Top 10 Worst Kids Movies of All Time

I honestly blame Bo Welch, the director of the movie. Believe it or not, a lot of the dirty humor and innuendos were going to be in the live-action Grinch movie, but at least Ron Howard put his foot down and limited the inappropriate content (even if it is still colder, darker, and creepier than the original book).
Plus, DreamWorks being on board with The Cat (and not The Grinch) likely didn't help given its reputation. In contrast to popular opinion, I don't think this movie singlehandedly killed Mike Myers' career. Prior to the start of production, Myers actively distrusted Hollywood and the film industry as a whole, so his career was already on the way out (minus the Shrek series). The Cat in the Hat was merely the final nail in the coffin.
I voted for this movie so I could post this rant, by the way.

This movie should be number 1. The animators apparently can't make a cat model, so they instead made a creepy annoying weaboo girl with cat whiskers and ears who fell in love with some ugly dog. What the heck?
This movie has a lot of adult jokes, horrible animation, disgusting color schemes, terrible voice acting, too many fillers, and was just a horrible movie in general.
If the original 2003 version wasn't stolen, we wouldn't have gotten this abomination. If you haven't seen it, watch Nostalgia Critic and JonTron's reviews of this.

I think this movie is a huge waste of time with pointless scenes, disgusting images, bad acting, and it's poorly written. It's poorly acted. Everything about it is crap. Just totally crap.
Who the hell on this earth will think this is a good movie for kids? Hell, even a good movie for adults. My advice: never show this to your kid or to yourself because you'll be scarred for life!
Potentially the worst kids' movie ever. I haven't seen the whole movie, but from what I've seen, it's a mess. It tries to use gross humor, but it just ends up being disgusting, with terrible acting, special effects, and morals that make no sense.
Just read the Rotten Tomatoes reviews and you'll see what I mean.

With kids' characters, we need ones that not only young kids like, but ones that older kids, teens, and adults can like. This dinosaur is the complete opposite of that.
"I hate you, you hate me, let's take Barney to the guillotine. With a great big tug and when the axe falls, no more purple dinosaur."
Barney is the worst. In this movie, there was a kid who stepped in cow poop during the Old MacDonald Had a Farm song.
Barney's Great Adventure is the 5th worst movie I've ever seen, behind only Thomas and the Magic Railroad, Transformers: The Last Knight, Super Mario Bros. (1993), and Chuck E. Cheese in the Galaxy 5000.

This movie is such a shameful rip-off of other movies like Finding Nemo and Karate Kid. But let's take away the fact it's a rip-off and look at the film as a stand-alone... IT'S STILL A MISERABLE ABOMINATION.
The movie has animation on par with Foodfight (it's that bad). The story is cliché but also ridiculous and boring. The characters have no likability and are just stereotypes. The humor is even worse than the ice puns in Batman & Robin. And there is ACTUALLY A SEQUEL TO THIS MOVIE?! Oh yes, there is, and it sucks as well.
How did this one get a sequel? That's like how The Legend of the Titanic got a sequel. It's just stupid.
Why did they even make this a movie?! They say it's to show how kids are on their phones these days, but that doesn't make sense! During the movie, it's all about this one emoji who is different (cliché) because he can't make the right face. And the "user" of the phone only really uses the phone in the movie to text three times... THREE TIMES!
The plot was terrible. Anytime they'd dance or say something that I think was supposed to be a joke, it would make me cringe (especially the dance at the end!). God... People are running out of ideas.

I HATE Justin Bieber. He's an absolute nut. And why on Earth is Frozen on this list? I almost died of a heart attack when I saw it on the list. Frozen is the best movie ever made!
Yes, I agree. How can this even be a movie?! Let alone a kid's movie. Gosh, can't kids' movies have some decency?
If your kids want to see a horror movie, there's no substitute. This is the movie! After seeing this, they will have guaranteed nightmares.

The geniuses at Viacom thought this was a good idea. Seriously though, how did nobody get in the middle of filming and say, "Stop! Just stop. This movie's gonna be critically panned, and we should never actually release it." Actually, I think someone did say that, but then someone else said, "But we already paid John Cena to be in this."
This movie is annoying, brainless, and doesn't make any sense even in context. Worst of all, it drove Nickelodeon even further into the ground. And then he got his own TV show... There's no hope for humanity, is there?

This movie is AWFUL! It felt like a theatrical pilot for a new TV show! This movie only made 1.1 million dollars.
I watched Stoned Gremlin Productions' review about it, and they asked:
Brad: Out of curiosity, are we the first ones to go see this movie?
Ticket Lady: No. In the past five days, we have sold five tickets.
Brad: On the movie's opening day, Friday, no one came to see it.
Trolls are WAY better. Trolls make more sense. More like The Oogiehates in the Little Balloon Adventure. Whoever thought of a pillow having a birthday? SO DUMB!

