Top 10 Best Things About Justin Bieber
Justin Bieber is the best singer I have heard in my life, along with One Direction. The Beatles? Nah, they're overrated.
Justin Bieber is awesome. It saddens me that no one on this site likes him. Justin Bieber is actually a musical genius. Forget about Jackie Evancho or whoever else you like.
You guys know that just because you hate someone doesn't mean they're a bad singer, right?
Seriously, grow up. He is a good singer, much better than many other male singers.
Wow, his voice is the best. Fans heard Baby.
Beliebers heard Where Are You Now. Best songs: Common Denominator, Where Are You Now, Stuck in the Moment, Down to Earth, and Turn to You.
Although he used to be able to flip his hair, now it's just perfect!
At least his hair is more decent than his personality.
He's just so nice and caring! He's a sweetheart!
He's the sweetest and most caring person I have ever met.
His eyes are so captivating that you can't help but be impressed!
I think Beliebers are the best creatures the 'Fans World' has.
He has admitted and apologized for many of his mistakes. Being as big of a star as he is, that takes a lot of guts.
I admire him for this and many other things he's done. Not only does he own up to his mistakes, but he also follows through and doesn't repeat them. He sets a good example, and I'm proud of him.
If you think I'm crazy, I'm not stopping you. But if you go ahead and do research, you'll see that I'm right. He also dedicates his time to giving back. If this isn't a role model, I don't know what could be.
His smile gives me life. It's the oxygen I need to breathe.
When he smiles, it makes me smile and makes me happy. When he isn't smiling, I don't smile. I'm weak.
His teeth are white and straight, and his lips are okay.
Justin revealed the true meaning of this song. He said it's for everyone (especially you haters!).
It's time we forgive him. And the song is probably for Selena.
I dislike his songs and him in general, but he really has some awesome shoes!
Haha, his shoes are the only good thing about him!
No, really... I don't understand what all the girls like about him. He sings like a baby.
The Newcomers
I love Justin very, very much, and he brings his fans on stage.
He also gives them surprises, and I love many of his other habits.
It's cute. I was proud when he pulled his trousers up for the Believe premiere, though.
Actually, it's not his swag. It's that he has swag, and you have swag only when you're confident.
I don't think it's easy for him because there's all this pressure he has to deal with, as well as so much hate. When he does something wrong, he always receives really harsh comments, as if the people commenting have never made a mistake too.
Don't you think it's time to admit that it's pretty hard, but he's doing well by just being himself? He has this amazing swag that none of the people I know can have, even without having to deal with the challenges I mentioned earlier.
Just stating my opinion. Nothing more, nothing less.
Incredible voice I've ever heard. He did sound a little like a girl, but I think that is what makes his voice so darn nice.
It is just perfect in every way!
That is the only good thing I can find about him.
Yeah! He took your sister's heart at one point! How evil, Justin Bieber!