Top 10 Best Christina Perri Songs

I honestly like part 2 better, but this is still good. It has so much meaning, and I had my crush listen to it. This song should be number 1.
I personally like it more than Jar of Hearts. Give this song more votes! It's been waiting a thousand years! It can wait a thousand more if it has to.
Listening to it makes me want to fall in love. You can close your eyes, put on your headphones, and this song somehow brings back, in slideshow mode, every memory you had of love.
Unconsciously, somehow it makes you sieve out the loves and the flings. It makes me cry with its rush of feelings.

I always sing this song. It really matches my voice. A Thousand Years and this song are my favorite songs by Christina Perri. Love this song so much, vote for it!
"You're gonna catch a cold from the ice inside your soul."
Quality lyrics like those are becoming rarer by the day when it comes to pop music.
Wow, this song is so beautiful. It makes a very dry white wintry weather around. It portrays a sadness that is so beautiful. Speechless.

I always thought Christina Perri was one of those really insensitive celebrities. Then I listened to a bunch of her songs and I was like, hey, she's really good, how did I not listen to her music before?
And then I listened to Human and, oh my god, I was in love. Everything - the music, the lyrics, the way she sang it, the video - I mean, everything was painstakingly beautiful. She's now one of my favorite artists.
A song that is so meaningful to both me and my girlfriend. Actually, this is the song that kept me falling in love with her. She had so many hurts before, a breakup, and stories with her ex-boyfriends, but then I encouraged her and we said together, "Yeah, we are only human."

It's one of the few bright songs that Christina Perri has, and it's plenty bright and pop. But its lyrics are meaningful too.
It's awesome. I'm speechless. Really, really good.
I love this song so much. You don't even know!

It's the best song I have ever heard. Do listen, because I have heard it a thousand times.
This part is so much more beautiful than part one.
It makes me feel so good.

I don't like Perri a lot. I'm not a fan of her style of music. I enjoy more soulful music and artists who will make you tear up even when you're listening to them for the hundredth time.
But I have to admit this song is unbelievable. It is fantastically sad and beyond wonderful. This coming from a non-fan is saying a lot.
This song made me realize I'm not happy. And that sounds like a bad thing, but really, it isn't. Because in order to fix a problem, a person needs to be able to see it.
This song helped me see, so thank you Christina Perri, I appreciate it so much.

I feel like she takes me on a journey with this song. It's so fun to sing along to that I often forget it's supposed to be sad. It doesn't sound quite like anything else I've heard, which is why I'm so fascinated by it.

It's so cool, just shows how caring she is and how talented.
It's so peaceful and beautiful. Just love it.

Best song in Head or Heart after Human. The beat of this song is amazing, and it's very catchy.
The Newcomers

This one should definitely be number one. Such beautiful lyrics. I have the album and I swear, it's her best one.
This is just a lovely song. The melody, the lyrics, everything about it is perfect.
This beats out A Thousand Years. Words can't express how beautiful this song is. The best Christina Perri performance to date.

This song is just so fantastic. It should be #1 on this list! Listen to it and see for yourself. Better yet, watch the official music video. I think that this is her best song yet.
This song should be on the top ten list. And where's Be My Forever ft. Ed Sheeran? They're the best hits of Christina Perri too.
One of the first songs I've ever heard from Christina Perri, and I LOVE IT!

This song is simply awesome. I think of just love and my life whenever I listen to this song.
This song... this song is very beautiful!
I love it more than anything in my life!

This song is very emotional! It helps you release all your negative feelings. For example, listening to this song after having a breakup is helpful.
I love this song, but whenever the "love is a ghost you can't control" part comes around, I automatically think of Peeves from Harry Potter.
This song is the best song of Christina's so far and certainly deserves to get to the top. The melody is so breathtakingly magical.

This song is so energetic. It should be higher. You want to sing along with her. It's about how Karma made the boy who broke her heart get his heart broken. So lively.
Yeah, it is so good because of the story. It could be the best story out there for girls.

Love, love, love Miss Perri. It is the most romantic song of hers. At the chorus: "Kiss me on my shoulder, and tell me it's not over. I promise to always come home to you. Remind me that I'm older to be brave, smart, sweet, and bolder. And don't give up on what we're trying to do. Don't count the miles, count the I love yous." Miss Perri, you're so romantic, girl!
A touching yet upbeat song about a long-distance relationship. How often does that come around?
I do love this song. Very romantic. Kiss me on my shoulder and tell me it's not over. One of my favorites!

I didn't even know she had this song! I need to go look it up!

"I wish I wasn't always cold. I wish I wasn't always alone."
Young adults' song of loneliness and confusion during this time. You can totally relate without trying, unless your life growing up or old is perfect.
Beautiful, truthful, and epic. Watch Jane the Virgin and you'll understand why. Perri's voice, the music, and the world this song takes you into is simply unobtainable.

It is such an inspirational song. Every time I listen to it, tears fill my eyes. It reminds me to keep my head up high and gives me the strength to keep going in life. It reminds me that tomorrow will be better.
Very empowering, extremely emotional, and kind of catchy! This is definitely one of my favorites, along with Be My Forever and Burning Gold.
The fact that this song isn't #1 or even in the top 10 is very soul-crushing.

Come on, guys. I know Jar of Hearts and A Thousand Years are great songs, but when you want to hear something happy and maybe a different type of song, here is this one.
In my opinion, this is not the best one, but I really love this one.
This song is just so cute! It is not like her other songs, but I still love it!
I love the rhythm of this song and how upbeat it is.

It's my favorite song of Christina Perri. I just love this song. It's so beautiful.

Cutest song! This should be higher on the list.
I know it's Elvis Presley, but Christina did a cover of it on her YouTube channel. Her version was so beautiful that I just had to add it to the list.