Top 10 Musician Opinions About Music that are Probably False

Another proof he's not a metal musician. He doesn't even know what metal is, and he has betrayed metal several times.
Definitely false - even the kids know this isn't a metal album.
Chill out, y'all. Ozzy is known for saying dumb things. He was probably on drugs when he said this.

Yet Kurt Cobain wasn't as skilled as Slash at guitar, and Axl Rose has a better vocal range than him. I would also say Nirvana is more popular than Guns N' Roses because I see more people wearing Nirvana shirts than Guns N' Roses shirts.
Okay, Kurt. Try writing songs like Sweet Child o' Mine, November Rain, Civil War, Welcome to the Jungle, and more Guns N' Roses masterpieces.
That sounds like something I would say about Drake, except I don't really think he's completely talentless.

I can understand why people hated Lulu. I see the album as an avant-garde metal album, and it isn't for everyone. To be honest with you, my opinion on the album has changed positively over the years. But it's nowhere near Lou Reed's "greatest work." Nothing can beat Berlin.
Metal fans are sure this is the worst Metallica album, although it wasn't exactly a Metallica album - it was a Lou Reed album featuring Metallica. So either metal fans have higher criteria for good music, or David Bowie's criteria were too low.
Well, I'll say it's not his worst work, but the album this is up against is Metal Machine Music, so...

He's a Ramones fan now. That was nearly 50 years ago when he said that!
He said that in 1976, and his prediction proved wrong.
I'm sorry, who's The Smiths again?

If he had said something like "Hard rock wouldn't be what it is today without Led Zeppelin," then I would gladly accept his opinion as truth.
False because metal wasn't invented by Led Zeppelin and would exist without them.
Aren't they one of the pioneers, though?

If Frank were still alive today, I think he would sing a different tune. He would likely find Metal more brutal and rap/pop more degenerate.
Does he know if his parents hated jazz and swing music? Sometimes that happens - older generations hate newer music.
And the interesting part is, he said this about '50s rock and roll, not about rock music itself. How is that music brutal or vicious? LOL. Don't listen to what an overrated jazz elitist said about one of the most important genres ever.

I think he is partly right, but after listening to some of his songs, I'd still rather choose The Beatles over him.
I don't know... Maybe he's partly right? But most people would disagree with Van Morrison.

I had no space, but here is the second half of the quote:
"It's like getting really drunk at a party and spilling your guts in front of everyone and feeling incredibly great and cathartic about it, and then waking up the next morning and realizing what a complete fool you made of yourself."
Why was Cuomo (probably) wrong? Because the album is considered by many to be a masterpiece.
Pinkerton was initially panned when it first released, and that caused Cuomo to hate everything about it. After a while, the reception warmed up tremendously, and he started to appreciate it again.
I gotta say, it must suck to put a lot of hard work into something only for it to be blasted initially. I understand why he disliked it so much at first.
Well, we still have Metallica, Megadeth, System of a Down, Trivium, Led Zeppelin, Black Sabbath (their music is still alive), Black Label Society, Alice in Chains, Pearl Jam, Rage Against the Machine, Ozzy Osbourne... the list goes on and on and on.
Dick Rowe was a Decca Records executive and told this to the Beatles' manager in 1962.
Then explain how people still listen to their music today.

Yeah, the Gallagher brothers are known for being very tame (sarcasm).
The Newcomers
This was his reaction after George Harrison's quote about hip hop: "Rap music is just computerized crap. I listen to Top of the Pops and after three songs I feel like killing someone."
Full quote: "I would take it to heart if it was Lennon or McCartney, but being that it's only George Harrison, I really don't care... His talents are equivalent to a backup dancer. Third string... maybe fourth string behind Ringo."
If he means all of music, it's not even close to 70%.

Shut the hell up, Lil Trashcan. 2Pac has been dead for more than 15 years, yet people still remember his music. No one will remember who you are in a year or two.
I don't know who Lil Xan is. Has he ever heard of old school rap? Because it is my most-listened-to music on Spotify.

I know this was on the reverse list, but he's wrong.

Maybe journalists liked Elvis Costello because he was writing songs that didn't rely on party and sex themes like David Lee Roth's music did. I like Van Halen, but it's important to remember that they were a party band in those days.
Do journalists look like Elvis Costello? I don't know. Maybe a little bit. Or not...