Top 10 Best Disturbed Songs

This is a top 10 list of Disturbed songs, ranging from The Sickness to Divisive.
The Top Ten
Down with the Sickness

This song is beyond amazing. It is godly. The drumming sends shivers down your spine, the riffs are perfect to say the least, and the vocals are amazing.

As for the bridge, Disturbed took a big risk by inserting a bridge as shocking as that, but it's a risk that paid off. I literally can't describe how great this song is. It's been my favorite song for over a year, and I highly advise you to check it out.

This is the song that showcased who Disturbed was. It showed that they were a force to be reckoned with and that they would dominate the planet as one of the greatest metal bands of the generation. This song helped push The Sickness over the edge and helped Disturbed reach huge levels with only their debut.

This song is the pure essence of Disturbed and is, without a doubt, their best song.


This is my favorite song of this band. Down with the Sickness would be my favorite if not for that weird abuse part. Those are Disturbed's two best songs. However, with Down with the Sickness, the abuse part really kind of ruins what the song was building up.

The best solo I've ever heard! The song has great lyrics, obviously great vocals, great music, and an extraordinarily remarkable solo. A good job by all four of them, and David is as rocking as always.

Most meaningful and emotional song of theirs. Down with the Sickness is the very definition of Disturbed. It's like their theme song.

However, Stricken is their best, and I could listen to it anytime. Just a great song. Let's get it to number 1, guys.


"Indestructible" is a song title with a message! As previously stated on several other bloggers' comments, "Indestructible" is Disturbed's best song. It has a great motivational purpose and, as always, a great tune. This song has the potential to be featured in a great workout video, motivational video, or AMV (Anime Music Video).

This song is the origin of my enjoyment for Disturbed's music. I had heard a few of their songs before, but "Indestructible" elevated my interest to a whole new category: very intrigued. To not consider this song the best, in my eyes, is a real letdown. So, all onlookers and Disturbed fans, please reconsider.

Inside the Fire

I love this song. It addresses such a sensitive topic, suicide, very well. I think it demonstrates that if someone you know commits suicide, you shouldn't be driven to suicide yourself.

Besides, the chorus is amazing, and the song is fast-paced.

I really like this song because it's about what happened to him when he was 18. What happened was that he was dating someone, and she was addicted to something, so he broke up with her. Then they got back together at a spring party, but she was still addicted to something, so he broke up with her again.

After that happened, she killed herself. David said that when he was at her funeral, he had thoughts of suicide himself. And worst of all, the girl's parents blame David for her death to this day.

The Night

I always hear that Down with the Sickness is the best. It is a good song indeed, but The Night is my all-time favorite to listen to by Disturbed, and it's also fun to play on guitar. The Night is one of the best metal songs ever recorded. I mean, listen to the solo. It's badass.

Dan Donegan is truly an underrated guitarist. Another thing I like about this song is the music video. It's epic, with Dan Donegan strumming his guitar and the speakers blasting sound waves, causing the screen to shake rapidly. Awesome, just truly a perfect song.


The beginning part just sounds so amazing! Then the chorus completes the rest of the song. When he vocalizes before "and don't deny me," it's so beautiful.

I was never a big fan of Disturbed before, but listening to this song got me interested in their music, and now I absolutely love them! This song should definitely be number one.

Yeah! This is a typical Disturbed song! It should be at least second on this list. Personally, I rate it higher than Down With the Sickness. The riff is just awesome in this song. I really like it!

Ten Thousand Fists

This is one of Disturbed's heavier songs, much better than Asylum. This song is much more powerful. If you don't listen to this song on full blast, you're doing it wrong. It's in-your-face Disturbed metal at its best.

I fail to see how the general consensus is that "Down with the Sickness" is the best of their songs. "10,000 Fists" is just so powerful! It really makes you want to stand up and shout, "Ten thousand fists!"

One of my favorite songs! I love the idea behind this song. But why is it at 8th? It should really be 6th. Come on, do something to save this brilliant piece of sound.


You can't leave out "Prayer." I know the song is more mainstream, but that's like Black Sabbath fans thumbing their nose at "Paranoid." Without "Paranoid," Sabbath might not have been around to create other great riffs like "Symptoms of the Universe," "Bloody Sabbath," or one of my favorites, "The Writ."