This movie should be called The Annoying Cliché Movie. Nerdy girl dates popular guy - hmm, where have I heard that before? Oh yeah, every book, movie, poem, or song EVER!
Why has such a terrible movie been watched by everyone on planet Earth? The plot message is simple: don't be different! Fit into the stereotypes people have designed for you! Fall in love with someone just because you sang karaoke, and convince yourself you can be in a play, despite having no previous experience or even interest, also because of karaoke! Oh, and let's not forget this:
This song will stay forever,
Every beat,
Will repeat,
Word by word,
And you'll see that,
The tenth time's even better,
Have this earworm stuck,
In your head,
Until we're all dead!
The Newcomers

When will people stop insisting this is "great," "amazing," "fantastic," "solid," or "better than the first" and start seeing this for the blatant cash grab that it is?
This movie is horrible! Mario8 was right.

It is rated PG. This movie is trash and shouldn't exist. It just gives nightmares to your kids. Don't watch.

Another movie trying to appeal to both adults and little kids. For kids, but in the end, it's probably inappropriate for children. It's also got the worst musical number ever to disgrace a film, and it just goes on forever.
The Mask was good, but I think it might actually be a law that all sequels (except the best movie ever, Gremlins 2) have to be way worse than the original. Just like remakes.
More scary than bad. During the "Can't Take My Eyes Off You" song, Jamie Kennedy ruined five different music styles, and most of the time his face is just so close to the camera.
"Is he kissing the camera?" - my little sister
"It's like an alien horse trying to French me!" - Nostalgia Critic.
This movie is stupid and scary. It is the worst. Don't watch it unless you hate having a peaceful sleep.

I can't stand it when an animation is turned into a live-action movie! Also, this movie is pretty bad anyway.
M. Night Shyamalan used to be so good. Then this happened.

I am a kid, and I really hate this movie. The animation looked terrible, and the characters' movements were blocky and uneven.
I like the concept and moral the movie is trying to teach (that we should not build property on the Arctic), but everything else is bad. The jokes were stale and unfunny, and the characters are two-dimensional and boring. The entire movie is boring, and the main character doesn't have many likable traits.
Also, when the movie started to get a *little* exciting (Norm's grandpa is in trouble), they ruined it by rushing the scene, which we didn't understand well. The resolution isn't very creative either. Norm and his grandpa destroy the ship, they get back to the Arctic, and Norm becomes the king of the Arctic (somehow).
They did a good job with the villain, though. He truly was unlikable, which is what you want people to think of a villain. He cared too much about money, that he lied and cheated his way to success, not bothering to think about the consequences or how it would affect Norm and his friends/family.
The little girl (I forgot her name) was okay at best, but the problem was the creators didn't even bother with her. There was something wrong with the characters. In a movie, book, or story, the characters have both flaws and key traits, making them more realistic. In Norm of the North, the characters either have no traits or flaws, or are only flaws. See? That's not what you try to get in a movie.
Also, I don't know why, but I don't like how Norm just "dances." It looks weird, it sounds weird, it IS weird. The music selection was bad, too. All they tried to do was get little kids to like their hot mess of a "movie." My little brother liked it, but I was barely awake throughout the span of the movie.
So, overall, I give this movie a 2/10.

Isn't he just a ripoff of Charlie Brown?

You know what, I take it back. I'm not glad it exists, but I'm still glad I watched it because that means I can show it to a lot of people who haven't seen the movie.
For people who are big fans of E.T. and still haven't seen this film, I mean, this movie is like Troll 2 or The Room. It's so bad, so bizarre, and so fascinating that it's kind of enjoyable. Mac and Me, in my opinion, is a prime example of that.
People either think this movie is cringe-worthy bad, laugh-out-loud bad, or fantastically bad. I think it's both laugh-out-loud bad and fantastically bad. I mean, you just wonder what kind of studio would greenlight this kind of movie. The studio that did was MGM, along with the independent film company Orion, which even went bankrupt because of this movie.
I'm just going to say this now: MGM has made a lot of bad movies in the past and a lot of good movies. The good movies are Rocky, The Wizard of Oz, A Christmas Story, the James Bond movies, The Secret of NIMH, and The Princess Bride. The bad movies are The Garbage Pail Kids Movie, Mac and Me, Troll 2, Showgirls, and Bio-Dome.
So yeah, it's surprising that the same company that brought humanity The Wizard of Oz has also made some of the worst movies ever. What were you smoking, MGM?
I know every studio has released a bad movie, but the ones I come across that are really bad are normally owned by this company. Anyway, Mac and Me is pretty much one of those movies that are so bad you have to see it.
P.S. I wonder if Spielberg has seen this movie.

