Top 10 Happy Sounding Songs With Dark Lyrics

The Top Ten
Jump - Van Halen

Looking more into this, it's not actually a song about suicide. Despite Roth being inspired to write the song after seeing a suicide attempt, "jumping" is actually his metaphor for starting a new romantic relationship.

Now that I think about it, yeah, this has a terrible message. Childhood ruined.

Pumped Up Kicks - Foster the People

This song's lyrics describe the thoughts of a would-be killer. Just listen to the chorus when they say, "Better run, better run, faster than my bullet." Yikes.

Great song, but the true meaning is just a dark thing!

School shootings. Pretty much sums it up.

Detroit Rock City - Kiss

Another favorite rock song with dark lyrics. This song is based on a KISS fan's death while traveling to a KISS concert. Although it might be a tribute to that fan, it still can't hide that fact.

It's about a fan that died on their way to a Kiss concert. I'm assuming the fan was in Detroit.

Ring a Ring o' Roses - Traditional

You may remember singing this as a child, but this song isn't really meant for children. It's based on the infamous Black Death outbreak of the 14th century. The lyrics describe how people died from and handled the disease. A sick children's song, if I may say so myself.

You're Beautiful - James Blunt
Every Breath You Take - The Police

Many people mistake this for a love song, but it's about stalking.

"I'll be watching you."
Enough said.

After listening closely to the lyrics, this song isn't the same when it's played at a wedding. It's all about stalking and stuff.

Semi-Charmed Life - Third Eye Blind

This song may sound innocent, but it isn't. It's about the downfall caused by drug abuse, specifically crystal meth, and the depravity that comes with it. Just listen to the lyrics: "The sky was gold, it was a rose/I was taking sips through my nose/And I wish I could get back there, someplace back there/Smiling in pictures you would take."

Stan - Eminem

This is an amazing rap song with some pretty messed-up lyrics and an even more disturbing music video. It tells the story of an Eminem fan who verges on insanity when Eminem doesn't reply to his letters. He becomes so unhinged that he drives his car off a bridge with his pregnant wife in the trunk. Crazy enough for Slim Shady himself.

Bullet - Hollywood Undead

I think they made it sound cheerful on purpose.

Santa Claus is Coming to Town - John Frederick Coots and Haven Gillespie

Okay, okay, this song might not be dark for everyone, but for others like me, IT IS. The part that puts it here is when he says, "He sees you when you're sleeping, he knows when you're awake." That screams stalker!

The Newcomers

? Disposable Teens - Marilyn Manson
? Chop Suey! - System of a Down
The Contenders
London Bridge is Falling Down - Traditional

The title says it all. This song's lyrics are about a bridge in London collapsing. People were on this bridge when it collapsed. You see what I mean.

Good Riddance (Time of Your Life) - Green Day

The lyrics sound pretty happy, and it has been played at lots of high school proms, but Billie Joe Armstrong wrote this after an ex-girlfriend moved to Ecuador. He said, "In the song, I tried to be level-headed about her leaving, even though I was completely pissed off. So I named it 'Good Riddance' just to express my anger."

Pictures of Home - Deep Purple
Maxwell's Silver Hammer - The Beatles

It just sounds as happy as almost all Beatles songs, but whoa, what happened here?!
"But when she turns her back on the boy
He creeps up from behind
Bang! Bang! Maxwell's silver hammer
Came down upon her head
Bang! Bang! Maxwell's silver hammer
Made sure that she was dead."

It's about a child psycho going around murdering people with his hammer. It's so catchy though - pretty freaky.

By far, this should be #1. Listen to the sample.

50 Ways to Say Goodbye - Train
Killer On the Loose - Thin Lizzy

The music is too happy for this subject matter, but I totally love the song.

Today - Smashing Pumpkins
Suicide and Mania - Primal Fear

I've always thought there's a huge discrepancy between the music and lyrics of this song, especially the chorus - it's too playful for lyrics like "No doctor, no healing, there's only disbelieving - the naked truth, no fantasy." I like this song for the music and its performance - vocals, guitars, and drums.

Hey Ya! - Outkast
Rock the Casbah - The Clash

This song is about censorship of Western culture during the Iranian Revolution.

Kickstart My Heart - Motley Crue
Miss Murder - AFI
Not Today - Twenty One Pilots
Basket Case - Green Day

Billie Joe Armstrong wrote this song about thinking he's losing his mind.

Little Talks - of Monsters and Men
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