Top 10 Best Christian Metal Bands
Christian metal bands exist in all the metal subgenres. What is the best band?
Hands down, this is the greatest Christian metal band of all time. I've been a fan since The Triptych record, which was one of my favorites. I've listened to many bands like August Burns Red, Impending Doom, Skillet, Living Sacrifice, Becoming the Archetype, and Fit For A King, and they are all amazing! But I still think Demon Hunter should be at the top of the list.
With Patrick Judge's mind-blowing guitar solos, and how Ryan Clark can switch from angry growling to a beautiful melodic chorus, and of course Yogi Watts on drums, this band has talent. My two favorite songs have got to be Collapsing and Undying. I also don't understand why Living Sacrifice is not even in the top 5. Demon Hunter is a great band and deserves to be recognized.

If you're truly honest, if you seriously analyze these guys' entire body of work, if you really do love metal, then you know just how close to perfect these guys are. Since Thrillseeker, ABR has done nothing that could be considered mediocre or unoriginal. With each new release, they have only raised bars that only they could set.
All 5 of these guys are expert craftsmen, continually striving for the remarkable and fresh. Gifted among men. And what's inspiring is their talents are almost always directed towards God or godly principles. Unassuming in appearance, there is no other band that embodies Christian metal or metalcore, period, than ABR.
Living legends...

As a Christian, I absolutely love this band because of their out-in-the-open love and passion for Jesus Christ. They don't beat around the bush or sugarcoat anything. They are very upfront. Disregarding the lyrics though, it's hard not to be impressed with the amazing unclean vocalist that is Mattie Montgomery. One of the few that you can really feel emotion and power through his voice. The energy these guys give off at their concerts is absolutely intense. Sad to hear they are breaking up, but extremely happy that I have and will continue to call them my favorite musical act.

Awesome band and excellent sound, up until "Until We Have Faces." But to be honest, they're not a metal band (you've got "Let Go" and a few harder songs), but they're pretty much hard rock. Don't confuse the two. But for their effort and unique sound, I think they should go up on this list!
P.S. Their best sound was on their first two albums - they've gotten too pop-like from there in my humble opinion. I hope the 2015 one cleans that up and restores their classic sound.
One of my favorite bands ever. Their musical creativity knows no borders and their lyrics touch me every time. And yes, they ARE a metal band. It is alternative metal/nu metal with influences from rock music and a lot of symphonic and electronic elements.

These guys are absolutely amazing! Some people complain about their name, but it does nothing to hamper their superior sound. Of every true metal band I've heard of (Christian or not), no one has blown me away quite like these guys.
Just to clarify, Skillet is NOT a metal band, but they're a great ROCK band. Same goes for Disciple, who did play something resembling metal at some points in their career, but are largely a ROCK band. TFK and P.O.D. aren't really metal bands either.
P.S. The Showdown is way back on this list at like 50 or something. In my opinion, they should at least be in the top ten. If you don't vote for The Devil Wears Prada, then vote for The Showdown!

The very first Christian thrash/death metal band to emerge in the early '90s. The first self-titled album is amazing. I wish DJ would come back if only to diversify vocals with Bruce. Don't get me wrong, Bruce is incredible, but that "Slayerish" feel left with DJ.
Epic times ten. Tourniquet, Living Sacrifice, and Strong Arm before a dirtbike race. Real metal that gets you pumped and lets you feel the power of God with their lyrics and sound.
Living Sacrifice is stellar! Been listening to them since they first hit the scene.
Just listen to songs like "Ark of Suffering", "Swarming Spirits", "Ready or Not", and "Broken Chromosomes". Then you might consider them as good as the big four. I'd probably say "Ark of Suffering" would rank up to songs like "Master of Puppets" and "Symphony of Destruction". "Swarming Spirits" is a good song, and my personal favorite by them, even though one of their riffs sounds like Metallica's "Welcome Home (Sanitarium)". "Ready or Not" is basically the "PAINKILLER" of Christian Metal, and they were both released the same year. "Broken Chromosomes" was also really good.
A good Christian band that proves that you can be a Jesus follower and still rock out!

