Top 10 Best Blind Guardian Albums

The Top Ten
Nightfall in Middle-Earth

The reversed chronological order in the storytelling simply works. It helps to build a sense of tragedy and a perspective on the end of this once-great civilization and kingdom.

There is a good mix of ballads and more traditional power metal, all of which are good in their own right and all tell aspects of the story. The album really captures the sense of epic tragedy about aspects of the story. I, myself, am partial to When Sorrow Sang, as the raw emotion of the song rings and leaves an impression.

Truly an album not to be missed, for any fan of power metal in general, let alone BG.

Somewhere Far Beyond

There was a comment under Blind Guardian, which I posted roughly a couple of months back on the Best Power Metal Band list regarding Somewhere Far Beyond. It was the very first album I listened to from the band, and I anticipated one of the rest of their works to eclipse its greatness.

Well! I've completed their entire discography now, and no other album proved to be even half as impressive as this (barring Imaginations from the Other Side).

Maybe their breakthrough album; The Bard's Song - the real deal?

I can't imagine Blind Guardian without The Bard's Song.

This album was 'transitional' - from the early BG to a more mature and diverse BG. Hansi revealed more of his incredible vocal skills.

I also feel that Time What Is Time is somewhat underrated even by BG fans. This song is awesome and 'transitional,' while Journey Through the Dark reminds one of their early raw speed metal.

At the Edge of Time

This album just combines old and new Blind Guardian in a perfect way.

The epic of a song like Wheel of Time is unique, next to And Then There Was Silence. But Sacred Worlds and other songs make this album also superior.

A great range of songs, great production, and inclusion of the orchestra. Every song is fantastic - literally every song on this album is a standout track.

This masterpiece brought me into the beauty of metal. My favorite track is Sacred Worlds.

It is incredible how this piece of art influenced me.

Imaginations from the Other Side

I really don't like to choose between all these great albums. But I choose Imaginations From the Other Side as it was my introduction to Blind Guardian in the first place. You can't beat nostalgia.

This is an album with only one pointless song ("A Past and Future Secret"). The rest of the album is pretty great. You can't go wrong with songs like "Born in a Mourning Hall," "Bright Eyes," "And the Story Ends," and my personal favorite, "Another Holy War."

'Nightfall' is grander but spoiled by those interludes. This is excellent from start to finish with enduring classics.

A Night at the Opera

Ranked way too low on this list. This album is very symphonic, and its sound heavily relies on choirs, which takes some time to get used to. Once you start embracing the unique sound, a world of brilliant patterns and transitions unfolds in your head.

A very unique album, in metal and in music in general.

This album and Somewhere Far Beyond are my two favorites.

This has plenty of symphonic, classical/folk-inspired bliss that takes you to worlds of your wildest dreams. Especially the closer, And Then There Was Silence, which is my favorite Blind Guardian song.

Beyond the Red Mirror

This, along with "Nightfall in Middle-Earth," is BG's most symphonic and complex album with insanely good storytelling. In contrast to "Nightfall," this album tells a self-invented story, Rhapsody of Fire-like.

Well, it's not that the nine are not copied from certain Valar and the fallen son is definitely NOT Melkor, but the lyrics are poetry. Just look at "Precious truth in a cage it has been captured but safe and we will bind it and blind it with lies."

This was also the first BG album I ever bought, and it's one of my favorites, along with "Nightfall" and "At the Edge of Time."

Of course, some might be annoyed by Latin choirs and such, but in my opinion, these make the songs even greater. Also, there are, in fact, heavy songs on that album, e.g., "Twilight of the Gods." The whole album is simply a perfect mixture of symphony and heaviness.

A Twist in the Myth

This album isn't bad at all. It is just softer than their usual stuff, and this may have disappointed some fans who prefer different types of Blind Guardian songs. The album is vocal-oriented and has some of the best vocals and vocal harmonies by Hansi, if not the best.

Songs are very well written and performed. I listen to this album for the vocals that are pure bliss. Hansi deserved an album focusing on his great vocals.

This album has a weird tone, and the songs are a bit simpler than on other albums. But most of the songs are really good. Turn the Page is a personal favorite of mine, along with This Will Never End, Lionheart, and Carry the Blessed Home.

Tales from the Twilight World

How this can be below "A Twist in the Myth" is beyond my understanding. "Lost in the Twilight Hall" is one of the best songs in BG's discography, and many others from this album ("Traveler in Time," "The Last Candle," "Lord of the Rings") are up there as well.

The music is unique, a mixture between the old and more speedy Blind Guardian and the progressive power metal we are familiar with nowadays. It marks the beginning of a change while being the change itself. This album is a masterpiece.

This album is a gem and a grand improvement over the first two albums, which were good but largely influenced by other bands. With Tales from the Twilight World, Blind Guardian discovered their identity.

Battalions of Fear

Majesty is an awesome song (with an amazingly misleading intro). The album cover looks like the band is dissing Manowar (Manowar's album covers look like those falling people).

Majesty is awesome, guys. One of the best speed metal songs out there and, of course, my personal favorite from this subgenre (alongside Banish From Sanctuary).

I started listening to Blind Guardian yesterday, and I'm listening to this album right now. It's very good! I like it.

Follow the Blind

This album is extremely underrated. Songs like Banished from Sanctity, Follow the Blind, and Don't Break the Circle are particularly awesome. This album certainly deserves higher than last (although the idea of putting a Blind Guardian album last for anything should be a sin).

A better effort than their debut album and a heavier speed album than Tales from the Twilight World, but it only has two standout tracks: Follow the Blind and Valhalla.

Banish From Sanctuary is one of my favorite BG songs - aggressive and fast. Love Hansi's raw voice, and the solo is really amazing, too.

And don't forget Valhalla is on this album, too.

The Newcomers

? The God Machine

A great new debut that shows they've still got it. It references a lot of other epic fantasy and shows that they're still exploring their sound.

? Legacy of the Dark Lands

I think this album has great orchestral work. Hansi's voice is great as always, and the interludes are great as well.

The Contenders
Forgotten Tales
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