Top Ten Best Detective Movies
As a Sherlockian, I was a bit puzzled about which story of Arthur Conan Doyle it would relate to. This film dazzled me. Thanks to Guy Ritchie for making it. This particular plot is not from Sir Doyle's corpus, but it justifies in the best possible way what Sherlock Holmes was.
Acting was splendiferous!
My favorite character is also Sherlock Holmes. The acting of Robert Downey Jr. and Jude Law is very impressive. I give five stars to this movie. It's an awesome movie. It must be seen by everyone. Please, please, please watch it.
Great movie! This should definitely be higher than number 10. It deserves better. Since this is one of the best detective movies out there, it should be number 1 or barely number 2! But surely, many people who haven't seen this film, a lot more than those who have seen Sherlock Holmes, just vote for Sherlock.
Good atmosphere, story, and twist at the end. All the actors deliver great performances. A must-see for anybody, anywhere.
It's an incredible movie! It's got Morgan Freeman and Brad Pitt, how can you beat that?
THE ONLY WAY you can keep up with this movie is by rewind and review! You won't get it if you watch it all the way through without interruption. Well, that's my opinion anyway! I'm in my late 60s now and just got around to viewing it about 10 years ago, and it blew me away. I instantly became a fan of Bogart after multiple decades of wondering why his adoration seemed timeless. He was absolutely off the charts in this movie. I remember hearing only Jack Nicholson could do any Bogart remakes, and that's a big negative! I doubt there will ever be a remake of this movie. You will never improve on it, never! I only wish the young murder mystery fans will check it out!
Based on the famous detective, this horrible, mysterious novel has been improved in the movie with its portrayal of murder and a violent childhood. Palpitating!
This is by far the best detective movie. Think about the complex plot, all the way to the twist at the end. It's excellent.
Chinatown is the greatest. Period.
This movie just 'overthrows' its previous sequel. The storyline is more complicated and complex but also very genius and smart, with plenty of comedy scenes too. Holmes and Watson's relationship is more 'intensified' here.
And this movie also convinces me more that Robert Downey Jr. is very suitable for playing Sherlock Holmes. People say that he is not good just because Robert is American, not British like the rest of the actors who have played Holmes. I love Robert Downey Jr. because of his role as Sherlock Holmes. He doesn't look smart from his appearance, but deep down, he has the most genius mind that ever existed. That's why, to me, Robert Downey Jr. is the most perfect Sherlock Holmes.
A great movie! It's not just a cheap detective story. It's a deep, very tender, and philosophical thing. The X-Files is the best!
Do I really need to say why? I mean, Mulder, Scully, does anybody need anything else? I don't think so! I need them back!
One of the best movies with a double plot! Great character storyline between Mulder and Scully! Love them!
The Newcomers
Essentially a detective film with sci-fi trappings. Hell, one of the main characters is an NYPD detective.
Will Smith and Martin Lawrence make such comedy magic. Who needs Janet Scott and Rachael Bailey when you can have Mike Lowery and Marcus Burnett?
I laughed my way through the whole film! It's amazing!