Best Cradle of Filth Songs
Arguably one of the best death metal bands of Europe. No one can match their sinister compositions.
This song came out of nowhere from Cradle. A beautiful melodic number that, rather than hit hard, soared majestically. It's actually the song that got me into the band, though I had known of them for a while. Since then, I've bought about everything they've done over the years. But this song is always special to me.
I've heard them perform it live quite a few times, with Lindsay Schoolcraft as my favorite vocalist on it, and the crowds always love it. Truly Cradle's crowning achievement thus far.
I understand that this song isn't like many other CoF songs, but I simply can't deny the feelings it causes. The guitar, drums, and Filth's vocals give it an unimaginable impact when played. And it's still somehow so gentle.
I can clearly see why it's #1.

The song is awesome. One of my favorites. The guitar and the vocals are just exceptional. It should be the best Cradle of Filth song. It's one of the best gothic metal songs in the world. I love it.
I love the way Dani changes his pitch from a grudge voice to really deep and high scream. Lyrics and music are always good.
The lyrics are probably their best, not to mention the music, and the voices are amazing on this song. Their best of all time in my humble opinion.

This is really the only song I like by Cradle, and I don't listen to Maiden either. There is just something about it.
Amazing. Played thrice better and faster than Iron Maiden. It should be given the highest votes of any other song.
Truly amazing cover. No offense against Iron Maiden, but COF gave this song a new perspective.

Very underrated song. People think this is just screaming, but this is full of magic and excellent literature. This is six minutes full of madness.
This song and album are by far the best music ever written, period.
This song was playing while I was being born (literally, I'm 14). I think I will forever be a Cradle of Filth fan because of this, one of the most amazing songs ever.

Awesome lyrics with awesome everything! It is so haunting, and the screams are so great. But I gotta say, COF needs more deep throat rather than pig scream. But then again, the lyrics are beyond words - a godly masterpiece.
Amazing song! A true symphonic black metal masterpiece. This music and these lyrics have such beauty to them.
Very awesome song. It should be in the top 5! I didn't think it would be at 19. It is an insult to Cradle of Filth.

After the success of their debut album, COF got attention from various companies. Music For Nations offered the band a contract. The only problem was their second album deal with Cacophonous Records. I believe that COF first finished composing songs for Dusk and Her Embrace and then used other riffs for V Empire or Dark Faerytales in Phallustein. The ironic part is that the kind of song COF only wanted to complete their second album would be their best song. A masterpiece.
I had listened to and loved this band for four years before discovering this song. When I did, it gave me so much appreciation for them. How many songs can make you think it's about to end, and then, all of a sudden, there are five more minutes of masterpiece? This band isn't just about music. It's like a drug you take to enter a whole new gothically delicious world.

This is a great song. I never expected to see this song ranked so low! It is the first music video by Cradle of Filth, from 1999, and it rocks. Also, I would like to say there is another kick-ass song called The Death of Love, and it should be #1, but what? It's not on the list!
The video is smashing, but the music is a piece of art. This song has everything!
This song perfectly bridges CoF's earlier gothic splendor and later experimental stage.

This is the song that brought me into COF. It was my first gothic metal song and the greatest!
Heavy riffs, beautiful melodies, some of Marthus' best drumming, and sexy as hell.
The screams in this song are really haunting. I can't believe it's only at number 9.

Are you crazy? This is at the 10th spot. The lyrics and the riffs are just magical. Dani Filth has been at his very best. Undoubtedly number one.
Best song I ever heard. Still haven't listened to all their songs, so don't take my word for it.
I used to think Nymphetamine was the best COF song. But then I heard this masterpiece.
The Newcomers

This song should be way higher on the list! It's one of the best songs on their recent album.

This is a very complex and technical piece. I love how this band is just fun to listen to and never depressing.
Cradle of Filth is my favorite band without question.

The Forest Whispers My Name is extremely underrated. It's probably the best song off their debut album.
It's a Top 10 song. People must have forgotten how good it is.

This is the only cool song in here. Whoever made this list really likes Thornography and hates Damnation and a Day. Any Cruelty and the Beast song beats everything in here. And by the way, Cruelty Brought Thee Orchids should be added here.
Every time I listen to this song, I'm like, What? 10 minutes are over? Then I listen to it over and over again, and I can't get enough of it. It is a very well-combined song, both sentiment and metal. Cradle of Filth is the real deal. Black metal = Cradle of Filth!
Best song of COF. Your day goes bad without listening to this. Best death vocals in recent times. I'm one of your devotees, Dani Filth. Best vocals ever.

They're not as heavy as old Cradle albums, but they are still heavy. I don't think old Cradle fans have even given Manticore a chance after the Darkly Darker album.
Good riff. Good drums. This should be much higher, even if not in the top 5. Very tight song.
Great song. I've got all Cradle CDs, and Manticore and Hammer by Witches is as heavy as any of them.

This song should be in the top five. It has triggered my addiction to COF. The female voice in this song is very unique.
"Appear, draped in terror
To the comfort of your kin
Stain the milky sunset red, and let the others in."
I get goosebumps every time.
A masterpiece. A perfect way to end The Principle of Evil Made Flesh album.

Beautiful and haunting song. A masterpiece.
Killer track. I wish they were still like this.
Should be way higher up! Amazing song.
The beginning of this song is awesome! The high scream is just epic!

This song should be number one, not the ever-so-mainstream Nymphetamine Fix! Always my favorite.
Reminded me of Maiden. Amazing riffs, and Danny actually sings in this song. Killer!
Easily one of the worst Cradle songs ever, period.

This is a softer side of COF compared to other songs, but it has one of the best melodies and lyrics COF has composed. It has my vote.