Top 10 Best Metal Keyboardists
Who are the best metal keyboardists? Who are the best in feeling? Who are the best in speed? Who have the best solos? Not matter the sub-genre.
While men like Keith Emerson and Rick Wakeman brought the keyboard into the spotlight with prog rock, it was Rudess who took that inspiration and blew it out of the water. He showed that the keyboard can be just as heavy and technical as metal requires.
This man isn't just a keyboardist. He's a musical genius with a mind that inspires.
Jordan's sense of musicianship is simply out of this world. Sometimes I get lost in his work, even listening to product demos he does for his endorsers. He takes full advantage of every tool provided to him and uses them in combinations that are essentially songs within songs.
There are about six more hands hidden under that beard!
His compositions in every single Children of Bodom song are amazing! Listening to tracks such as Next In Line, Lake Bodom, Bodom Beach Terror, and Northpole Throwdown is downright brutal. He can shred the keyboards and be both metal and classical.
He's amazing at finishing and starting a solo for Alexi in the band. He is an awesome force that drives the band and makes Children of Bodom sound really melodic. Plus, he's hilarious! Songs like Oops I Did It Again, Clash of the Booze Brothers, and their 2008 Wacken performance show his talent and humor.
Jens is the fastest and best keyboardist in the world. Many current keyboardists have been influenced by him. His solos are the best I've seen in the world. He made the keyboards an instrument of respect in metal.
His simplicity is unique because he outperforms many keyboardists with his solos and compositions using just a Yamaha keyboard, not a big set of keyboards or synths like others use. Jens must be number one, not anyone else.
I can't understand why Johansson is behind Wirman, Holopainen, and Rudess. Johansson's lead solos were way better in the '80s, and during the Stratovarius era, he improved even more.
Rudess is only a tech nerd and not a key wizard. The only reason for his first place is Dream Theater fame. The other two are here because of their fame, not their skills. Remember, Johansson can play anything, anyway. His solo career proves it. Cheers!
The current keyboard player in the Finnish rock band HIM. His keyboards give HIM's music the characteristic melancholy that made their "Love Metal" famous. He is classically trained.
I think his talent is underestimated if you only listen to HIM's studio albums. You have to see them live to understand. His live piano intro of "Sleepwalking Past Hope" is an amazing piece of classical music!
He is the current keyboard player in the Finnish rock band HIM. His keyboards give the characteristic melancholy to HIM's famous "Love Metal" sound. He is classically trained.
I think he is underestimated when you simply listen to HIM's studio albums. You've got to see them live to appreciate them. His long piano intro in the live version of "Sleepwalking Past Hope" is remarkable!
Maestro Holopainen adds beautiful classical flavor to the metal genre. He is not just a musician. He is also a songwriter and the genius behind Nightwish's songs. He can write epic notes and make them fit the other band members' strengths.
To me, it is not just about playing the keyboard for him. He has complete and utter knowledge of orchestration.
I like Tuomas because he's a god keyboardist master in Nightwish. Nobody can match him. Every album has a different sound and is still amazing today! The best heavy metal keyboardist rules the world! He's reminiscent of Mark Tremonti with his heavy metal musician style.

Extremely underrated keyboardist whose classical training and abilities elevated Symphony X to be one of the greatest metal bands of all time! His solo albums are also overlooked and underappreciated.
In my opinion, Michael Pinnella is the most talented keyboardist of all time. The musicality, technicality, and atmosphere of his playing are awe-inspiring. Simply put, he is a genius!
Classy and talented. Just give Bastards of the Machine or Candlelight Fantasia another listen.
Extremely fast and technical player. He makes perfect harmonies with the guitar and will often trade solos with guitar players.
Henrik shreds better on his keyboard than the best guitar players do on their guitars. Henrik is a god.
How can you not like Bob? Not only does he do an excellent job in Firewind, but all of his other material is top-notch as well. I saw him with Firewind live in Denver a while back supporting Turisas, and I was blown away. I ended up hanging out with them after they played instead of watching Turisas.
Bob is definitely one of the best keyboardists in metal. His ability to come up with great melodies and awesome shredding is what makes him amazing. It is the feeling of his songs and his unique, majestic style that makes him as good as Johansson or Rudess.
You can check out his four solo albums, and you will surely like him!
His keyboard contributions on Opeth's Watershed album are simply amazing, ranging from his blistering solo on Burden to his crazy polyrhythms on The Lotus Eater. He is also brilliant with Spiritual Beggars. His solo on Lunatic Fringe is a great example of a more mellow, jazzy keyboard solo played with real class.
A shame, simply... He shouldn't have left Opeth.
He has a very unique keyboard style and tone that make him sound like a guitarist during solos (see "Blast of Hell," "Emotions," and "Seasons Cry"). His keyboarding also doesn't get in the way of the song but complements the music very well.
This guy is absolutely insane! From perhaps the most talented metal band around, Galneryus.
Very underrated, so much talent.
The Newcomers

He is a huge influence on me. His chord progressions and improvisations are excellent.