I despise Baby Geniuses 1 and 2. I think they're pointless, stupid, offensive, boring, and just bad. These movies are just a pain in the ass.
I know there were a lot of good actors in both the first and second films, like Christopher Lloyd, Whoopi Goldberg, and all those other actors. Something tells me the reason they were even in this goddamn picture was because the writers or the producers probably wrote them a paycheck.
And yeah, these are definitely some of the worst movies I've ever seen in my life. I think I'll rank the sequel as number 5 on that list and the first as number 6. Oh yeah, I think the sequel is worse. It's dumber, way more pointless, and way more painful to watch. The twist at the end is just downright stupid.
One of the things I hate about it is the poster where it says it's a live-action Rugrats. No, it's not, because that show actually makes the whole talking baby thing a little smart. The kids use their imaginations rather than being spies in real life.
And yeah, I agree with Doug Walker. If you don't know who I'm talking about, he's the YouTuber you all know as the Nostalgia Critic. He thinks babies are probably being treated badly in these films. I mean, who wants to see 2-year-olds being put into that amount of work? I also feel bad watching it and even thinking about it.
It's stupid. That's that. It's not even creative with its storyline. All the Winnie the Pooh movies teach kids to treat each other equally, and so did The Powerpuff Girls Movie. In fact, nearly all kids' movies show kids to treat each other with respect and kindness.
But this one? It was created in 2014 (I think), and it's already outdated. Shows like this feel like they belong in the early 2000s. What's the plot? Emmet is just an ordinary person, and everyone treats him like crap. Oh, but now he saves the day, so we're going to treat him like royalty? Yay!
Basically, it just teaches kids that if you're struggling in life, you're worthless - unless you somehow manage to save the day. What kind of message is that?

Kazaam is one of the dumbest movies I've ever seen. I mean, the plot's terrible, the acting is bad, and overall, it's just a very weird, stupid movie.
Shaq is the main character in the film, who - spoilers - is a genie and hasn't had a friend in 50,000 years. He befriends this little boy named Max. I'm not the only one who has pointed this out, but the way Kazaam follows that boy around, gives him treats, and stares at him with a creepy smile is pretty disturbing.
And that scene where the boy wakes up and finds Shaq's hand on his face? Just...ugh. I can't necessarily say this is the worst film or one of the worst films of all time. It's not even the worst kids' movie, but it's close.
Whatever other genre this movie fits into, it's one of the worst from that category too. If any kid today were to watch this film, they wouldn't enjoy it. But for you '90s kids, you probably loved the hell out of this - or you'd probably rewatch it now and say, This is crap.
What really pisses me off is when people say this film's a classic. What the hell are you talking about? Out of all the movies on Earth - like Citizen Kane, The Godfather, It's a Wonderful Life, Jaws, E.T., Raiders of the Lost Ark, A Christmas Story, Jurassic Park, the Universal Monster movies, The Wizard of Oz, The Goonies - the list goes on and on. Out of all the movies on planet Earth, really, this is a classic?
I mean, it's not even a kids' classic. To me, it's just a meh kind of movie. It's obviously not representing a good film, that's for sure. But yeah, I have nothing else to say about this movie.
It may be nostalgic to some of you, or like I said before, some may rewatch it and say, This is not as good as I remember.

This is the worst kids' film, worst film of all time, worst Titanic movie, and worst movie out of all the animated Titanic movies. I absolutely despise this cartoon Titanic movie.
I think it's a huge insult to everyone who died on the Titanic. Why even make it animated? Hell, why make another Titanic movie at all? We already have James Cameron's masterpiece, so why? Thank God this movie is underrated because I wouldn't want kids exposed to this kind of trash.
I definitely wouldn't show this to my kids, and if I ever have any, I know I won't let them watch it. It's just going to mess kids up and make them dumber and dumber. And why do we even need a villain? The iceberg is already the villain, you idiots!

There is this show called The Amazing World of Gumball (GREAT, GREAT show! Check it out!), and there's this one episode called The Treasure. In it, Gumball, Anais, and Darwin all look around the house trying to prove that everything their family owns is a knockoff.
Their dad (Richard the couch potato) is watching what he calls How to Ratatwang Your Panda, which the show was obviously trying to parody Kung Fu Panda. The animation looks EXACTLY like the animation in this awful movie. Thank goodness The Amazing World of Gumball made this into a good parody - it deserved it.

This movie is terrible. The plot lasts for five minutes, and the characters sing every five minutes. It's just about boyfriends and girlfriends kissing and dancing.
Plus, the girls share a room where they talk about boys all the time and be emotional (sexist, by the way).
I thought the soundtrack was great when it came out several years ago (I was about 10), but the plot went absolutely nowhere. Three years later, I can hardly stand any of the songs.
Hmmm... okay! This movie is about teens at the beach, and it's a movie. Let's call it Teen Beach Movie! So creative!
What on earth were they thinking when they made this movie? This movie has terrible animation, terrible models, terrible voice acting, and a corny unrealistic plot. There's like 3 hours in the beginning when the characters do nothing but talk about how good the food at the café is!
This movie is nothing but a terrible rip-off of Ratatouille, and only a blind old person wouldn't realize the difference.
Tried watching it twice. Got bored in the first 5 minutes both times. Too much filler, and the rats sit around and speak in annoying voices saying stuff like "The food is exquisite, divine, marvelous!" and talking about food.

This is just offensive to girls. I am, in fact, a girl myself. I hate it when Disney makes girly pink glittery movies just to attract girls. Is this really what people think girls like nowadays? No. I am a girl, and I have a bunch of friends who are girls too. We all don't like the color pink and prefer other colors like black and blue.
I still appreciate it when people buy me pink stuff because they don't know what to get me, but this is disgusting.
The dog does not look very happy about how the movie turned out either. This movie horribly portrays females.