Top 10 Hottest Male Actors

He is super! Very beautiful and talented actor. I've seen all films with him (about 40) and I don't like only one of them.
Jonathan's work is very serious and difficult, and his characters are very different. It's amazing!
I think he's so hot. He's got a great personality. He's walked past my shop before and responded to my hello and gave me a winning smile. Made my day.
Oh, thank the Lord! I'm not the only one who thought he was a major hottie! His eyes, his jawline, his everything...

I am a total Depphead! Johnny Depp is the hottest, most amazing actor ever, and it is a crime that he has not received an Oscar. An Oscar should receive a Johnny Depp.
I've seen all of his movies, and to this day, I don't have one bad thing to say about any of the roles he has portrayed.
He's been hot for three decades now! There are many good-looking actors out there, but they all seem to look alike, while Johnny's beauty is unique.
I didn't have to think about this twice. Come on, Capt. Jack Sparrow! I fell in love with Johnny Depp when I first saw Pirates of the Caribbean. And Johnny Depp made pirates sexy!

Leo in his prime is so absolutely stunning it's unreal. Six feet tall, best jawline ever seen on screen, sexy eyes, nose, smile, and hair. I mean, just look at him.
Deserves to be number one. Killer looks, great actor, does not get the appreciation he deserves.
Smart, sexy, stylish, and one hell of a good actor! Definitely my number one!

Well, duh. That's all I have to say about that. Yep, he's hot, and I'm just typing until the requirement lets me post. So, yep. Oh, come on! Thank you.
Thank you! The only thing is Orlando should be number one. But hey, three is good. (He is number one in my book, though.)
Oh my gosh! He is such a good actor and has a gorgeous face!

Chris is not only handsome, but I love his lighthearted attitude. He's not a typical Hollywood egoist. He has fun in his roles and doesn't overact.
The Marvel Cinematic Universe should be renamed Marvel Sexy Universe. Chris Hemsworth, Robert Downey Jr., Sebastian Stan, and Chris Evans are too many sexy men to make a case.
My new number 1 hottie. My number 1 was RDJ, but sadly he doesn't look hot anymore. So now, Chris Hemsworth goes to my first spot.

Look up the song "Colder Weather" by The Zac Brown Band. Before there was The Hunger Games, there was this music video that will never stop melting my heart.
I have the biggest crush on him. He HAS to be number one. He is so hot. He is my first celeb crush.
Hunger Games is all I'm going to say. I can't wait to see this movie. TEAM GALE! Ha ha ha.

Bradley Cooper is very hot and way better than Johnny Depp and Brad Pitt. All the guys up top are nothing compared to Bradley Cooper.
He's so hot I'm gonna marry him. I love him.

He should totally be number one! He's so hot!
Literally the hottest man ever!

Really worried about some of your eyesight. This list is supposed to be hottest actors, and Jensen Ackles is smoking hot. Seriously, his facial proportions fit Leonardo da Vinci's perfect face proportions. His eyes are gorgeous sparkly green, and his lips make even straight guys want to kiss him.
At 6'1" and about 180, he's well-built too - not too thin, not beefy - an athlete's build. Now add in that the guy can dance, plays the guitar, and has a sweetly sexy singing voice.
Getting kind of concerned with some people's eyesight. He is the sexiest man. Look at his gorgeous eyes, his hair, his jaw. Notice the fact that his face fits perfectly with Leonardo da Vinci's perfect face structure.
His ass is amazing, and I love him for him. It doesn't even have to be about looks because he is kind and nice. He's a great actor, director, and singer. He can play guitar. He's perfect.
The Newcomers

This list is a joke if it is about the all-time best-looking actors. I had to add Mr. Alain Delon, who, along with the young Mel Gibson, was the best-looking male I had ever seen on the silver screen.
You all should look at the entire history of movies, not just the past few decades.

Those eyes, those lips, that aquiline nose. He was remarkably handsome.

Always had a bit of a crush on Heath Ledger. I don't know why, and I'm actually quite surprised he makes the list. Yeah! I'm not the only one to think he's hot!
I have a crush on him because he looks like Edward Kenway! I'm a gamer girl, and as soon as I saw this guy, I fell in love.
So sad to have lost him. Such a great actor.

Such an effortlessly sensual man. So unassuming, yet so gorgeous!
Not only is he so hot, but he also is really good at learning music. He played all of his piano parts in La La Land by himself, which certainly adds to the hotness factor.

He is so hot! And so good looking!

Nothing to say. He is just too good.

Mason was amazing in Teen Wolf and is super hot!

How can you not look at him and think, "What a stud?"

Wonderfully emotionally expressive in his roles, even when he's warbling at you barely an inch away from the camera.
Are you kidding me? He's the hottest of them all.

Nice body in Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith, and cute, but kind of childlike. Should be in the Top 10.
Fantastic! Not only cute in looks but in personality! We love you, Hayden! #Hayden4ever

He's cute and personable, and I still think he has beautiful eyes.
Yes. I almost fainted. My parents wouldn't let me watch his movies again.

If I were to wake up one day with Channing Tatum telling me we were married and have no recollection of ever even meeting him, I wouldn't question it (like in The Vow). I would just simply say "Okay"!
He's such a hottie. He should so be #1! Please vote for him!
I hated the ending to Dear John. How could you leave a guy that looks like Channing Tatum for someone two times your age?
Channing Tatum is the hottest man alive, but it was a close call between him and Taylor Lautner. You gotta admit!
I have to say that Channing Tatum isn't my favorite out of all of these people, but he is perfect. He is so handsome, very muscular, can dance, has a really nice smile that makes him look so innocent, and he was in Magic Mike.