Top 10 Best Metalcore Songs

The Top Ten
Tears Don't Fall - Bullet for My Valentine

This song has awesome vocals, an awesome chorus, an awesome guitar solo, awesome drums, awesome everything. The world needs songs like this to make it a better place. This song differentiates between true music lovers and the fake. Besides, such creation is only possible by the best.

The most awesome song from the most awesome band. I really doubt the people who created this list listened to this song carefully. This is ear candy for metalcore lovers. It should definitely be in the 1st spot.

THE BEST SONG EVER. Just started listening to metalcore, but I'm in love for the rest of my life. The first song I heard was "Cries in Vain" also from Bullet for My Valentine. I kinda liked it, so I started listening more. Then I found this, and now it's on. Hope it will be #1 soon.

Unholy Confessions - Avenged Sevenfold

What can I say? Well, I hate metalcore. It's kind of strange. I can't listen to Bring Me the Horizon, Asking Alexandria, or Trivium, but Avenged Sevenfold is simply the best. I like Bullet for My Valentine too, but I think A7X is way better. And where is Killswitch Engage? This Fire should be on the list too. That's what I think.

Unholy Confessions is one of the best metalcore songs ever made, but Avenged Sevenfold has already made better music, like Second Heartbeat, the single Not Ready to Die, or even God Hates Us. However, Crossroads is the best metalcore song ever made by Avenged Sevenfold!

Your Betrayal - Bullet for My Valentine

I don't know why so many people hate on this album. Sure, it has a lot more filler than, say, "Scream Aim Fire" and "The Poison," but it still has killer tracks. Your Betrayal might be one of their best songs to date, and it's also a perfect way to open up the album. The chorus is just so damn memorable!

Killer opener from 'Fever.' Fantastic intro, and the following two tracks are just as good.

Parallels - As I Lay Dying

As I Lay Dying is the greatest metalcore band out there today, if not the greatest band in general! Best guitar riffs, best solos, best drumming, best all-around vocals! As I Lay Dying has it all!

Yeah, this song has some pretty idiotic screaming towards the beginning, but about halfway through, even metal haters will love it. Great song! I'm voting for this!

This should be number 1! As I Lay Dying owns all of these bands. Their lyrics, guitar riffs, drum riffs, and vocals are the best! Rock on, As I Lay Dying.

It Never Ends - Bring Me the Horizon

A blasting intro, Oli Sykes screaming intensely, and the female chorus make it one of the most awesome metalcore/screamo songs ever. This song is highly experimental, and the chorus by Oli Sykes adds an epic feel. Certainly, the best by BMTH. It deserves to be number 1. The Final Episode does not match up to this masterpiece.

A lot of their stuff is just super loud, but this song is amazing. Crazy intro, multiple themes in the verses, and the vocals are just amazing. There's no other song on the list like this one.

Pull Harder on the Strings of Your Martyr - Trivium

WHAT? Tears Don't Fall is 1st? Come on, guys, this song is 10,000 miles better than that, and Trivium is by far the best metalcore band in the world, along with As I Lay Dying and All That Remains. Bullet for My Valentine is good, but even Waking the Demon is better than Tears Don't Fall. VOTE FOR THIS!

Simply the best. The riffs, solo, and chorus mix into the greatest metalcore song ever written. There is no contest. Pull Harder reigns supreme.

Lots of good songs on this list. Nevertheless, screw them all compared to this masterpiece.

For the Night - Arcite

Absolutely love these guys! The first time I saw them was the most mind-blowing set I've ever witnessed. Relatable and meaningful lyrics, expertly delivered, clever catchy riffs, epic drumming, and a stomping bass line! All members of the band most definitely get laid! Amazing!

If you have not listened to the album "The Escape Key," trust me when I tell you that you are missing out big time. It's a masterpiece of metalcore.

In Waves - Trivium

Awesome song, awesome album, awesome band. I am a die-hard metalcore fan, so it's really hard to choose whether to vote for A7X, Bullet For My Valentine, As I Lay Dying, BMTH, AA, or Trivium. But, well, Trivium is Trivium. Still, I love most of the songs above and below this one (maybe except Parkway Drive, I still didn't get into their style).

Something different with this song compared to other Trivium songs. Just because this one is different doesn't mean this song is bad. I don't know what word to use, but I think this song is like a "song of death" with the piano music in it. And don't forget Heafy and Corey's guitar solo. So BEST!

Neverland - Demotional

It's awesome. Demotional is a new band, but what they've put into this song shows how talented they are.

While She Sleeps - Four Walls

This song means so much to me and always gives me chills. While She Sleeps, in general, fills up my whole top ten.

