Worst Types of People on the Internet EP-9 Hashtag abusers

SirSkeletorThe3rd This is a quick one, this is a preview to the big one, episode 10. Anyways, here's is why I don't have a Twitter. These people who use #'s all the time! It's okay at some things such as #prayforparis, but if it's something like #I #love #you #pray #for #paris, then you have a problem. A serious problem. Go get a doctor for that. But the name to call them are #hashf**s. Or #f**s. Good Allah, I'm using more hashtags than a teenage girl. Anyways here's what they're like

#OMG #just #got #a #boyfriend! (not Skeletor cause he's a #lonely n***a)

#WTF #just #saw #2dogs #eating #poopoo

Hashfag: #doctor, #i #think #i #habe #a #disease
xXDOKTORXx: Yeah you do
Hashfag: #what is it?
xXDOKTORXx: you habe a cancur...

Anyways no offense to people who has a cancur but anyways STAY TUNED FOR EPISODE 10!!!! THE. LONGESG EPISODE OF THEM ALL!!!! TUNE IN NEXT TIME ON THE WORST BLOG POST SERIES EVER!!!!!! Feel free to guess what episode 10 is about


Sorry about posting it on Thursday - SirSkeletorThe3rd

Well, I use #hashtags outside Twitter. It's #fun at times when you're #bored, but it gets abused. - visitor

In 5th grade me and my friends played a game that we all have to say "#potato" every single time we talked. Ahhh, that was fun… - BlueTopazIceVanilla

Wut... That seems fun... Oh no... The infection is spreading... #sweg #help #me #potato - SirSkeletorThe3rd

Guess what? No one cares. - visitor