Top 10 Best 2013 Idola Cilik Finalists

The Top Ten
Chindai Gloria Lagio

Cindai is the best in Idola Cilik 2013. She's beautiful, has a sweet smile, a charming face, and is so talented with a good voice.

Cindai is a beautiful girl, inside and out.

Cindai is cute, beautiful, and has a good voice.

Bagas Rahman Dwi Saputra

I think Bagas is great. The way he sings truly from his heart makes us melt. We'll always love you, Bagas.

Multitalented boy. I like your voice.

Bagas is a multitalented boy.

Videmarsha Anasuciara Prabaswara

Go Marsha, go Marsha, go go go!

We are Ourmarsha.

Josia Valerio Simanjuntak
Difa Ryansyah

Cute, charming, handsome, and cool. The best!

Alfandy Himawan Bagus Rafli
Gilang Wahyuda Wannartha

Gilang paling keren! I love you so much, boy.

Trifosa Naoca Rehuel
Muhammad Ibrahim Fattah

Fattah... We love you.

Adinda Galuh Hapsari

The Newcomers

? Agatha Chelsea Terriyanto

Chelsea is the best.

? Novia Bachmid
The Contenders
Ivan Roy Simanjuntak
Andrea Arnetta Angelique Karundeng

You're like an angel, just like your name. Your heart is very kind, and you never have a bad face. You always show us your pretty face, and we'll miss your beautiful face and cute smile.

Mandaya Salma Aliyyah Putri
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