Top 10 Best Blink 182 Albums

The Top Ten
Enema of the State

To all the people who say that those who like Enema of the State the best are posers, I'll share my top ten: 1. First Date 2. Adam's Song 3. Dumpweed 4. The Rock Show 5. Josie 6. What's My Age Again 7. Dammit 8. Carousel 9. Anthem Part Two 10. All the Small Things.

The amazing thing about Enema is that it keeps the punk sound while polishing it and advancing the songs musically, even if it sacrifices some relatability. Although Dude Ranch is the funniest and most relatable album, musically, it's outgunned by most of the others.

Dude, come on. How can you start with "Dumpweed" and not be at the top? This album contains all types of songs. You have "Adam's Song" for the lows and "All the Small Things" for the highs. They have great deep cuts like "Mutt," "Aliens Exist," and the speed demon "The Party Song."


This album is one of my all-time favorites. Blink-182 is one of my favorite bands, and I love most of their music. This album is their pinnacle!

They experimented a lot and had great success. In "Feelin' This," there are a lot of overlapping vocal parts, different sound effects, and a synthesizer. "I Miss You" is a dark and beautiful love song, and "Go" is a short, fast-paced punk-rock jam that shows a bit of the variation on this album.

This album flows beautifully and has many great songs. This was also a big turning point in terms of maturity, where a deeper emotional side of Tom and Mark is mentioned throughout the tracks.

Take Off Your Pants and Jacket

Listen to the songs after the hits. After Stay Together for the Kids, you might think, Oh, I don't know any of these, but they are great! It is better than Enema all the way through (Enema does have the better top three songs), but this has First Date, The Rock Show, Stay Together for the Kids, and Anthem Part II.

Listen to every single song. You will like every one. Reckless Abandon and Roller Coaster are my two favorites.

This album has a song for everything you're going through as a teenager. Being hurt, shut down, going to a party, meeting a girl, going through a family divorce, being isolated or lonely. You name it, this album has it.

Dude Ranch

Alright, so I haven't listened to Blink in about a year. I figured that I would try to see if their music still held up. I popped in my Dude Ranch CD, and it still rules! It has the most punk rock energy and better songs than Cheshire Cat (although they are both great). If someone told me Blink isn't relevant, I would direct them to this record.

Severely underrated. It's not an album (aside from Dammit and Josie) where you can pick it up and get attached to the songs straight away. They take a while, but when they do, you will understand the masterpiece that is this album. It definitely took the longest to get into but is definitely the best.

Cheshire Cat

Perfect skate punk masterpiece. This and Dude Ranch are the best Blink albums before they went down the more commercial pop punk route.

Amazing masterpiece, from Toast and Bananas to Wasting Time. There are some classics on here. I can't emphasize this more: listen to this full album. If we were including demos, I would have voted for Buddha, but I don't know. Still good.

Awesome album. Some of their greatest songs are on it!


To be honest, I really like this album. It is undoubtedly a different sound than before, but it isn't like they aren't the same band anymore.

Songs like "Up All Night" and "Ghost on the Dancefloor" bring a new sound to the band, while others like "Heart's All Gone" and "MH 4.18.2011" sound much like their earlier songs. "Even If She Falls" may very well be the best song ever written. Overall, it's just a great album from a great band who have finally come back and saved music from (c) rap and pop.

Up All Night is amazing and hard. I like how Blink-182 matured on this album. I actually like it better than California due to its interesting maturity. This album proves that Blink-182 can play harder rock. Tom has awesome vocals, but one con of this album is that Mark barely sings. I think he needs more songs because he has a good voice too.


This album is good, but I would still call it their worst one. There is way too much emphasis on the vocal aspect of each song, and it feels like the instrumental portion is neglected.

NEVER in a million years would I say that Matt Skiba was the problem here. He's awesome. The one to blame is John Feldman's over-producing.

At first listen, all any real Blink fan hears is, "no Mark, no Blink." But give it a chance, and any real Blink fan will notice this is as Blink as Blink has been since "Take Off Your Pants and Jacket."

It is right there alongside "Take Off" and "Enema" for their three phenomenal albums.


This is the most punk rock, skate punk Blink-182 album, in my opinion. I love the skating vibes in this album and the rawness of it.

Listen to "21 Days" and all their demos of Cheshire Cat songs. Worth listening to all the way!

That Carousel bass intro... Damn, it really sets the mood for the whole album.

Dogs Eating Dogs

An absolutely amazing EP. Blink's usual sound aside, songs like Dogs Eating Dogs and Disaster are absolute tunes. Disaster, especially, is a phenomenal song.

I feel like this EP is extremely underrated. It may not have the punk sound from their earlier albums, but it's still great! Not a single bad song.

Sounds like a perfect continuation from their self-titled album. It's 100 times better than Neighborhoods!


Best Blink album without Tom, I think. Matt's singing on "No Heart to Speak Of" really made me choose this album. It's hard to forget. He screams like Tom did on "Stay Together for the Kids." It's a really great song. I didn't think Matt could do better before, but now "No Heart to Speak Of" convinced me. Thanks to Matt Skiba for the song. He really is part of Blink-182.

I love the new album. Yes, Tom isn't there, but the lyrics are so meaningful, especially for a Blink album. After hearing some of the singles, I really thought it was gonna suck, but it looks like that's what they had in mind. The album has Blink-182's sound but modernized. No, it's certainly no Enema of the State, but still worth your time.

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