Top 10 Best Marianas Trench Songs

I love this song so much I could go on forever about how good it is. But truly and honestly, this would have to be one of my favorite songs from them, and the video is also amazing! Josh's voice is so amazing and makes you just want to sing along at the top of your lungs. He is also so hot that just seeing a picture of him brightens up my day!
Awesome song! It makes you want to sing as loud as possible till your lungs hurt! Even if you're a horrible singer, listen to this song and sing!
This song's been stuck in my head for months. It's amazingly catchy, and I love the guitar in it. His voice is just amazing.

Oh come on! This has to be their greatest song of all time! It's catchy, has a good message, and great vocals. Must I go on? Also, Beside You and Masterpiece Theatres I-III should be higher.
I heard this song and instantly fell in love with it. I've been singing it so much, my sister says she wishes I would shake, shake, shake and shut my mouth.
Marianas Trench is by far the best pop rock band, second only to the king himself. I have been listening to them since Fix Me was released and haven't heard anything better.

I love everything about this song! I don't know how you can't love this song. It is amazing! Loud parts, quiet parts, retro parts. Even the video is great. I love this song so much! And so do all of my Trencher friends!
Don't know how you can't love this song. They did a great job on this album and an even greater job on this awesome song. Congrats on the fantastic album, guys!
This is the best song on the new album Ever After and should be in the top five for sure, ahead of All to Myself. The guys in the band did the background vocals, and they were amazing!

I am Marianas Trench's biggest fan. I love every song they have ever written, sung, or hummed. But if I had to pick, I guess it would have to be Desperate Measures. It is so beautiful, and maybe it is just because it describes how I feel at the moment. But it is beautiful. If you ever get the chance, listen to it.
This is MT's best song ever to me, and it should be to everyone else because it's plain amazing and the best song ever.
This is my favorite song and music video! I love it so much!

I can't listen to this song without crying, but in the best way possible. This was my first dance song with my wife, and I love it so much.
This song is truly amazing! It's really bittersweet now that Josh and his once love of his life, his dearly departed, aren't really together anymore. This song is not only relatable and genius, but it also has so much emotion in it and always tugs at your heartstrings.
Love MTrench so much for this beautiful song that means the world to me.
This song is just its own type of beautiful! The music video itself is so moving, but combined with Josh's poignant voice, it's hard not to fall in love with him! It was actually the song that introduced me to the band. I've never gone back!

I love this song, but I can't listen to it anymore. After my first love left me, I listened to this song all the time. Memories flood back to me. I can't listen to the song without crying anymore. The acoustic version is amazing. I suggest you check it out.
This was the closer at the Toronto '15 concert. I can still recall every second of the crowd singing it as loudly as humanly possible.
The first song I ever listened to by them, and I loved it from the first minute. The acoustic version is beyond perfect.

This song is so relatable. It is beautiful, and I love the harmony. It is a very strong song, and it's perfect for Josh's voice because he is so passionate. I think it should be top three on the list!
Lots of emotion, and the harmony and layering of the voices are beautiful. Definitely my favorite song of theirs at the moment.
I totally agree with one of the previous comments. The vocal layering is complex and makes this song more than it seems.

This song is AMAZING! This was the first MT song that I listened to. My friend showed it to me, and I loved it from the very first moment. I just couldn't get it out of my head, and this got me to listen to all the rest of their songs. This is my favorite, and I could sing it off the top of my head right now.
How is this not in the top ten? The lyrics are painfully catchy, and it's stayed in my head all day! Ridiculously good!
When I hear this song, I can't get it out of my head for about a whole day, yet I still listen to it again and again.

This is one of the Marianas Trench songs that really touches the soul. Those harmonic chords and background voices add an amazing touch to the song. There's also this undercurrent of some powerful emotion that cannot be described in words but felt in the human heart.
I love Marianas Trench because they're so different from other bands. They have such amazing vocals and harmonies, and this song really shows it.
Whenever I listen to this song, I get really emotional and happy. I don't know why, but I love this song. It's my favorite by them.

