Top 10 Metal Songs With Misheard Lyrics

Mishearing or misinterpretation of a phrase is a result of near-homophony, in a way that gives it a new meaning. The listener, being unable to clearly hear a lyric, substitutes words that sound similar, and make some kind of sense.

Metal genre is the most prolific source of misheard lyrics for obvious reasons - songs are fast, instruments are loud and words in the lyrics are usually too abstract.
The Top Ten
Dyer’s Eve - Metallica

This is my absolute favorite.

Anal sex!

Actual lyric: Innocence!

(And I can't unhear it, LOL.)

Wishmaster - Nightwish

This is so funny and made my day. Thanks to whoever added it! I want to see it in the top 5!

I cannot. I hear this no matter what I do.

Fuel - Metallica

Version 1: Give me two, give me five, give me a dollar 'n' fifty five!
Version 2: Gimme food! Gimme fries! Gimme salad on the side!
Actual Lyric:
Give me fuel, give me fire, give me that which I desire.

Many people believe that James Hetfield actually says: Gimme Foo, Gimme Fah, Gimme Dabajabazhah! LOL

Valhalla - Blind Guardian

Opened wide the gay, friend - the King will come.
Actual lyric:
Open wide the gate, friend! The King will come.

Valhalla, the liver runs.

Actual lyric: Valhalla, deliverance.

Die by the Sword - Slayer

My name's Tony. I've got some bacon.
Actual Lyric:
Mindless tyranny, forgotten victims.

Haha brilliant! Imagine if you sang the wrong lyrics out loud... Haha.

Holy Wars... The Punishment Due - Megadeth

Next thing you know, they'll take my dogs away.
Actual Lyric:
Next thing you know, they'll take my thoughts away.

I misheard it once as "Next thing you know, they'll take my guns away."

Symphony of Destruction - Megadeth

Funny misheard lyrics, but still a great song and Megadeth's best in my opinion.

You try to take his balls.

Actual lyric: You try to take its pulse.

Enter Sandman - Metallica

Dreams of dragon's fire and of baked apple pie.
Actual Lyric:
Dreams of dragon's fire and of things that will bite.

Say your prayers, it's a lawn, don't forget my buns, to include everyone!

Neon Knights - Black Sabbath

Haha, I haven't seen this one before. It should be higher (it's a new addition that is currently at number 54).

Bring Your Daughter to the Slaughter - Iron Maiden

Can't stop laughing. Thanks for this one, to whoever added it.

The Newcomers

? The World is Yours - Arch Enemy

If you want the world, lose your mind.

Actual lyric: If you want the world, use your mind.

? Panzer Battalion - Sabaton

Death in the shape of a handsome Italian!

Actual lyric: Death in the shape of a panzer battalion!

The Contenders
Rational Gaze - Meshuggah

I like juice, finish your juice, feel the vitamin substance.
Actual Lyric:
Our light induced, image of truth, filtered blank of its substance.

"I like juice, in a shark suit. Filtered vitamin substance."
"Everything is salmon. Separated one thing at a time."

Psychosocial - Slipknot

At 0:48, a lot of people misinterpret "Back at you, subversion!" with the following:
"Pikachu is a Virgin!"
I hope you guys can "unhear" this one. It's just too funny.

Painkiller - Judas Priest
The Prisoner - Iron Maiden

And my blunt is my ho now.

Actual lyric: And my blood is my own now.

Hardwired - Metallica

I personally heard it correctly, but it's a very good addition. Thanks to whoever added it.

Ah, this just came out and already with misheard lyrics?

Master of Puppets - Metallica

Controlling bastard, I'll be your mustard! Mustard!
Original Lyrics:
Come crawling faster, obey your master! Master!

Breaking the Law - Judas Priest

1) Rakin' the lawn! Rakin' the lawn!
True lyric:
Breakin' the Law! Breakin' the Law!

2) Brick in the lawn! Brick in the lawn!
True lyric:
Breakin' the Law! Breakin' the Law!

Doris - Suicide Silence
Ten Ton Hammer - Machine Head

Like broken glass you'll shatter, with flying fish in batter.
Actual Lyric:
Like broken glass you'll shatter, with bloody fists I'll batter.

Fear of the Dark - Iron Maiden

Fear of the duck, fear of the duck...

These Walls - Dream Theater

All my lipsticks falling into darkness.

Actual lyric: All my instincts falling into darkness.

James LaBrie lipsticks, LOL.

And Justice for All - Metallica

Power roast beef at your door
Feel the stockings.
Original Lyrics:
Power wolves beset your door
Hear them stalking.

This is a great one, LOL. Thanks!

Take No Prisoners - Megadeth

Techno prisoners!

Voices - Dream Theater

F*** this wh**e.

Actual Lyric: Thought disorder.

The Number of the Beast - Iron Maiden
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