Top 10 Best Skillet Songs

Skillet has an insane knack for writing songs that hit hard, both musically and emotionally. If you're here, you know this band is more than just sound - they're about raw energy, lyrics that don't shy away from big topics, and a heavy-yet-hopeful vibe that's hard to match. Whether you're drawn in by their heavy riffs, the empowering lyrics, or the balance of grit and melody, there's something in their music that sticks with you.
The Top Ten

Hero has to be one of my all-time favorite songs. It's fast-paced, with strong lyrics and a strong message. You people rate this in comparison to Skillet's other songs. I rate it in comparison to all the other songs IN EXISTENCE!

Just an awesome song. The best vocals and the music are also awesome. The music is really catchy. Hats off to them for creating such great music.

This song made me a huge fan of Skillet. An absolute favorite Skillet song! Every time I listen to it, it's like listening to it for the first time. Also, I love the fireworks in the video. Keep up the awesome work!

Awake and Alive

I don't generally like voting for the number 1 ranking song, but it's true, this is my favorite. Lucy, Salvation, and Would it Matter are tied for second. I'm not one bit religious or a Christian, but irrespective of that, I will say I like these guys very much and think their songs demonstrate some of the best mixed male-female vocals you can hear in rock music.

I love the female part even more in the song. It gives an awesome feeling to the song.

I totally agree with what other people have said about this song. It really is awesome, and the addition of the female voice makes it even more amazing. It's just so catchy, and I love listening to it.

Whispers in the Dark

Best song ever. Vote for it. Just listen to the best lyrics, best music, and best vocals by John Cooper. It really deserves 1st position, and other songs like Rebirthing, Comatose, Sometimes, and Not Gonna Die tonight also deserve a high place. All songs of Skillet are great, with great backing vocals by Jen Ledger. If I have to vote for the best album, I will vote for Comatose.

I've listened to Skillet since they started. The song that they show most talent and skill is this one. The guitars, vocals, drums, and everything else is perfectly executed. It's inspiring and beautiful. There's no way this is not number one.


My dad let me listen to this song when I was 6. Ever since then, I've been in love with Skillet, and they have been my favorite band since. The memory of the first time I heard it has burned into my memory. I only have a few memories from age 6, but this one I still remember. Completely amazing! The only thing I wish it had would be Jen Ledger's or Korey Cooper's vocals for parts, but still, it's my favorite right above Hero and The Last Night.

I always listened to this song before my wrestling matches. Afterward, I wrestled like an absolute beast. It's such an awesome song that really makes you feel like a monster.


Why the heck would anyone vote for Awake and Alive over Comatose? Comatose has by far the best lyrics out of all the songs by Skillet and is just such an amazing song! Please, at least listen to this song before you vote for something like Awake and Alive. Comatose is so underrated!

This is such an underrated song. I love it way more than all the other songs by Skillet. This song not only sounds the best but has the best lyrics by far. I have no idea how Whispers in the Dark and Awake and Alive are higher than this song. Please listen to this song at least a few times before you vote!


This song should easily be number 1 along with Comatose. One of the best, most original songs they have. Meaningful lyrics, amazing singing, and mixing orchestra with guitar for the most part? Amazing song.

All of these songs are great, but this is one that I have and still can listen to over and over again.

If it had gone mainstream like Monster, it would easily jump to the top of the list.

Have you heard the orchestra? It's just amazing and makes me want to rock out. The strings were just awesome, and the lyrics matched perfectly with the song. It's the number one song that makes me feel like I'm in a story. In this, I feel like rebirthing back to life.

Not Gonna Die

The only reason this isn't at the top is because it was added late off their new album. This song has everything I like in a song, all mashed into one. I can listen forever and not once get sick of it. I think it's about a guy in the middle of a war, and all his comrades around him are dying, and he's about to join them. Then he remembers his wife and swears he won't die for her. Amazing song!

Tremendous strings, a great guitar solo, rocking drums, powerful emotion, and strong lyrics make this one of the best, if not the best, Skillet songs of all time. I'm an avid Skillet fan with favorites such as Collide, Savior, Rebirthing, Whispers in the Dark. Trust me, I'm inclined to place this song in the top 2 easily.

The Last Night

I have loved Whispers in the Dark, Forgiven, One Day Too Late, and Awake and Alive for some time now and have a lot of respect for Skillet as a band. The Last Night is a new song of theirs to me, and I am already in love with it. An amazing song, incredibly powerful and moving, clearly more people need to hear this, or else why is it only number 7 on the list! Say Goodbye is another fabulous one.

This song just really touches me inside, and it's actually about a realistic topic. This is why I love Skillet so much. You know about those singers who always sing about cheesy love and such? Sure, they may still be nice to listen to, but then awesome bands and meaningful music such as these are forgotten.


Amazing song, should be number one. The rhythm, the lyrics, the meaning - everything about this song is amazing!

This is the song I will never know how to rock out to because it is too epic.

I love this. It's just that it makes me think of what happens to my friends.


Literally, the only reason I voted for this song is the music video. Watch it - it's the one with the heroes. I very rarely tear up, but it's truly inspirational!

The live version of Collide from Comatose Comes Alive just outshines all the other songs!

Epic through and through. I do not even mind that it's a little long, simply because of the quality.

The Newcomers

? Psycho in My Head
? Dominion
The Contenders
Falling Inside the Black

Skillet is one of my favorite bands, though I'm not even Christian, and Falling Inside the Black is my favorite Skillet song. It should have been number one! Really, John Cooper has an inspiring voice, and this song always gives me goosebumps.

