Top 10 Songs with the Best James Hetfield Solos

Although Kirk Hammett is the lead guitarist in Metallica, James Hetfield has also performed some notable guitar solos.
The Top Ten
Master of Puppets

Probably the best solo in the world. It's just so smooth and beautiful. It fits very well with the song when it kind of dies right there, and this amazing solo starts. It brings the song back to life again. I just love it.

I watched a video of Master of Puppets live in Sydney 2004, and the crowd was singing along to the first solo. It sent chills down my spine! Great song.

No doubt about this one. Second to this solo should be To Live Is To Die. Then One.

Nothing Else Matters

Where others say "Stairway to Heaven" is the best solo ever, this is it for me. Pure feel, blues, emotion - it's on point. It made my fingers bleed on many occasions...

Really mellow feel, not the most complex but probably the most punchy solo.

I can't choose between this and Master of Puppets.

Suicide & Redemption

This song tends to fade into the background until James' solo kicks in. One of, if not the, best solos in all of Metallica's career, it fits in perfectly and transitions really nicely from the previous riff into Kirk's solo.

Hetfield's solos aren't about speed. They're about emotion, clarity, and pure skill. I don't know anyone else who has the same type of solos as James. Suicide and Redemption sums it all up.

It is not only very fast, but there is a beautiful transition between James' solo and Kirk's solo. So much better than the Master of Puppets solo.

To Live Is to Die

Are you serious? Master and Nothing Else Matters are good, but THIS is THE BEST Metallica solo. Yes friends, not Kirk, James. It is so melancholic and beautiful that it makes me tear up every time. Paired with one of Kirk's best solos and the excellent melodies of the whole tune, this ranks top tier in Metallica music and metal in general.

Nothing bests this song, and it's James' solo which makes it such a masterpiece.

The Ecstasy of Gold

Sweet solo, man! You rock the house, my man. I love you so much. You're my idol. I want to be like you when I grow up. But Kirk surpasses you, man. Peace.

The Outlaw Torn

James' solo/jam at the end is a particularly underrated piece, so groovy and catchy. It's a good way to end an album.


One of their best songs. Beautiful and brilliant guitar work.

My Friend of Misery
Whiskey in the Jar

The Newcomers

? 2 x 4
? Fade to Black
The Contenders

James played the solo in Blackened?

The Day That Never Comes

I don't need to say why. Just listen to it, my friend.

Creeping Death
That Was Just Your Life
Just a Bullet Away
The Unforgiven

The beautiful acoustic solo played just before Kirk's solo was by James. It really transitions the quiet chorus into a high-powered solo. This is the most dynamic Metallica solo and is unusual in its nature of being played on an acoustic.

For Whom the Bell Tolls

James plays this solo along with Kirk live. If you would like to see, then just search YouTube for a live video and watch him play. I am not sure about the album.

Fight Fire with Fire

This is actually a twin solo between James and Kirk.

The Unforgiven II
Thorn Within
The House Jack Built

Yeah, it's from Load, but it's still an awesome song, with a Talkbox solo courtesy of Papa Het!

The Call of Ktulu
Now That We're Dead
Bad Seed
Carpe Diem Baby
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