Top 10 Best Songs of the 2000s
Yeah! This song in the top 3! Eminem is my favorite musical artist. A fact about this song: This song has created the most car accidents as people get too excited after listening to this song and then their car...
Best song of the 2000s, no matter what anyone says. One of the best songs of all time! Eminem gives meaning to his songs and inspiration. If you don't like Eminem and this song, then there is something wrong with you.
This song deserves to be number one. It is one of the best pump-up songs ever, alongside songs like Encore/Numb and Thunderstruck. It tells you about Eminem's life story and how he powered through it.
Yes, I am still listening to most of these songs in 2012 as well. These songs are way better than the stuff they produce nowadays. In the End has got to be the one I have listened to the most.
But I wish I could vote for multiple songs! And what the hell is Ke$ha doing on this list?!
Come on, who has dominated the music industry of the 2000s if not LP? Coldplay is complete garbage, anyone in this world who knows what music is. This song MUST be #1.
Now I know that this list is crap because this song is better than most of the songs on here. And why isn't Lose Yourself number 1?
Personally, I voted for Viva La Vida, but this song is just as amazing. Amy Lee is one of the best voices out there, and this song really demonstrates her vocal talents, though not quite as much as My Immortal, which is arguably her best song.
Even so, this song is beautiful, and it's a shame that nobody bothered to comment on it. Oh, and it's really epic too!
I am screaming with happiness right now. I love Viva la Vida so much. When I'm about to die of utter boredom, I think about this song, and suddenly Algebra is worth learning about.
Thank you, Coldplay, for making my life more enjoyable. Thank you for Viva la Vida.
Ugh! Amazing! This is one of those songs that you could never get tired of listening to. Congrats on the Grammy awards for Best Song of 2008 and Best Rock Album! Viva la Vida definitely deserves it, no doubt!
This song deserves the top place. Coldplay really knew what they were doing when they wrote this.
How did this barely make the top ten? American Idiot was the best album of the millennium. Also, two Eminem songs are in the top 3, and Viva La Vida is #2? Come on! Yes, it's my favorite Coldplay song, but it's not top ten material.
And another thing, half of the songs on American Idiot are just as good as BOBD, but they didn't make the top ten even though Hey Ya! did! If this were a list of 2000s artists, I assure you that Coldplay and especially OutKast would not make the top ten.
If there's a better song that's been made in the history of music, I'm yet to hear it. It has everything you could want: emotive lyrics, awesome guitar solos, and a killer video.
The fact that Beyoncé and Eminem are above this is an outrage!
This song proves that anyone who thinks the only people who listen to Eminem are drugged-up white people doesn't understand rap. Rap is an art, and art is constantly developing.
Yes, Nas, Pac, Big, Rakim, NWA, and Public Enemy came before him, but he took rap to a level past anyone else. One of the greatest songs off one of the greatest albums. Argument over.
A great rap song. Eminem writes about real things: his life, his problems, and his daughters.
He kicks every rapper's ass!
I can't remember how many times I've listened to this song, so I'm glad it's in the third spot.
Just a smooth track...
"My baby don't mess around because she loves me so, and this I know fo' sho." This is a serious song to an uplifting beat with some killer dance moves. You have to love this song!
No, this song, Hey Ya, is not on the Ella Enchanted soundtrack. And by the way, amazing song.
Simple but amazing. Seriously, I can play this song behind my back while sitting down, but I get more feel from it than songs like Smooth, Everlong, and Californication (which is also very simple).
This is one of the best bands of the 2000s, and this is their breakthrough single. They basically brought back garage rock into the rock mainstream.
I used to hate rock. But after I listened to this, my whole perspective changed.
When I first heard this song, I thought it was an old song. It sounded like an old R&B song.
The music video is awesome too!
Such an amazing song. Should be higher up.
This should be the top song. This song never gets old.
I scrolled down this list, and this is the first song I actually recognize. Still happy it's on the list, though.
The Newcomers
Best song ever written. Catchy beats, great lyrics. Mix them together, best song ever. It really stands out from any other song.
Everyone is born knowing every word to this song. It's a fact. Such a fantastic piece of music.
I remember being addicted to this song. I still am.
An unbelievably crafted song of social commentary written when he was only 16. It is godlike.
OneRepublic is that band that doesn't get enough credit. They're the band that sings all the best songs that you never bothered to look up the artist of. Recognize any? Apologize, Secrets, Stop and Stare, All the Right Moves, Feel Again. Those are just a few!
OneRepublic is the best band that nobody's heard of, yet everyone knows at least one song by them.
One of the rare '00s songs that can compete with old classics when it comes to sincerely beautiful songs.
I rarely listen to OR, but it's a memorable song. Still remember the lyrics after eight years or so.
The piano riff in the beginning is iconic. The lyrics are deep. The song couldn't get any better.
It's really frustrating for me to see this above "The Scientist," but it's still a good song though.
To me, this Coldplay song has a lot more passion than the others.
The first part is really cool and majestic. Then there's an awesome riff and fast verse/chorus part with inspiring lyrics. The bridge has a similar sound to the intro, and then the last chorus.
And Lady Gaga is "better" than this?
One of the best songs of all time. The music is awesome, and the band gives it their all in this song.
It also has a pretty deep meaning.
Come on, guys. This is literally one of the best songs I've ever heard. At least top 10.
Sorry, this song defines 2000s music. There were no bigger pop superstars in the decade other than Britney Spears and the Anti-Britney movement princess, Avril Lavigne. This song deserves a spot in the Top Ten.
And Avril Lavigne is the best pop-punk singer/songwriter ever!
Avril was definitely the 00s spirit! It's just impossible not to listen to one of her songs, especially this one, and not feel nostalgic or remember the early 00s.
My Immortal is higher than this? Really? This song should be at least number 9, people!
The best thing about this track is that it isn't depressing whatsoever. Once you hear this song you'll have a smile on your face.
The song that pretty much put Franz Ferdinand on the map in terms of the music industry.
Another song that everyone knows. Real catchy and fun.
This song was heard in Nim's Island (2008) during the end of the film, where Nim, Alex, and her dad are happily on her island.
This should be way higher, in my opinion.