Who knows, there might not have been such a great band like Disturbed if "Paranoid" had not put Sabbath on the map.

I love this song! The lyrics are amazing! It makes me feel so alive. I think this song should be in the top ten. It would be in my top 5 for the best Disturbed songs. David's lyrics are amazing, especially in The Night and Inside the Fire. I love Disturbed.


This is my favorite song from Disturbed. The music, the lyrics, the raw emotion are all top-notch. Nothing before or since touches the greatness that is Asylum. This is my favorite song from any artist, any genre. It is the perfect Disturbed song.

I enjoyed this song very much. Though there are other trademark songs, I keep listening to this song again and again. The music is terrific. The lyrics seem hellish, but I just like to listen to this while blasting my earphones away.

Asylum is Disturbed's only good song. I know I might get hate for this, but it's true. Their stuff is pretty much the same, and it's the same sub-par stuff, except for this song.

Land of Confusion

This was number 17 when I voted. That's so wrong. This is an EPIC song. While there are plenty of other good songs by Disturbed, Land of Confusion stands above the rest. It's just one of those songs that excites me from the moment it starts!

This song definitely belongs in the top five immediately. "Down with the Sickness" isn't even that good, in my opinion. I have to stop my workouts whenever he starts complaining about his mom in the middle of the song.

Like, what is that? "Let us feel these men of power are losing control by the hour!" Yeah! Now that's the kind of music I want to hear! Swap this out with "Down with the Sickness," and we'll have ourselves a list!

The Newcomers

? A Reason to Fight

This is a meaningful song with lyrics that can be applied to addiction and suicide.

As you can probably tell, it isn't a story about someone giving in to these struggles. Rather, it's about getting back up. There's still a reason to live a full life.

? The Best Ones Lie

It's great to see that Disturbed is still going!

I love this one!

The Contenders
The Game

This is my favorite song from Disturbed. My favorite part is the bridge when David is singing during Dan's solo. This part is so unique! I must say that the lyrics and instrumental fit perfectly together.

This song is one of the best Disturbed songs that I have ever heard. There's just no reason not to vote it up! Hope to see you playing again, Disturbed!

Amazing fast lyrics and a really good song in general. Definitely a song that should be listened to if you like fast, heavy, rhythmic music. Personally, it's my favorite Disturbed song.


Simply amazing and one of the best Disturbed songs ever created! I just can't get tired of listening to this one. Honestly, it should be among the top 10.

Seriously? Come on! Nu metal plus slapping on bass! This is one of the reasons why Fuzz is one of the most underrated modern metal bassists.

Top 5 Disturbed song. One of the best songs by Disturbed. Even though the lyrics don't make much sense, it's a great song.

Another Way to Die

This song is pretty kickass. I like that it has a dark, scary, doom metal-like intro, and then it turns into your average awesome song by Disturbed. Not their best song, in my opinion, but definitely one of my favorites.

I think this song deserves to be in the top 5. Aside from the very well-orchestrated rhythm and flow, the song's lyrics are very meaningful. They describe a reality that is possible.

This should, by all means, be in the top 3. It's the best song EVER, in my opinion! When this was released, I was listening to it for two months straight. They should keep up making songs like this.

The Sound of Silence

The range of his voice, as well as the dynamics, are wonderful! It is powerful, so powerful. This is the only song I have heard by this group, and I will be looking for more.

I also love the "velvet" sound of his voice, which he can turn on and off at will. To then listen to his raspy voice hit all of the high notes with such power is beautiful.

This cover is so amazing. Disturbed shows that they actually have an ear for music with this. This song has emotion and is so perfectly executed. This song should be number one.

The only reason it's so low is because it's still new. But everyone, whether they're a Disturbed fan or not, needs to listen to this song.

The Vengeful One

This one is simply amazing. It was perfect for a hiatus-ending single. This song is powerful and shows us how the world controls us. I listen to this practically endlessly. It's top 3 worthy.

This song has a beat and attitude different from Down with the Sickness and more like Glass Shatters or even Just Stop. Of course, this song is better than those two.

HANDS DOWN the best of their new songs. HANDS DOWN. This is the song that sticks out on this album. The lyrics are powerful and extremely dark, and I love them.


