Top 10 Best Movies of 1993
Hanks and Washington were both fantastic.
This movie should've at least been nominated for Best Picture. It is a timeless classic that can be enjoyed by the whole family. Steven Spielberg nails this movie.
What can I say? Everyone else said it for me. The most epic movie in 65 million years! The best ever - an epic tale of not messing with the laws of nature!
Why the heck did Schindler's List win Best Picture when it wasn't even in color? Great movie, but Jurassic Park is better in my opinion.
One of the best and most influential films ever made. Liam Neeson, Ralph Fiennes, and Ben Kingsley were all amazing. Neeson and Fiennes were both robbed of the Oscar.
A powerful film about the Holocaust.
This was ahead of its time.
One of the best, if not the best, performances by Leonardo DiCaprio. His only competition that year was Ralph Fiennes for Schindler's List, and he didn't even win.
What is it doing here at 16?
Surely the best of 1993.
The Newcomers
They look like 7th and 8th graders... Looks like they're in the 5th grade. Anyway, the movie was great, and baseball is my favorite sport.
Better than its trash sequel. The lifeguard scene was the best scene in the movie.
This movie was great.
I don't get the hate. The movie is fantastic!