Top 10 Metal Songs With Misheard Lyrics
Mishearing or misinterpretation of a phrase is a result of near-homophony, in a way that gives it a new meaning. The listener, being unable to clearly hear a lyric, substitutes words that sound similar, and make some kind of sense.Metal genre is the most prolific source of misheard lyrics for obvious reasons - songs are fast, instruments are loud and words in the lyrics are usually too abstract.

This is my absolute favorite.
Anal sex!
Actual lyric: Innocence!
(And I can't unhear it, LOL.)

This is so funny and made my day. Thanks to whoever added it! I want to see it in the top 5!
I cannot. I hear this no matter what I do.

Version 1: Give me two, give me five, give me a dollar 'n' fifty five!
Version 2: Gimme food! Gimme fries! Gimme salad on the side!
Actual Lyric:
Give me fuel, give me fire, give me that which I desire.
Many people believe that James Hetfield actually says: Gimme Foo, Gimme Fah, Gimme Dabajabazhah! LOL

Opened wide the gay, friend - the King will come.
Actual lyric:
Open wide the gate, friend! The King will come.
Valhalla, the liver runs.
Actual lyric: Valhalla, deliverance.

My name's Tony. I've got some bacon.
Actual Lyric:
Mindless tyranny, forgotten victims.
Haha brilliant! Imagine if you sang the wrong lyrics out loud... Haha.

Next thing you know, they'll take my dogs away.
Actual Lyric:
Next thing you know, they'll take my thoughts away.
I misheard it once as "Next thing you know, they'll take my guns away."

Funny misheard lyrics, but still a great song and Megadeth's best in my opinion.
You try to take his balls.
Actual lyric: You try to take its pulse.

Dreams of dragon's fire and of baked apple pie.
Actual Lyric:
Dreams of dragon's fire and of things that will bite.
Say your prayers, it's a lawn, don't forget my buns, to include everyone!

Haha, I haven't seen this one before. It should be higher (it's a new addition that is currently at number 54).

Can't stop laughing. Thanks for this one, to whoever added it.
The Newcomers

If you want the world, lose your mind.
Actual lyric: If you want the world, use your mind.

Death in the shape of a handsome Italian!
Actual lyric: Death in the shape of a panzer battalion!

I like juice, finish your juice, feel the vitamin substance.
Actual Lyric:
Our light induced, image of truth, filtered blank of its substance.
"I like juice, in a shark suit. Filtered vitamin substance."
"Everything is salmon. Separated one thing at a time."

At 0:48, a lot of people misinterpret "Back at you, subversion!" with the following:
"Pikachu is a Virgin!"
I hope you guys can "unhear" this one. It's just too funny.

And my blunt is my ho now.
Actual lyric: And my blood is my own now.

I personally heard it correctly, but it's a very good addition. Thanks to whoever added it.
Ah, this just came out and already with misheard lyrics?

Controlling bastard, I'll be your mustard! Mustard!
Original Lyrics:
Come crawling faster, obey your master! Master!

1) Rakin' the lawn! Rakin' the lawn!
True lyric:
Breakin' the Law! Breakin' the Law!
2) Brick in the lawn! Brick in the lawn!
True lyric:
Breakin' the Law! Breakin' the Law!

Like broken glass you'll shatter, with flying fish in batter.
Actual Lyric:
Like broken glass you'll shatter, with bloody fists I'll batter.

Fear of the duck, fear of the duck...

All my lipsticks falling into darkness.
Actual lyric: All my instincts falling into darkness.
James LaBrie lipsticks, LOL.

Power roast beef at your door
Feel the stockings.
Original Lyrics:
Power wolves beset your door
Hear them stalking.
This is a great one, LOL. Thanks!

Techno prisoners!

F*** this wh**e.
Actual Lyric: Thought disorder.