Best Beatles Albums Covers

The Top Ten
Abbey Road

This album cover is full of conspiracy. That's why this should always be in the top three.

Best Beatles album in my opinion. Love the White Album also. The Beatles. The best band in history by far. John Lennon, king of rock.

I see somebody said nobody would have thought of this. I guess someone did.

Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band

I guess walking across a crosswalk is more artistic, has more effort put into it, and puts more thought into it than this.

Check out the guy wearing a Rolling Stones shirt! I guess they were a fan!

Between this and Abbey Road for most iconic.


The simple black and white drawing is so severe. The figures entangled amongst strands of hair add to the complexity.

Rubber Soul

They were about to pick the album picture when the piece of cardboard slipped back, and the current photo appeared. The Beatles were like, "Ah! Can we use that? Yeah." Rubber Soul.

The White Album

Not my favorite. Not even in my top three. But absolutely genius nonetheless.

At a time when they were putting out some of the most unique and interesting to look at album covers with Revolver, Sgt. Pepper's, and Magical Mystery Tour, people would wonder what crazy cover art would be on their next album. And it was... nothing. Nothing but a little off-center box of embossed text telling you who made the album. But how bold and actually creative!

Were they just so high that they ended up thinking "Hey, rather than outdo the competition, we should purposely put out something boring looking so that we end up beating the competition"? I don't know how they came up with it, I just know it was smart.

A Hard Day's Night

There's a photo of Paul that makes me laugh on there! Also, the photo where George isn't facing the camera is funny too!

Let It Be
Please Please Me
Magical Mystery Tour

This one needs to be higher up the list.

The Newcomers

? Hey Jude
? 1967-1970
The Contenders
Beatles For Sale
With The Beatles

Why is this so low? It's one of their more iconic album covers. Aesthetically, it's very pleasing, and seeing Ringo on the bottom grabs your attention. Deserves to be higher than Please Please Me, at least.

This is the image I had in grade three at the height of Beatlemania. This was the album in 1964.

This shouldn't be number 1, but at least should be in the top 5. It's one of their more iconic covers.

Yellow Submarine

The stunning colors shown on the cover really draw you in. Even if the album wasn't one of their best, it would truly fit well on a wall in your music room. The illustrations have a slight psychedelic look to them, featuring Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band and the characters from the fantastic film.

Yesterday and Today "Butcher" Cover
The Beatles Box Set
Introducing... the Beatles
Yesterday And Today

I prefer the butcher sleeve over the blander sleeve.

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