As I Lay Dying should be right at the top, but I feel that this band is best among all metalcore bands. The songs that it creates are full of Jesus's ideologies, but the meanings are so deep and beautiful! And the music quality is beyond extraordinary!
As I Lay Dying was great and disappointing all in one - one of the great quandaries of Christian life. While the music is true and well-intended, they are all indeed men and will ultimately fail. See the music for what it is and what it means to you, not lesser from the actions of foolish men.

I will state right up front that I can't get into metalcore because of the singing, be it screamo or the deep growl singing (although certain 'growlers' don't bother me, i.e., Demon Hunter and Death Therapy). So, that eliminates a lot of these bands for me.
Theocracy is a power metal band with some speed metal thrown in at times. The lyrics are great, but I am bummed about the drummer leaving (Shawn Benson). Check out his drumming on the Mirror of Souls or As the World Bleeds CDs. He is excellent.
Best band period in my opinion. No Christian metal band comes anywhere close to the depth of the lyrics from Theocracy. Just listen to Mirror of Souls, I Am, or Absolution Day. Their lyrics are like poetic sermons that cut right to the heart. They don't shy away from tough subjects or talking about real battles Christians face. They're provoking, encouraging, uplifting, and they challenge me to be a better Christian.

Skillet is a metal, nu-metal, alternative metal, and metal-in-itself band. However, when they deliver their music, they are trying to reach a very diverse fan base and keep their numbers up at the same time. That is pretty amazing for any band, and let's not forget to add the fact that John and the rest of the Skillet crew have never swayed away from their true Christian roots, whether they are on stage, in the studio, or in their personal lives.
They are one of the few metal bands that are as transparent as Skillet. So, in closing, I will keep praying that their music will bring peace to those in turmoil, happiness in times of sadness, and comfort in times of grief. God bless, Master Panhead Theo
The Newcomers

You should check out their Deadweight album. Super heavy with some deep stuff.
One of the best new bands! They have great music and inspiring, faith-based lyrics.
Their unique, identifying melodies, skilled guitar work, and strong vocals make them stand out.

There was no death metal/thrash prior to Mortification. They are to Christian death metal as Black Sabbath is to metal. They invented the genre.
Their music is very subpar in recent years, but the first three Mortification albums are fantastic death metal.
Death metal from Australia that is recognized as excellent even in the secular death metal scene.

No band is more technical or progressive than Stryper. I am a fan of all metal, not just Christian, and these guys have blown me away since the '80s with their incredible guitar work and unbelievable vocals. Over the years they have only gotten better. The album "Murder by Pride" is on my top ten lists of greatest albums of all time of any music style, nudging out their previous album "Reborn." Hey Stryper, thanks for spectacular music! Keep rocking. I will keep listening.
The first Christian metal band to really make it big. Without Stryper, there probably would not be anywhere near as many Christian metal bands as there are, and they would not get the attention that they do.

I'm sorry, this page is not accurate. I agree with the first two, seeing as As I Lay Dying, The Devil Wears Prada, and Underoath have all been debated among many as being the best Christian metal bands out there. But Stryper, Tourniquet, and Demon Hunter don't even deserve to be on this list. Sorry.
Truly the greatest Christian metal band out there! And their new album is sick! The fact they're only at number 10 is quite baffling. They deserve to be number 2, if not 1.
Underoath at 20? They should be number one. They changed the Christian metal scene into what it is today.

I don't know why this band isn't at least in the top 5. Seriously, what is this? Impending Doom is one of the best Christian metal bands out there! Like really, I think this band should be in at least the top five. The way they can combine death metal and the Christian culture is just magnificent. I really respect this band and think they are great.
Are you kidding me?! Impending Doom has to be the best death metal Christian band I have ever heard. These guys deserve to be #1 on the list. Two things you need to do while listening to this band: pray to God and headbang the crap out of yourself.