Love this song! Josh Ramsay is such an amazing writer. He's gone through so much in his life and has powered through so well. His songs are so clever, catchy, and easy to relate to. Also, Marianas Trench is great live!
Since I'm too lazy to make an account and add my #1 favorite, this is one of the best songs ever.
Marianas Trench's first single is also one of their best! Say Anything has a great beat and some really cool lyrics.
The Newcomers

Can't. Get. Enough. Of. This. Song. It's like 6 minutes long, but I wouldn't mind if it was 60 minutes long! I definitely recommend it. So amazing.
This is my favorite song of theirs, and the album is also my favorite. Both should definitely be #1!
Best opener out of all of the openers. It's better than all the closers too.

Love this mix, and it's a perfect way to sum up the album, revisiting the high points of the other songs. My favorite part is when it ends on the lyrics from Say Anything (from their previous album), which gives it this connected, contained feeling.
Tough call between this one, Alibis, or By Now, but I have to pick this one since it's like a greatest hits mashed up into one. It makes you feel like you've just listened to something grand and theatrical.
This song is so amazing. I listen to it every chance I get. It really touched my heart. The lyrics just say it all.
I love all the Masterpiece Theatres, but this one is so emotional. I'm a sucker for emotional songs. This deserves a higher spot, and so does Lover Dearest.
Love you, Marianas Trench.

Beautiful and poetic. It will make long-time fans cry.
Great song with an amazing story!
This is probably the only song by Marianas Trench that I can actually listen to over and over again and not get bored. It's pretty great.
I love this song so much! It deserves more credit than it has now! My favorite song by MT so far! It should be closer to the top of the list!
Love this song! Can't help but feel like it should be closer to the top of the list.

This is the second song that started it all. Thank you, Shake Tramp. You made Marianas Trench confident enough to continue their beautiful songs! Besides, Shake Tramp is a very good song.
This is the first Marianas Trench song I ever heard, and I loved it immediately!
This should obviously be first.

I discovered Marianas Trench with this song. It's amazing how they criticize some facts but with catchy and friendly lyrics. They're geniuses. I like the more serious songs, but this one is so much fun!
Honestly, my favorite thing about this song is how they say "alright." It's so catchy!

The lyrics in this song are so personal for Josh (lead singer). He wrote it based on a letter he had to write in rehab, addressed to his drug of choice (heroin) and his struggle with it. It's such a beautiful song that has very meaningful lyrics.
Oh my god! 2%?
This is the best song ever.
It's filled with raw emotion and has a great meaning. Josh Ramsay's vocals just kill you (but in a good way). Come on. Search up the meaning of this song, and maybe you'll see why it should be #1.
This song is very powerful. It shows the difficulties of recovering from an addiction in a very beautiful light.

By the way, this is the first song I've heard by Marianas Trench, and it's awesome. I totally love it!
It's a very good song. I just heard it a couple of days ago, and now it's stuck in my head.
It fits together so well with Toy Soldiers. It's almost like one song.

Why is this song all the way down here? It's so amazing. It has such a catchy beat and makes me want to sing along!
First song I ever heard from them and yet my favorite one! I would've sworn it would be in the top ten songs of the band. It's really hot and dangerous, and it makes me think of my favorite cartoon ship.
Been stuck in my head all day. Just discovered one of the best songs.

This song makes me cry, no joke. It's absolutely beautiful, their best song by far.

Love their new song "One Love." I have so many Marianas Trench favorites, but this one is it for me.

My best friend and I both love this song and sing it all the time. I definitely recommend it.

Completely underrated song. The first MTrench song I listened to, and I fell in love instantly. The vocals are beautiful.
A song that isn't their most famous or anything, but it's probably my favorite from the Astoria album.

This song is absolutely beautiful from start to finish. I cannot listen to this song without crying. It's about Josh when he used to be bulimic and anorexic and how he overcame that. The lyrics are just so perfect, and so is his voice. Easily my favorite song in the entire world.
This song, honestly, just makes me feel things that normal music doesn't. This is easily their most heartfelt, meaningful song. There's no other way to describe it. It hits hard and is bitterly beautiful.
This song makes me cry every time I hear it. Having had an eating disorder myself for 7 years, this song has a powerful impact on me.