Top Ten Most Badass Female Movie Characters

Ellen Ripley, Warrant Officer of the USCSS Nostromo, Lieutenant First Class, and Slayer of Xenomorphs. There's a reason why Sigourney Weaver, her actor, is considered the Queen of Sci-Fi.
This one is not even close. She outsmarts the enemy along the way instead of just being stronger.

Katniss is not overrated, horribly acted, and boring! Katniss is strong, determined, and very brave!

Definitely number one! Did you see all the badass people she killed over two movies? Sometimes she would be fighting a whole room full and come out on top.
Silly rabbit, tricks are for kids.
All jokes aside, watch her battle with the Crazy 88. That one scene sums up the character.

Black Widow is my favorite character in Marvel! So sad she died!
Black Widow is one of my favorite Marvel superheroes.
"Hey sailor." Proceeds to kick ass.

"Somebody has to save our skins," Leia said as she effortlessly made three Star Wars icons jump into a garbage chute. So, yeah, I think you get a pretty good idea of how high her badass level is. Oh, and that was after enduring an hour of torture from Vader (her birth father, as it turns out) and watching her entire home planet get blown up.
Preach for Leia, the princess, rebel, general, and icon of all the icons!
She rescued Han Solo. She killed Jabba The Hutt. She is feisty, sassy, savvy, and strong. She makes sure she gets her way and does not take crap from anybody. She knows what she is doing. This is a princess you cannot mess with!

Most badass moment: this 11-year-old girl appears at the bad guys' hideout in a schoolgirl outfit, and Enrico Morricone music starts playing in the background, so you feel it coming. She calmly kills the three adult male guards, including an ice-cold finish shot.
The shootout at the bad guy's place is choreographed identically to a scene from one of the Clint Eastwood "Dollars" movies, right down to the music. She is channeling "the Man with No Name," who Eastwood later revealed to be "The Angel of Death."

In my opinion, Hermione is the greatest wizard of her time. Harry Potter has a legacy and managed to escape from dangers most of the time by luck. However, Hermione has no legacy. Her parents are 'muggles,' I think, and she is the best at spells. How many times has she saved Harry? So, my vote is for Hermione Granger.
She's the brainy girl who knows every spell and was able to escape a Death Eater! And she's no pushover witch, either! She can fight!

Nam-joo is a good archer with a relatable character flaw in that she's too hesitant for her own good. Despite this, she's smart enough to evade the authorities and takes on a giant monster to try and save her niece.
The Newcomers

Her amazing comebacks such as "Dodge this." Or "Touch me, and that hand will never touch anything again."
When she was driving the motorcycle...

She can beat about 20 Zapata soldiers with her bare hands. Now that's badass.

Officer Starling deserves to be higher on this list by a long shot. She survives the psychological manipulation of Hannibal Lecter several times, defeats a notorious serial killer, and defies the system by proving that she can excel in a male-dominated field.
Why is Clarice #62 on this list? She should have the highest rank. She can beat a serial killer who skins his victims, confront another serial killer without losing her sanity, and she's so smart. She has a tragic past. She's the most badass female character.

She's much tougher than she seems.

She should be higher than Katniss. She fights people even when she's broken apart (spoilers). She fights Grewishka, gets torn apart, and still fights him. She fights even though everyone is against her. She should definitely be higher than some girl with a bow and arrow and Rey. Also, she has way more character than most of this list.
Alita is more of a badass character than Captain Marvel.

Most badass lady vampire ever.

First of all, she is immortal but can die in battle. In the first movie, she takes on the nine Black Riders at the river ford, which are among the most powerful entities in existence, and literally washes them away (albeit temporarily).