabs the remaining supplies and wanders off]
[Dave Grohl and Kurt Cobain wake up due to the sound of an explosion]
Dave: What the hell?!?!
Kurt: What was that?!
Dave: I'm not sure... But someone died. I'm positive about that.
Kurt: Damn. That's bad, unless it was Axl-Piece-Of-Sh*t-Rose.
Dave: Let's pray that it was, haha!
[Roger, Rick, and Syd wake up and begin to eat the breakfast that they collected from fish]
Roger: So... Syd. How'd you sleep?
Syd: *Looks over* I didn't sleep. I talked to my friends for a bit, that's all.
Rick: Oh, so you prayed? *Smiles*
Syd: No. I didn't pray. I talked to some other guys. Their nice. I talked to David too! He can't touch me, but I know he's there...
Rick and Roger: *They both blink and swallow*
Roger: Wow.. That's... Nice.
Rick: Y-Yeah! *Mutters* Oh dear...
[John Entwistle, Keith Moon, and Moonwistle are sitting by each other and eating]
John E: Oh, Keith. *Hands carrots* Here. I found these in a supply basket someone sent us last night.
Keith Moon: *Smiles* Hm? *Takes bag* Ooooo! Great! *Takes carrot and feeds it to Moonwistle* Aww, John! Look at the way he nibbles on it! IT'S SO ADORABLE!
John E: *Looks at bunny and tries not to smile* Y-Yeah...
John E: Keith, we aren't married...
Keith: I know! But we're still the parents! I'll be the mum, and you be the dad!
John E: Keith, you really need to be more serious about these games. One of us are going to die. You do realize this, right?
Keith: *Blinks* Yup! So let's enjoy the happiness and the adorableness of this bunny while we can! *Hugs Moonwistle and begins to roll around again*
John E: Wanker.
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POLL: Who do you personally want to win and who do you want to die next?
Thanks for reading!
Moonwistle should win. - Cheese567
Give supplies to Slash
Kurt Cobain to win
John Entwistle to die next - bobbythebrony
George to win, Slash to die.
Also, the first exchange sounded kinda like an argument clinic. - PetSounds
At least Jimmy's not actually dead in real life but I miss him now
Plant for the win, no one I want to die - Songsta41
Seems like I should try to send Dylan a harmonica and George some tea... They don't look as bad off as some of the others, but Something's definitely Blowin In the Wind there... - Billyv
Dylan win and Syd die - 2storm