Top Ten Best Movies of the 1990s

The Top Ten
Forrest Gump

Made the line "Run, Forrest! Run!" very famous and possibly Tom Hanks's greatest role in a movie to date.

Toy Story

Changed CGI forever and made Disney great again after a disappointing decade in the 1980s.

Amazing movie. One of the most revolutionary.

Pulp Fiction

This is a well-directed movie with an excellent screenplay and chronology. Music makes every scene good. Also, there is great dialogue and the roles are very, very good. One of my favorite movies.

You can't know the facts until you know the fiction.

Easily the best of the 90s and one of the best ever.


I love films that just tell a story, and I think this list really reflects that. There is really no judgment in most of the films on this list. They don't have an alternative motive. They are just fantastic stories.

The Shawshank Redemption

Riddle me this. How is it that this movie is #7 on the best 90s movies list but #3 on the best movies of all time list on the same website? And this is definitely the best movie ever.

A little bit overrated on IMDb. But it's one hell of a movie. Probably the best prison movie.

Saving Private Ryan

Used to be my favorite movie, before watching The Green Mile.

Jurassic Park

Definitely my pick. The action was great, the comedy was great, and the dinosaurs looked so badass.

Definitely one of the all-time best movies of all time.

Terminator 2: Judgment Day

Terminator 2: Review

Well, since it's 1994 and there aren't much in the way of special effects... 93% on Rotten Tomatoes. I can't decide which one is better, Genisys or Judgment Day, because they used too much action and Arnold being silly. But in Judgment Day, I like everything about it. Really a good movie, 10/10.

Machines could one day take control of the world if mankind is not careful with those things. The movie is a warning of that...

The Green Mile

Best movie ever! (for me).

Update: I said, for me.

Toy Story 2

The Newcomers

? Postcards from the Edge
? Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves
The Contenders
Schindler's List

The shame of the Second World War is realistically shown in this great movie.

The Silence of the Lambs
The Matrix

It's not my favorite series, but the first movie was great. And it's definitely the most influential movie of the 90s. Everyone started copying the way they did their SFX.

Should be #1. A very awesome movie recommended for action movie fans and recommended for Keanu Reeves's fans.

This is one movie that could actually be true. Who knows? We all could be dreaming.

Fight Club

I'm sorry, but how is this not in the top ten? Hell, it should even be in the top 5 at least.

Never break the first two rules. A classic and easily one of my favorite movies.

Love this movie. Will always love it. It gets some undeserved hate.

The Lion King

Titanic, although overrated, the effects of the time cannot be ignored and the drama is unforgettable.

Beauty and the Beast

This is the best Disney movie ever made, better than all the rest I must say!

Reservoir Dogs

Tarantino's first directorial effort was fantastic, although ultimately I value it below Pulp Fiction. Both films are great.

Men In Black

Probably the most hauntingly atmospheric thriller ever made.

I like this movie more than Forrest Gump.

Star Wars - Episode I, The Phantom Menace

Most underrated Star Wars movie of all time. People need to stop judging it because of Jar Jar Binks. The movie had great music, visual effects, and memorable characters. My favorite scene was the pod race scene when Anakin won the race. So far this and Episode 7 had the highest box offices in the series. Don't listen to the haters. If there is a Star Wars movie to hate, it is Episode 2: Attack of the Clones.

Although not achieving much critical acclaim, the movie was a box office success.

The Star Wars prequel trilogy starting movie with the unforgettable race scene.

Edward Scissorhands
The Big Lebowski

The Big Lebowski is my favorite movie of all time. It should be in the top 5 at least, and should honestly make the top 3. Absolute classic.

Why is this so low? I thought it would be in the top 10. Easily one of the best from the 90s.

My third favorite, behind Pulp Fiction and Goodfellas.

Independence Day

Considered by most to be the best disaster film of all time. Also stars Will Smith, which propelled him to stardom after this film's success.

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