Top Ten Best Bush Songs

Love this song, love this band. Pure and raw talent.
Gavin is one of the few lead singers who can sing, play guitar, dance, and rock out the whole show! He is amazing with his vocals, lyrics, and supporting his bandmates. Bush is one of those bands you will travel to see live!
This is an awesome song! Gavin has awesome vocals. The lyrics in this song are just awesome, and the slow guitar riff fits the song perfectly. One of the best grunge songs ever.
Popular vote gets it right once again! Gavin is too pretty to completely get into his more intense songs, but this one fits just right!

This song is my favorite Bush song. I cannot wait until tomorrow when I will see them perform the song live. I have seen Bush four times since '97, and they always perform the best shows.
This is a song that will be sung for the rest of eternity. The great fans will never forget, and this is how everyone else will remember Bush.
I think this is their best song. Glycerine was popular, but this was their best.

Great song. I love it very much.
It's one of those that you can listen to over and over again and never get sick of. I listen to this song every morning when I wake up to get ready to greet the day, and I never grow tired of hearing it.
Great guitar on the intro as well, I might add. Overall, most definitely worth listening to.
I just love it! This is awesome! I love the music. It's great - the singer and the drums. I don't listen to Bush very much, but it's a great band!
Awesome song. I'm using it as my wrestling theme song. It's awesome to get fired up and helps a lot for a good workout.

One of, if not the best, songs from Bush. One of the best debut albums from a band ever!

The best song ever. I can't type how amazing this song is! I just hit the 100th time I played this song on my iTunes. The next closest is at 83 plays, and I have over 1,000 songs on iTunes.
I have never heard a Bush song that I have not liked. Swallowed is just great.

This song has stood the test of time, in my opinion. There is depth to it without pretension.
This song and Letting the Cables Sleep should be #1 and #2 without a doubt.

The entire album is beautiful. Still, 20 years on, it's phenomenally good, and this is the pick of the lot from it.
Great guitar, great drums. Their best off their best album.

This is one of my favorites from Bush. Proof that a band can add electronic elements while retaining a sense of their soul.
Other bands should look at this song and learn from its strengths.
It's just one of those songs that I'll remember for life. It makes me feel alive!
My absolute favorite from Bush. This definitely belongs in the top five.

Grunge at its best. The rest of the album, Razorblade Suitcase, seems to be dry and stripped-down, but this song's got it.
Deserves to be at the top of this list. Creatively superior.

This song featured in the second season of Charmed. I thought it was amazing! Such emotion conveyed through so few lyrics.
It got me interested in Bush and grunge. The song really moved me.
I don't know how this isn't first. I shiver when I listen to this.
I am shocked this isn't #1. I go to a different space when I hear this song.
The Newcomers

As much as I love songs like "Glycerine," "Comedown," and "Swallowed," this is definitely a top ten song, and probably top five. I had to vote for this. It is so good.
Definitely top five, probably two or three. I think Machinehead should be #1.
Great song. Not their best, but should be in the top five.

Wow - this song was my anthem for 2012, an awesome life transition song. Sometimes taking a decade off from the band works out.
Heard it for the first time in NHL 12. Great song.
Best alternative song of 2011. Bush is simply awesome. Favorite British band.

Very surprised that this song is not already on this list.
Very underrated song. Right up there with Glycerine.
Absolutely amazing song. Their best by far.

The chorus just grabs you. This is the night. This is the sound!
One of the best by Bush. Definitely in my top five. The guitar is perfect.

Glycerine and Greedy Fly will always be two of my favorites, but this is surprisingly pretty great.

My favorite from the newest album! They've changed, but this song simply rocks with the killer riff and amazing lyrics!

I would say this should be a top ten song.