This should be in the top 5 at least. Take Hero and Awake and Alive out - they're great songs and they're catchy, but they're lacking in great lyrics. This song is really catchy.

This song really inspires me. It touches my soul deeply. I cannot understand why this song isn't on top of this list.


This is my third favorite song, right next to Whispers In The Dark and Monster. I loved the chorus, I loved the second verse, but the first verse was my favorite part. The song is so catchy. But sorry, it can't top my favorite song yet, Monster.

This song has the most meaning out of most of their songs, I think. You can feel the emotion in this song, and everyone can relate to it. It has a great, catchy tune that is a lot of fun to sing along to. Definitely my favorite song.

Best song by Skillet. John, you are great. Your voice is really great. You change it as needed. Really great! It's my favorite song. I can listen to it any time. I also feel that it gives me physical strength.

Feel Invincible

I am constantly restarting and cranking this song. It is all energy and power, and when Jen Ledger starts banging the drums on this, one can't help but feel energized. Great, great song - as are 90% of Skillet's songs, though.

This is close, but Feel Invincible is my favorite Skillet song. It pumps me up and gives me the energy I need. It's so epic and honestly makes me want to fight!

How can anyone not rock out to this song? It is so incredibly uplifting and inspiring, and it is the best pump-up song there is. The beat, lyrics, and bass are all fantastic.

Looking for Angels

Another great song! Really fun to listen to, and the meaning behind it combined with the lyrics makes this song unbreakable.

I love this song so much. Everywhere I turn, people are looking for angels. I can totally relate to this song, and the lyrics are so beautiful. It's far better than Hero up there. Why would anyone in their right mind pick Hero over this?


Rise may not be the best Skillet album, but this track is just plain beautiful. I love Jen's vocals!

Korey Cooper's voice just makes this song truly amazing. It should definitely be up there in the top 15.

Jen's first lead singer song! This song is filled with so much love for God!

Those Nights

This song has a very special meaning to me. Why isn't it higher? I think this is the best song Skillet has done. I love the other ones, don't get me wrong: Hero, Monster, Awake and Alive, etc., but this one is the stuff of legends.

A very special song to me. My best friend Zac and I got through all those nights with each other!

This song is extremely personal to me. It gets me very emotional and should be ranked much higher. Such a beautiful song.

The Resistance

This song is awesome. My favorite off the new Skillet album. It is fast-paced and has a really awesome guitar solo to end the song. Favorite Skillet song.

Epic. Just EPIC! The lyrics, beat, and energy this song gives off make you feel so pumped up.

My personal favorite song by Skillet. Everything about it is perfect!


This is a beautiful, emotional song. I loved the story behind it and loved how they used rock to enhance the story. It was beautiful, heart-wrenching, and brought me to the brink of tears. Listen to it if you haven't. You'll be moved a lot.

Best song, not only by Skillet, but the best song ever. Seriously, listen to it. The lyrics mean a lot to some people like myself, which just makes the song perfect. I was shocked to see that this wasn't even in the top five. Number one for me by a long margin.

I would go as far as to say that this song should be in the top five at least! Lucy and The Last Night are amazing songs that really speak to people. Plus, I love that Skillet can go from rocking out to slow like this almost immediately.

It's Not Me It's You

Very good song, but all of Skillet is awesome! But you should check out Twenty One Pilots. Very good stuff. I would like to go to a Skillet concert. Also, it would be cool to meet them.

Would It Matter

I think everyone can relate to this song at one point in their life. We all know how hard life can be, and sometimes you just don't want to go on, and you wonder, "Why am I still here? It's not like I'm important." This song has lyrics that describe that beautifully.

This song is just wonderful. It describes just how I feel right now. This song is beautiful, and I love it. It is so my favorite song from Skillet, and after that, Hero, but yeah, this song can make me cry sometimes. I love it!

This song is way too far down on the list. Just because it is a little less known than their famous songs, Would It Matter definitely deserves a spot in the top ten.

Sick of It

Much better than Lucy! Lucy is lame, and Sick of It ought to be number one on any heavy metal list! How is Lucy better? It's not!

One of the better songs from Skillet. It is a definite top choice for the first song to listen to when you first get into Skillet.

Skillet made this song to get rid of bullies. It deserves to be in the top 10.

Circus for a Psycho

Seth gets my respect for every single guitar solo and the rest of the song too. Jen Ledger deserves respect as well for the drums. Korey Cooper for the rest of the guitar parts, and then John Cooper for the vocals. Absolutely amazing. I like it better every time I listen to it!

First: epic guitar solo! Nice! This song always makes me a little bit crazy. Love that!

Crazy guitar solo! An incredibly unique Skillet song!

Never Surrender

This song should be in the top 10. I love the feel of this song. It is my motivation! His voice fits perfectly for the theme of this song, and I love the background music as well. My second favorite song for sure!

What? This song isn't in the top 10? Why? It's so sad and emotional... Great lyrics... Vote for it!

Best song by far. The lyrics are so fantastic. This song really speaks to you. Never surrender!


The most underrated Skillet song. Very powerful, especially if listened to after Fingernails (another very underrated song).


That bass, though. It's so good! I love the power this song gives off. Skillet's vocals, lyrics, and the passion they bring to the song make it stand out. It always pumps me up.

My favorite Skillet song of all time! Part of the Whitecourt Wolverines Goal Horn.

One of the best songs by Skillet! Should be in the first 3!

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