I liked this song the first time I heard it. Amazing lyrics, fantastic screams.

The Newcomers

? Pretty on the Outside - Bullet for My Valentine

This is the best song from their third album, in my opinion.

Awesome vocals, awesome lyrics, and awesome instrumentals.

? My Fist, Your Mouth, Her Scars - Bullet for My Valentine

I can't believe how underrated this amazing song is.

The Contenders
My Last Serenade - Killswitch Engage

This is certainly the best metalcore band, closely followed by As I Lay Dying, Shadows Fall, and DevilDriver. I have to say that picking the best song to represent their incredible talent is difficult because you are simply spoiled for choice.

This song shines with quality. The composition is perfect, and the contrast of acoustic melody and badass metal riffs is astounding. It's an impressive piece, along with Rose Of Sharyn, Reject Yourself, My Curse, and Element Of One.

How is IKTPQ higher than this? This is easily the best metalcore song by the best metalcore band.

The Final Episode - Asking Alexandria

Why is this so low? I'm not saying it deserves #1 out of every song or even all those on this list, but it definitely deserves top 5. I mean, this was Danny at his peak, before the whole Death to Destiny issue. And Danny's peak is just glorious.

OMFG! Every metalcore deathcore fan should listen to this song! I'm 100% sure you guys will love it. I love every song on this list, but this one should be in the list. Check out Asking Alexandria too!

This song is amazing. It just makes you want to smash stuff. The amazing drums and screams, then the empowering chorus, make it clear why this song is number 1.

Chapter Four - Avenged Sevenfold

A perfect song from a perfect band. Just because A7X stopped making metalcore doesn't mean their first songs aren't part of the genre. Unholy Confessions, Chapter Four, Second Heartbeat, Eternal Rest, and Remenissions are perfect melodic metalcore examples.

Great intro, amazing backing vocals, epic guitar, and kick-ass drums! Give my comments some thumbs up.

Metalcore fans: Is Chapter Four the best one of the genre?

Me: Absolutely yes.

Illusions - Demotional

This track is simply one of the best melodic metalcore songs I have ever heard, and I have heard a lot. The band is okay, but this track is insanely good. It gets me going in the gym! Eargasm!

Built to Fall - Trivium
This Calling - All that Remains

Why is this song not in the top 5? Come on, people, All That Remains is one of the best and possibly the best band in the world. Competing against Tears Don't Fall? This song would and should be the top 1. No ifs, ands, or buts about it.

Umm, who said best band in the world? This was their last amazing album, in my opinion. Sure, Overcome was great too, but after that, it was downhill for ATR.

This song is amazing though. I had it as my ringtone for a while.

Tears Don't Fall doesn't even compete with this song! This Calling is definitely the best song by ATR and certainly should be in the top 10 best metalcore songs.

Not Ready to Die - Demon Hunter
Two Weeks - All that Remains

It's not very heavy or brutal, but it's really beautiful and catchy, and it can still make you headbang! Wonderful song.

Sleepwalker - Parkway Drive

As an Australian, I am really proud of how famous Parkway Drive has become. The drumming is nothing short of brilliant. The rhythms combined with distortion and the melodic metalcore style raise your blood pressure, get adrenaline rushing, and give you the compelling urge to break down and mosh. I love this song, 10/10 in my opinion! -Justin

Great song. I love how much meaning they put into their songs. It's not just about how brutal their songs can be. I also liked the guitars and drums in this song. The vocals are pretty great too.

Afterlife - Avenged Sevenfold
My Curse - Killswitch Engage

Bullet for My Valentine is alright. Tears Don't Fall is a good song, but nowhere near My Curse. My Curse has way better musicianship, better lyrics, and isn't repetitive like Tears Don't Fall. And why is A7X on this list? And why A7X is placed over KSE is beyond me. Those guys give metalcore a bad name.

This song is a crowd-pleaser! Bloodstock 2022 opened with this song, and the crowd went absolutely nuts! There were fireworks and everything. My Curse is pretty high up on my favorite KSE songs list.

Not my favorite song. However, there is no reason this shouldn't be number 1, and yet BMTH is number 1 at the moment? Seriously?

Duty - Dawn of Justice
Carrion - Parkway Drive

I personally prefer Horizons to this, but it is still easily better than all the songs listed above it. Unholy Confessions isn't even metalcore.

This should be number one for sure. I've been to three of their concerts, and every time they ask the crowd which song to play before we leave, everyone screams CARRION! Proof.

Awesome screams and great chorus! Parkway Drive is one of the best metalcore bands of all time! This is just one of their many great songs.

Black - Trivium
The Last Time - All that Remains

Probably one of my favorite songs by them!

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