Total Drama Showdown- Unbearable Bears

Turkeyasylum Kerri- A Spoiled rich girl who won't get her hands dirty at all.

Allison- A very clumsy girl who is nice, but has butterfingers.

Yve- A cross country runner, very quiet, and likes to eat a healthy diet.

Clare- Courtney's little sister, who always is nice, kind of like old Courtney (Season 1).

Pearl- A gullible nerd, who is smart, but very flimsy.

Jody- She's manipulative, but in a way to make her look like a protaginist.

Oscar- He's a dimwitted skater boy, but he's kind to most people.

Bryan- He's handsome, and is a hit with the girls.

Jeremy- He wants girls to hit on him all the time, but he would be low quality.

Jonny- Likes to gamble, but hilariously always loses at most things. He is smart, but doesn't know it.

Beck- He is a person who tries to hide that he's racist with being a world traveler.

Caleb- He's a HUGE hypocrite, and he also is mean to everyone.
