Best Bo Burnham Songs

One of the funniest artists on the internet, Bo Burnham's songs are classic. Here are my ten favorites!
The Top Ten
Art is Dead

As much as I love Art is Dead, I don't feel like it's his best for one reason: it's not a true showcase of all of Bo's talents.

It's an outstanding example of how serious Bo can get despite being a comedian and how he can tackle mature topics without turning them into jokes. It's also good for showing his skills at singing and playing music. However, it doesn't show his ability to make clever and funny jokes in his music, which is his key talent.

Art is Dead wasn't meant to be funny, and I'm not saying it should've been funny. I think that he approached the topic the way he should've, and that Art is Dead is amazing the way it is. I don't think it's his best, though, as it doesn't show Bo's full capabilities.

Words, Words, Words

It's really hard to choose a favorite, but while a lot of them are about equal, the wordplay in this song is awe-inducing. Not only is Bo my favorite comedian, but he is also one of my favorite artists (this is coming from someone who listens to a ton of music from a ton of genres).

Burnham is a genius. His rhymes and phrases are not only hilarious but amazingly clever and nifty.

From God's Perspective
New Math
Kill Yourself

It is a song that has a deep emotional foundation masked by many thick layers of comedy. It explains the complexity of life while making you laugh very hard.

So much emotion was put into a song about killing yourself. Awesome song!

This song is hilarious, one of the best twists in his songs.

Are You Happy?

Just listen to the song. You will understand.

Amazing song. I feel so much emotion with it.

What's Funny
I'm Bo, Yo
My Whole Family
Men & Women

The Newcomers

? Welcome to the Internet
? Left Brain, Right Brain
The Contenders

Less of a joke, more of a reflection on how things are. Great song.

Can't Handle This (Kanye Rant)

Absolutely belongs at the top. While mildly funny, he disguised himself in plain sight, making a comedic song about his struggles with the audience while giving them what they want. Truly brilliant.

It was hilarious, but it also felt more real than any other song he has made.

We Think We Know You

One of the best pieces of art I've ever witnessed. No joke.

Oh, Bo
Straight White Male
A World on Fire
Repeat Stuff
Love Is...

Turns out love is all about... whistles!


I really like this song. It doesn't have as much meaning as some of his others, but it was the first Bo Burnham song I ever heard, and I think it's quite funny.

Amazing song! Definitely should be higher.

Lower Your Expectations

This is one of my favorites! How is it so low?

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