Top 10 Best Marvel Movies Not in the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU)

When you think about Marvel movies nowadays, you think about a movie in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. However, some people are starting to forget about the movies set outside of the MCU. What do you think is the best non-MCU Marvel movie?
The Top Ten

While I was a bit uncomfortable with some of the same things you were disgusted by, it did not ruin the overall effort of this film. I like it very much, and it's hilariously offensive at worst. Great production value overall, so I guess I'm a part of the gang you refer to.

Deadpool 2

Again, hilarious. That team is so funny, and the interview process will stick with me for a long time. Great stuff.

It was SO hilarious and considerably better than the first one, in my opinion.

The Amazing Spider-Man 2

This movie has many flaws, but also many great things that people don't give enough credit for, in my opinion.


This should be first. Raimi's Spider-Man movies are great, but the realism in this one is unmatchable. The plot is very good too, and there is no need to say the acting is great as well. This masterpiece is a must-see, and not only for Marvel fans.

A very conclusive ending to what, in my opinion, is the best series of superhero movies ever made.

Spider-Man: Into The Spider-Verse

It's a shame you haven't seen this, especially in the theatre. It's visually stunning with a great score as well. Beyond that, I had a great time getting into the story. All this from a movie I thought I wouldn't like, so that's my two cents.

My favorite Spider-Man movie. The animation is great, and it shows so much emotion. While I don't find Spider-Man: Homecoming bad, it is far inferior to this movie.

The only decent movie on this list, with the possible exception of X-Men: Apocalypse and Deadpool.

The Amazing Spider-Man

The first Spider-Man movie I saw, and I thought it was enjoyable.


Long before the Avengers and their character arcs were even thoughts, Tobey Maguire became Spider-Man courtesy of Sony. Spider-Man is a simple movie but good nonetheless. Its simplicity and the story implied throughout the trilogy make it fascinating, even if James Franco (who ironically is three years younger than Tobey) looked a wee bit too old.

Yes, I agree. These Sam Raimi films are my favorites of the Spideys, and there's always something special about the opener of any series of films. Add in a great villain, a beautiful female lead, and great sets, and there's nothing left to chance. I really like this film and go back to it frequently.

Spider-Man 2

Although it's a 16-year-old movie, Spider-Man 2 is still one of the best superhero movies to date.

I'd more than likely have this one at the top too. As you explain, so would I concur. It's a fun movie.

I love the Sam Raimi trilogy overall. And the second movie might have my vote for the best one.

Spider-Man 3

This one is the best in my opinion (haven't seen Spider-Verse yet). I like the dark and edgy tone, and the villains are all good. It was just so enjoyable.

Big Hero 6

The Newcomers

? The Punisher (1989)

I have always wanted to see this particular Punisher movie. It's very hard to find, though, but Dolph Lundgren probably made a cool Punisher.

(Also, why is Men in Black on this list? Is there something I'm missing?)

? The Punisher (2004)
The Contenders
The Wolverine

I like this one too. More character development than the usual superhero fare, and less dependence on CGI.

Cool sequel. Not as great as the original, if memory serves, but great nonetheless.

X-Men: Days of Future Past

Creepy but cool.

X-Men First Class

Fassbender's Magneto is my favorite character here, and it is a star-studded cast. If only I hadn't seen Ian McKellen's Magneto first, because that character is iconic to me. In hindsight, Fassbender did a great job in a nearly unwinnable situation.

This is my favorite X-Men movie, which really says a lot considering it is my favorite superhero movie franchise.

This movie did a great job of showing the X-Men's backstory, and we got to see more of Magneto.

The Incredible Hulk

Really like it, just picks up where X1 left off with a seamless transition.

Really good movie. I love it as much as the first one.

X-Men: The Last Stand
X-Men Origins: Wolverine

I don't think it's nearly as bad as many here seem to, nor do I think it's a great movie. It's just a decent movie with plenty of flaws to explore if I were to take it too seriously, but I don't. It wasn't a bad way to waste time.

Aside from the Spider-Man trilogy, this is easily a favorite from outside the MCU.


I have yet to see this, but Venom was always one of the coolest-looking characters in comics. I'm also a fan of Tom Hardy, so this one's a no-brainer. I just gotta get on it. And yes, I even liked Tobey Maguire and Topher Grace as Venom in 3. He's just such a menacing-looking character.

Fantastic Four (2005)
Ghost Rider

Out of the two Ghost Rider movies, this one is the best. I've watched it multiple times, and it's a favorite of mine.


This movie is very hated, and I cannot understand the reason. I personally liked it. It has a decent plot and good performances. I liked Colin Farrell's performance a lot! The effects were good too, and the scenery was respectful to the setting of the comics. Very underrated.

It's another case where I like it better than many seem to. It's been a while, but Ben Affleck isn't terrible in this, and Colin Farrell and Michael Clarke Duncan are really good bad guys.

Very fun movie. I'm glad Daredevil got his own movie.

Once Upon a Deadpool

I love this movie. I've always preferred the X-Men over the Avengers. This film introduced the characters very well and made me excited to see more.

Great film. Every character is so well-cast, and we have empathy for the villains. Well-paced and crafted story. Just about perfect.

This movie was great and an amazing way to introduce the awesome X-Men franchise.

X Men: Apocalypse
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