This is my favorite Disturbed song! Why it's not in the top 10 is a good question. I love the intro to the song and the lyrics. This defines Disturbed at its best and easily beats "Down with the Sickness."

Don't get me wrong. It's a good song, but it's not their best, even though it's their most popular.

The lyrics in this song alone surpass any of their previous work, and probably any thereafter. Only "The Night" can surpass this song in regards to the song's personality. It's easily one of, if not their best song.

It's strange how this song isn't even in the top ten! The lyrics and music compilation are awesome. Songs like this don't come out very often and stand out among the very best.


The first time I heard this song was in Need For Speed: Most Wanted. It's an awesome song. It was also the first song that I heard from them.

This is the first song of his I've listened to! It has the best lyrics I've ever read and listened to! I don't know why this is #11. It must be one of the best songs!

For me, ever since NFS Most Wanted, this has always been a driving song. Every time I hear it, I always picture myself passing other cars and negotiating tight turns. It's also a great workout song.

The Animal

Great lyrics and very powerful singing make this song great for letting out all your anger. It makes me feel like no one can mess with me. It has my favorite Disturbed solo too.

The steady stream of fast notes with an eerie atmosphere really works well in this song. It may not be phrased very well, and it isn't the longest, but it keeps the fast pace of the song and delivers a really nice melody. I love how the rhythm guitar mixes with the lead at times during the solo, creating a nice harmony and chorus effect. I also love how the drums mesh with the guitar riffs to make them even heavier.


Honestly, this song is the most life-changing song they've ever released. A perfect blend of amazing rock music and melody, this song deserves a much better spot on the list.

How is this not ranked higher? This must have been forgotten because most Disturbed fans have this in their top 5. Give it a listen. It's my favorite!

Please tell me that this is a sick joke that this is ranked so low. It's very sad because this is number one in my book.

Perfect Insanity

This is one of the best songs off of Indestructible. I'm surprised it's not in the top 15.

Awesome song plus great drumbeat equals top 10 at least!

How isn't this song in the top ten?


Waiting for your modern Messiah, take away all the hatred that darkens the light in your eye, still awaiting I. This song should be in the top 3 with Down with the Sickness and Asylum. This website is not very good. It doesn't even give a proper ranking.

So it's not my all-time favorite by them, but it's definitely the one that got me into them! It has a chorus that just makes you need to sing along!

Why is this so far down? Liberate is awesome. I think it's as good or better than Down with the Sickness. It should be farther up there!

Meaning of Life

Although most people dislike the stronger lyrics, the undertone of the song is strong and powerful. Also, the repetition is really catchy. I think it should deserve a place at least in the top 15.

This is one of their most famous songs, but people don't know the name. I love this song and think it's better than most.


Definitely the best song ever, as it first begins by repeating amazing sounds in the intro, then moving into a juxtaposition of high and low sounds near 2:40.

The Night is definitely overrated, as it lacks the gut anger displayed in many of their songs. Down with the Sickness may be classic, but it also is too musically chaotic.

This song is one of their best. I find myself listening to it more often than most others. It has an energetic rhythm coupled with very dark, yet melodic vocals, making it one of the best-composed Disturbed tracks to date.

The Infection

I think it's not fair that most of the time the oldest songs get the most credit, just because some people haven't heard the newer albums yet. Infection is one of the best songs in heavy metal ever made and is especially one of the top 3 songs of Disturbed, at least!

Seriously, guys, why is this number 20? With great riffs, lyrics, and guitar solos, this song should at least be in the top ten.

One of their more catchy songs. The lyrics are really cool, and the guitar solo is awesome!


I can't believe this isn't easily #2. You guys need to look up this song right now! It's better than all the Disturbed songs, in my opinion. And no, this was not the first song I heard from them. Yes, I have known about Disturbed for months. I ran across this song since I don't own the whole album and was like, What have I been missing out on?

Listen to it. Then listen to it again. Then listen to it again.

How is this NOT in the top 3? This song is the most blood-pumping, adrenaline-surging, ass-kicking song out there.

This is the best Disturbed song out there. Yes, I realize how much of a statement that is. I've been a Disturbed fan for years. I've heard every song. This one's the best.

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