He might not be the most skilled keyboardist (actually, he was trained as a classical pianist), but his presence on stage is his main characteristic. He walks on a treadmill while making solos or tries not to be burned by a flamethrower shooting at him while playing live. He has his own nonsensical dance, the "Flake Dance." Sometimes, he uses samples for the solos, though.
He is not the most skilled keyboardist, but every sound he performs serves the sound of Rammstein and makes the band's music more than "just" metal. You should not forget his role in the live shows: he is the one who does most of the stunts while playing!

The first metal keyboardist. At his time, everybody thought only guitar could create a metal sound, but he changed that. He said something like, "If Ritchie Blackmore is going to play his guitar heavily, I need to also play my organ heavy. I need to put toughness into my Hammond organ."
You can see he also created lots of solos with his organ while Ritchie played solos with his guitar.
Show some respect, people. Keyboardists on this list and even this list exist thanks to him.
He introduced the keyboard in metal.

I can't believe no one recognized him on this list. He was with Dream Theater from the beginning, contributing to some of their best albums such as Images and Words. After he left, he became even better.
He might not be renowned for his technique, but his synth patching abilities surpass any other keyboard player I know right now. With OSI, he took his compositions to a whole other level. He is not just about glamour and popularity. He has actual talent.
He may not have as great a discography as other keyboardists, but Kevin is one of the most romantic yet technically and professionally prepared musicians nonetheless. I suggest listening to the differences between his version of "Space Dye Vest" included in his album "Songs Meant to Be Heard" and Dream Theater's version.
Aside from being a great musician, he's very recognizable! You can hear his personality in both Dream Theater and Planet X projects, even if he lets the other band members do their parts.
Maybe his hands are not as fast as Rudess's, but I like his musical style. Every time I listen to his songs (solo album and Planet X), it's like traveling to Antarctica, then it takes me to space.
In my mind, Derek Sherinian and Allan Holdsworth are tied as the musicians who inspire me the most. Inertia and the Planet X albums just do it for me.
He is the reason I decided to finally pick up the keyboard. Not only is his speed amazing, but his stage antics, mobility, presence, and all-around goofiness make him, in my opinion, one of the best.
I think that everyone in Dragonforce doesn't get enough credit for their skill with their instrument.
Best supporting keys, with great background and haunting intros.

This man should NOT be ignored. Listen to Norther's We Rock and then share your opinions.
This guy is so underrated. Listen to him in Darkest Time or Omen! And what is Janne Puurtinen doing in second place?
Tuomas should be in the top 10 positions. Just listen to the songs and solos. He is so, so underrated.
Staropoli is in 26th place?! Who wouldn't love his classical instrument playing from his keyboard in every song of Rhapsody of Fire, and his brilliant keyboard solos in songs like Holy Thunderforce, Raging Starfire, and Sea of Fate? Check him out, and you'll see what I mean!
Simply listen and see why he deserves the top ten.
This was the keyboardist who played on Kalmah's Swamplord. An essential pick for anyone into metal keyboardists.
Listen to the Hollow Heart solo.
Not only is he the best in metal, but he is also perfect in all genres.
The real genius behind the amazing band Ghost. Listen to the live versions of "Genesis" by Ghost. It is mind-blowing.
Air Ghoul - an essential part of the Nameless Ghoul sound machine!
Awesome keyboardist who's way underrated.

Part of the keyboard/turntables duo of Slipknot, he has great atmospheric skill when he plays with Slipknot. He should be more recognized, just like Sid Wilson of Slipknot. Just listen to some of Slipknot's songs, and you'll understand what I'm talking about.
The silent one. I wish they could play their samples live along with the keyboard, but then they'd need a tenth member. Actually, is that such a bad thing? Anyway, Craig rocks.
He is one of the most underrated keyboardists in the world. Although his contribution to Slipknot is extremely recognizable, listen to Vermillion and you will understand his capability.