Oh, Sleeper destroys! Means to Believe is so powerful! Way better than The Devil Wears Prada with their nonstop auto-tuned clean vocals. ABR and Oh, Sleeper are the top two, in my opinion. Where is For Today? They should replace Skillet on this list, and The Color Morale should replace Demon Hunter.
This band is one of the best Christian bands I've listened to. The lyrics are awesome, and Micah's screaming is very clear yet aggressive. Shane's clean vocals will blow you away.
Sick band! I'm a fan of both Oh, Sleeper and The Devil Wears Prada, and I have to say Oh, Sleeper's music is way better than The Devil Wears Prada's. And as for vocals, Micah beats Mike!

Awesome band! One of the best in my opinion. They have so many albums, and I've listened to them all so many times.
I LOVE TFK! They're not a metal band so much as they are a hard rock/alternative rock band, but if that genre has a list, they should be at the top. AMAZING BAND!
I love them, and you can understand what they are saying. It's all about God.

Memphis May Fire should be way up there on the list! They're such an amazing band, and their lyrics are always showing me that God loves us. "The Sinner" is an amazing song talking about how we're sinners, but God loves us anyway. Also, it talks about God taking away our pride and other sinful things. Their newest album is amazing too! It's called "Unconditional." Great screams, great vocals - they're just awesome! Definitely check them out!
This band hits home. Their music is outstanding in all fields. Their music is quite blunt sometimes, coming from Mullen's emotional state, but also when calling people out. I thoroughly enjoy this band, especially the songs "Not Enough" and "Sleepless Nights" on their "Unconditional" album.
Very good speed/thrash metal, one of the most important bands in the Christian metal scene.
By far the best Christian thrash band of all time, and they have a new album coming out next month with the legends Jayson Sherlock on drums, Mike Phillips on guitar, Manny on bass, and the man Jimmy.
An absolutely outstanding thrash metal band. One of the best thrash metal bands of all time. These guys were incredibly influential. The first three albums were absolute masterpieces. Each one became a little bit more progressive and complex. Also, one of the few bands that could sound as good or better live than on their CD. Stryper was always strong in this respect also.
Excellent progressive thrash. This band is interesting because they are one of the few Christian bands to influence metal outside of the Christian metal scene. They are also the originators of the female-fronted symphonic metal sound that bands like Within Temptation and Sirenia are known for.

Listen to Outlaws by Disciple. Just amazing. And By God is their best metal song, followed by Scars Remain.
Jesus is very happy when Disciple releases a new album. These guys are a force for the Lord!
Best metal band I've ever heard! Amazing lyrics and music to listen to. If you don't believe me, just check them out. They are amazing! Listen to "The Ballad of St. Augustine".

Best band out there, not just in the Christian category. Sick instrumentals, best vocalist. It deserves the number one spot here by far. Listen to their latest project 'Between the Stars'. It sold pretty well and did well on the Billboard 200. Not to mention how good the past albums are - just incredible.
Flyleaf should be number 2 after Red. Lacey Sturm is my heroine, and I'm a 15-year-old boy.
Even after several lineup changes, this band keeps pushing the limits of the progressive Christian death metal genre. They aren't afraid to experiment with different sounds, with their albums evolving in different ways every time. Most importantly, you can feel the pure fervor for God displayed in energetic, all-out musicianship.
One of the most progressive, musically talented, and creative bands I've ever listened to. Their debut album "Terminate Damnation" belongs to the best albums ever produced. It's close to perfect.
Much more metal than say, Skillet, and better all around than most on the list in my humble opinion. Just found them and I am blown away!
I just started listening to them, and I think they need to be higher on the list. #42 doesn't cut it for these guys.
Whoa! I can't believe this is #44! Fit for a King is one of the heaviest Christian metal bands that exist.

People, do any of you try new bands? Everyone here is claiming that the band they listen to is the best, when actually, the band isn't even metal and shouldn't be on this list in the first place. Give this band a try. Also, Mortification needs some votes, Crimson Moonlight, Crimson Thorn. Come on, people, are you really metal fans?
Love Extol! Check out the Of Light and Shade documentary.