Starboy - The Weeknd (Album Review)(Part 3 of 3)

PhenomentalOne Let's finish this.

13. Attention
They say that this is the worst song on the album. And you know what, they are correct.

The lyrics are bland and generic, the beat is boring and I hate Abel for the cooing in the intro. I'm fine with the autotune, which probably means I need to get my ears checked. And the subject, just WHY?!

Best Part of the Song - Literally nothing.

14. Ordinary Life
Brace yourselves, guys. I've a lot to say about this track.

Am I the only one who saw how SIMILAR this was to Real Life? I mean, consider this-
  • Same type of title ('Real' replaced by 'Ordinary')
  • Same subject (Life)
  • Same lyrical structure (Verse 1-Pre Chorus-Chorus-Verse 2-Pre Chorus-Chorus-Bridge-Chorus)
  • Mention of a woman (Mother gets replaced by blowjob girl)
  • Mythological references
  • Usage of violins
  • Ends on a sad note
Guaranteed on the next album, there'll be a track named 'Beautiful Life'.

As for the song itself, can I get a better and not-generic-er phrase other than 'I LOVE THIS!!!'?

Like, this track rules on all platforms. Great lyrics, awesomely dark violins, energetic thudding beats and Abel dominating everything with his ice-cream-like smooth vocals. All I can say is, THIS should've been the song before 'I Feel It Coming'. Y'know, giving out your best before coming to the end.

Best Part of the Song - Literally Everything

15. Nothing Without You
I don't mind Demon Abel over here, but this song just might be the definition of a 'generic love song', complete with The Weeknd touch (I'm saying generic a lot, but I can't help it. Sorry.).

Best Part of the Song - The guitar solo at the end (Makes me reminisce of Rolling Stone)

16. All I Know (Ft. Future)
Same case as Rockin' and Secrets, but this lasted even less. The vocals are decent, the music is fine. But there's nothing extraordinary about this. Nothing about this screams 'Awesome'.

The lyrics are a whole different matter, though. Here, The Weeknd is making a list of all the things he knows, and trying to make a girl stay. But why? There is no need for this, except for if you're having a change of heart (which is nice). But then, 'don't make the s*** my fault'...


Best Part of the Song - Future singing 'All I Know' (I seem to be the only one who doesn't mind Future's excessive use of autotune).

17. Die For You
The even better version of 'Nothing Without You' which kills all of it's genericness by being straightforward and truthful. At first, I hated the woodwind used in the intro because I felt it queasy. But then came the rest of the song, and I was impressed. Abel sounds totally realistic here, even ready to KILL for this girl. The music is weird at some points, but is consumable in the end. So, good job.

Best Part of the Song - The lyrics (Brutally honest)

18. I Feel It Coming (Ft. Daft Punk)
Oh no no no no. Please no. Anything but this. Literally, ANYTHING BUT THIS. PLEASE. I BEG YOU. NOOOOO!

There is no easy way to talk about this. This contradicts EVERYTHING The Weeknd stands for. No mention of drugs. No mention of money. No mention of sex (okay, I know 'heat between your legs' is sexual, but still). No cuss words. Nothing relatable to The Weeknd. Is this even a The Weeknd song? If you say this is a Michael Jackson song, I'd believe you. Because Abel Tesfaye and happiness can never go hand-to-hand. But let's forget the fact that The Weeknd is singing this. Let's forget all the facts related to this. Now, how is this song as a song?


The positive lyrics, the positive piano, the bass and the handclaps, and most importantly, DAFT PUNK, make this an epic closer of a song and give good hope about whatever The Weeknd does next. I wish I could talk more about this but at this point, everything has been said.

Best Part of the Song - I'll leave it up to you

Oh God, this was an epic review (No, it wasn't). I had fun making it (No, I didn't). Hope you enjoy this (No, you won't). I don't know what's next for me, but till then, stay tuned.

Overall Rankings
18. Attention
17. Nothing Without You
16. True Colors
15. Six Feet Under
14. Stargirl Interlude (Ft. Lana Del Rey)
13. All I Know (Ft. Future)
12. Rockin'
11. Secrets
10. Party Monster
09. Sidewalks
08. Die For You
07. False Alarm
06. A Lonely Night
05. Love To Lay
04. Starboy (Ft. Daft Punk)
03. I Feel It Coming (Ft. Daft Punk)
02. Reminder
01. Ordinary Life
P.S. - I already knew which songs would be in my Top 10.

Album Rating - 7/10

