Top 10 Best Actors to Play Christian Grey
New York Times bestseller "Fifty Shades of Grey" is an amazing book. Never have I ever been interested in a story involving S&M, but WOW! Such an amazing story, I finished it in two days, could not put it down.A movie series was created based on the Grey series starring Jamie Dornan as Christian Grey, but not everyone loved the casting choice. Which actor do you feel would have been the best choice to play the titular character?

Matt is the full package. He has the brilliant talents to pull it off easily, as well as all the physical attributes needed for the role. I hate to say it - sorry all you Ian lovers - but Ian is just too skinny to be a fit, muscular kickboxing Dom! Gabriel just looks a bit too old to play a suave 27-year-old, whereas Matt looks quite youthful. I would sell a kidney to see Matt Bomer with my own eyes in the Red Room!
When I was reading the book, he was the one I pictured in my head. I didn't even know him, then I saw the fake trailer on the internet with Matt and Alexis, and I thought it was perfect, even better than what I was imagining in my mind. Matt is not only handsome and a total Grey, but he is also a great actor. Watching him in White Collar is fantastic. I really hope Matt could play Christian Grey.
Even at 40, Gabriel looks young enough for the part! Not just hot but beautiful, and he should be number one. Ian Somerhalder is not a good choice. I don't know where people are getting this from. Ian is hot but totally not Christian. He is too well-known for The Vampire Diaries. It would be hard to associate him with anything else.
They should go with someone brand new or somewhat new who hasn't really got their name out there yet. Gabriel isn't that known. He'd be a perfect cast. Taylor Kitsch could be another good one. His deep sexy voice definitely comes off as dominating, and he has model beauty for sure.

The look is perfect. I haven't seen The Vampire Diaries, but given someone's description of how his pants hung off his hips, he sounds like the perfect fit. Someone I know said Bradley Cooper, but I just watched a movie with him, and he's too nice. His voice is very friendly, not edgy enough!
I agree with what others say. He's the whole package. Ian Somerhalder is Christian Grey. The difference is their names but the same whole personality! Perfect for Christian's role. He has the look, the body, and the attitude! I swear I won't watch the movie if it isn't Ian Somerhalder!

Perfect height, right color of hair, and is able to do the hot and sexy things that will be asked.
He's got the Do Sensitive thing down, not to mention the attitude and looks to pull this off.
Oh my... He is perfect for this role. Just the right amount of bad boy!
He is cute. If you look at him, you cannot decide whether he is a good or a bad guy. This is what makes him the perfect actor for playing Christian. On top of that, he is well-built and handsome, and I would be grateful to see him in this film with his fetching eyes.
His eyes say it all. He has those perfect piercing eyes. His previous roles prove that he can take on just about everything that is thrown at him, and his whole appearance is gorgeous. He is Christian Grey.
I am watching Burlesque, and Cam is perfect! He has eyes that could give a stare to make you melt or squirm (in Twilight, the intensity). Not to mention he has a beautiful body!

I love Henry all the way. Vote for him. His expression, style, gesture, body, and all the things. Couldn't get any better! He deserves a good movie because he's such a great actor and has a good personality. I can't wait for another performance from him.
This is definitely the one. I have no idea who he is, but he is the perfect age and sexy enough to play this role. The book makes Christian sound smoldering, dark, sexy, and mysterious. Henry Cavill seems to be all of those.
Henry can do businesslike, sexy, domineering, and sweet, and his body fits the likes of Christian. He fits every description of Christian, and judging by his character performance on The Tudors, he has no problem with domineering sex scenes.

I read all three books with this man in mind. I don't know why, but I think he just personifies him entirely. He's one of the only men I can picture who can pull off all of Christian Grey's moods and shocking behaviors and still be incredibly sexy.
I too envisioned Bradley many times as I was reading the book. However, he seems almost too soft and sweet for some of Christian's "harsher" moments. But he is an amazing actor, so I don't put anything past him and his hotness.
If they cast Grey as an older guy, then Bradley Cooper would be perfect! Ever since I started reading the books, he is the man that I have envisioned Christian Grey would look like. Very sexy!

Right age, perfect body, and an amazing actor in every movie he's done. Perfect for the part. I actually pictured him the whole time I was reading the books.

I believe Tom would be perfect for the part because he has the balance of sweetness and being a complete gentleman, but at the same time, he is very sensual and seductive in his looks and body language. Also, he is extremely intelligent and witty, which just adds to the whole package.
He has this natural dominance about him and somehow can appear to be so innocent and completely guilty at the same time, and he knows it. He's devious, sexy, and mysterious, both in his character and looks.
I am a Submissive, and of all the choices here, I feel William Levy would hit the nail on the head. Without effort, he could portray both sides of Christian Grey. I look back at his Latin Tango on DWTS when Carrie Ann stated he looked like the Latin James Bond.
I feel William Levy could easily be the corporate controlling young businessman as well as the vulnerable tortured Christian Grey. William Levy not only is as beautiful as Anastasia views him, but has those piercing eyes that could burn right through you, making you tremble in fear or orgasm with a glance. I'd be naughty every day to take a spanking from him. *sly grin* William Levy has my vote all the way.
The Newcomers

He's a little too old to play this part, and he doesn't have the perfect beauty of Christian Grey. However, as seen in Shame, he can play a dark sexual role with no hesitation, and as seen in Jane Eyre, he can be lovely in a non-sugary way at the same time. I don't know if the other candidates could walk in Grey's shoes as deeply as him.
Absolutely perfect fit! Looks good in a suit and naked. Unknown enough so you don't have other associations. Must have some mystery to play Grey.
Watch the York Peppermint Patty commercial and tell me this guy is not ideal for this part! He's got the Christian Grey look in spades!

Saw him on One Tree Hill, and he was intimidating. He has that what are you gonna do to me thing going on for him. I think he could pull this off.
Just saw Matt in Hatfields & McCoys, and was thinking he would be perfect for the Christian Grey role.
Nobody else could be more perfect for Christian Grey than Colin Egglesfield. He has "it." If Ian is cast as Grey, the movie will be ruined for me. He seems like a child to me for some reason. Colin, please!

I would love to see him do something very different from any of his previous work. I think he would do a great job with the role. However, I'm not sure it is a role he would accept at this time. Hopefully, he will be given the opportunity to show his true talent in a role that will receive a great deal of notice.

He would be so hot as Christian Grey. I know this post is old, and Jamie Dornan has already been cast (he did a great job), but I would love to see Paul Wesley as Christian. He can clearly do it!
Just look at his hair! He is the right age too. Not too old to play the part. He has a great physique!

It certainly would have been funny to see a 49-year-old, high-pitched, ginger-haired, specky four-eyes try to make out with someone half his age.