Top Ten Least Scary Horror Movie Series
These horror series just aren't as scary as they are intended to be and usually come of as either laughably bad or downright terrible. I've tried to include series in which all the entries are considered bad, which is why you're not seeing Friday the 13th or Elm Street here - since they actually have good movies.So, these horror movies completely miss the point of the genre: actual horror. So let us count down the Top Ten Least Scary Horror Series.

None of these films are scary. As long as you remember it's just Warwick Davis dressed in green doing something ridiculous, it completely removes any terror this film may have once held - if it held any in the first place.
We have the first four films, and they already gave up and put him in space for the fourth film, having him come out of someone's privates. The third film is set in Vegas, which is a pretty good setting, and then there are the first two, which are just Leprechaun shenanigans.
The In the Hood movies and Origins aren't any better and certainly aren't any scarier. They just get more ridiculous as the films continue.

Child's Play is the most iconic out of all the series on this list. The reason I deem it not scary is the same reason Leprechaun is not scary.
Chucky becomes more embarrassing as the films continue. Even though the first two are really good movies, they are nowhere near scary because killer dolls don't really creep me out... unless it's Puppet Master.
It is a great movie and a staple of '80s horror, but Chucky himself has a rather comedic personality, which makes the whole thing a lot less scary and an accessible movie for people who want to get into the horror genre.

The "Silent Night, Deadly Night" series is not that good at all, really. In fact, it's laughably bad.
It's not a scary movie series whatsoever, especially the sequel with its over-exaggerated main antagonist. "Garbage Day" is probably one of the most iconic horror quotes of all time, and I hate that. It just isn't a scary series whatsoever.

They have eight movies, with a ninth coming out this year. This franchise has been milked to the brim, and all of it came from a decent short story. There is no need for eight sequels.
The movies themselves aren't much better. They don't do anything scary in them at all. It's children - how bad can they be?

Ah yes, Jaws. I may get some disagreement here, but I never found the first film scary at all. It's outdated a ton.
It still is an absolutely great movie, don't get me wrong, but it's not as scary as it was in the '70s. Then we have the other three movies, with no redeeming qualities whatsoever. They aren't scary at all - a complete failure in my eyes.

Bad CGI effects, one-dimensional characters, and the overall ridiculousness kill my enjoyment of these movies. The fear factor is completely demolished.
It's laughably bad, and it just makes paranoid nutjobs even more paranoid, which I do not approve of.

Critters is basically a rip-off of Gremlins, except it's more classed in the horror film genre than a borderline horror film like Gremlins.
Anyway, these little furballs don't exactly give me the fear, and who can blame me? These little critters went to space, and it was just not terrifying whatsoever. In fact, all the movies are scarily bad!
These movies are plain bad. The first one had an eeriness to it which was enjoyable, but after that, it became some spooky ghost shenanigans that don't come near to scary.
They used to pump these out every year, and somehow they got people to scream. I'm not sure if it's real or if those people are really soft, but whatever - my point stands: these films are not scary.
The Newcomers

It's ridiculous how this series even managed to become one, considering how laughably bad the first one was. It was a talentless, low-budget disaster that tried to bank off of the success of Friday the 13th but only succeeded in being the only movie I've ever seen that thought orange was a good color for fake blood.
There isn't a single aspect of the original that works, and it's baffling how it managed to get sequel after sequel.