Best Death Cab for Cutie Songs

Something I call "the perfect song with the perfect lyrics with the perfect tune and rhythm."
To be honest, I cried thinking about my ex hearing this song. Yuck. Well, that's one of the dopest songs out there. And the best thing is that you can try singing it yourself with only an acoustic guitar!
This song is utter perfection. I listened to this while reading one of my favorite books, and I cried because of the feelings that the two of them combined brought to me. I just can't praise this song enough.
This is such a beautifully worded song. The lyrics, the music, and especially the feeling come together perfectly. I can't be happier that this is the first song of theirs that I heard.

Heard this for the first time at an Arby's with my wife last week. We had just gotten out of work together and decided to get something to eat. I was in one of my melancholy moods and feeling very depressed when this song started playing over the loudspeakers.
As I was listening, my wife noticed my change in demeanor, which usually tells her I'm deep in thought and probably getting ready to cry about something from my past. I told her that I was okay and that I was just listening to this emo song over the radio and asked her to see who sang it. Even though I'm in my mid-forties, I know about the emo genre. She told me, and I immediately knew who Death Cab for Cutie was because of their song from the Wicker Park soundtrack.
I ended up crying anyway before the song finished. Such a beautiful and depressing song. I have since listened to this song every day a couple of times since then.

Right. So. I kind of like this girl. And, well, let's say she's not really from around my place. I kind of wanted to tell her how I felt about her. I think this song was perfect in that context. So, yeah. There you go. Thanks.
No other song is better than Soul Meets Body.
I heard this song, learned the guitar, and performed it at my school. Many people questioned the song. Amazing.
On a Sunday night at a summer bar in Victoria, I ask again why I don't yet know how this is possible.

Amazing song! Creepy and perfectly worded in a stalker's eye view. The music is beautiful as well. As creepy as it is, it captures the stalker's view so well, and the song itself is done to perfection. How can I not love this amazing and underrated song?!
This is one of their greatest songs. It makes me believe.
So awesome and a bit underrated!

This song is absolutely beautiful! How is it not #1? When I first heard it, I fell in love with it and couldn't stop listening to it. It has well over 400 plays on my iPod right now, and it's the most played song! Great and beautiful music, and beautiful lyrics as well. The beginning is astounding!
This song is possibly the most beautiful song ever written. Title and Registration is equally moving. Sorrow drips into your heart through a pinhole just like a faucet that leaks, and there is comfort in the sound. It's all so poetic.

Why the heck is this only number six?! Please, at least put it as number two. I love this song so dang much. The line "Love is watching someone die" hit me like a truck. I had a cousin who passed away in the ICU, and this song makes me think of him. This is one of my all-time favorite songs. Seriously. I wouldn't give this song up for anything.
Still hurts to listen to, no matter how many times I hear it. Losing someone is painful. It takes a lot of love to watch someone die so they are not alone.
Love is watching someone die.

This song is like a melancholic march through an existential crisis. The cooing vocals and the ballad chord progressions put me in a trance-like state like no other Death Cab song. The takeaway is that in the face of disaster, there are always silver linings. Beautiful song, the group's crowning atmospheric achievement.
The best song ever. Of all time. The most subtly sad story there is. With a slow, not-quite-happy but not-quite-sad rolling of drums in the background... It really is like a bicycle ride, like in the music video.

Catchiest song I have ever heard! I don't understand why everybody doesn't know this song. It's amazing.

This song is seriously perfectly arranged. The guitar is acoustic and mellow, the backbeat is driving but not intense, and the vocals are ephemeral, all adding up to a soothing listening experience! Love it.
One of their best. Wish they would play it on the radio.
Absolutely brilliant. It has that eerie feel to it.
The Newcomers

First Death Cab song I ever heard, so maybe I have a personal attachment to it. I think this song is very pretty and unique (though I do think most Death Cab songs are unique).

So underrated, but beautiful lyrics. Almost reminds me of marching bands.

The best-written DCFC song in my opinion. I have a feeling a lot of fans have skipped over this track due to how slow it starts out. My favorite track without a doubt.
How in the hell is this number 40? This is an absolute gem. Death Cab at its finest.
This is easily one of their top 10 songs!

Lyrically, this blows the top three out of the water. For a band that plays less complex melodies, I'm confused as to why more of their lyrical juggernauts aren't on this list. Where are "Tiny Vessels" or "Brothers on a Hotel Bed," for instance?
This should be in the top 3, and it's gross that it isn't. This is the soundtrack of fall.

So inexplicably good. Melancholy and hopeful at the same time.

A song that anyone recovering from a breakup should give a listen. Truly touching. Gets me every time!
I wonder why this isn't on the list! I personally think this should be at least in the top 5.

It was the first song I heard from them. I love this song. I remember listening to it early in the morning, and I felt good.

If you haven't gone back and listened to this early Death Cab album, you have missed out on so much. Definitely their best album, and this song is the absolute highlight of the album.

Gets me running! Mood changer. You tend to feel good about yourself when you listen to this one. This is the sound of settling!

This song makes me cry every time I hear it.

How is this song at number 30? I voted for this because this song deserves to be in at least the top five. Listen to the song and you will know.
This song makes you feel things! You can listen to it on repeat for days and call it an emotional experience in itself.
Best all-time song about settling.

So bleak, yet so beautiful. These lyrics make me cry every time.