Top 10 Saddest Queen and Freddie Mercury Songs

I know Queen have produced every thing thats going, but what song makes you cry (or really sad). I'm not saying anything bad about Queen because thats weird since they are the best band EVER!!!!! Oh and RIP Freddie Mercury...
The Top Ten
The Show Must Go On

The thing is, it's ridiculous how music such as this has such a legacy and yet most young people of this era have barely even heard of Queen. This song is so emotional and heartfelt and actually has a relevant meaning, but now modern songs are all about meaningless breakups and blast ballads with no true feeling. I am 13 years old, and it amazes me how such honest, haunting music can be neglected by my friends.

Freddie Mercury was truly a genius. Even though he was fatally ill, he still sang a song as vocally challenging and melodious as this. It just shows how much raw endurance and dedication Freddie had. May he rest in peace.

These are the Days of Our Lives

I watched the official video for the first time today. I had been putting it off for so long because I had heard about it. Watching it was so heartbreaking as you can see him trying to hide his appearance with makeup so his fans wouldn't worry about his condition. You can see him barely being able to stand, yet he performs wonderfully.

It was amazing to see how determined and dedicated he was to make music, even when he was so sick. No one now would do that. I wish I could've been alive when he was.

It's simply heartbreaking to listen to the song knowing that this amazing person was taken from us far too soon. In the video, you can see Freddie is trying to cover up the illness with makeup so that his fans wouldn't worry.

I'm not sure if I got this song's meaning right, but I believe it is kind of like a goodbye to Freddie's fans and loved ones. It's so moving, especially when you realize that Freddie could barely stand up. We lost an amazing person that day. R.I.P. Freddie.

Too Much Love Will Kill You

Too much love will kill you. Every word in this song, except "man" (I'm female), is my life, entirely. Not only with too much "love", every area of my life. The words say exactly how my life went, goes, and is, even to this day. BLOWS MY MIND. Freddie will probably be the first one I look for in heaven after family, best friend, and my son's dad whose life was taken at only 22 by an illegal immigrant drunk driver. RIP everyone. We love and miss ya. Freddie, most thanks to you, your legacy, never will be another you, not even close. Wish I was friends with ya all, the videos look like my kind of fun.

We Are the Champions played after we won our all-star soccer championship. I was young, a kid, only 2 goals against me in ALL 3 games. MEMORIES... Dang, I was good. Lol.

Love of My Life

Absolutely stunning song. Takes your breath away. Hard not to cry listening or singing along. The live at Rio version is truly amazing. Hearing that many people sing a song dedicated to Freddie's love of his life is heart-wrenching.

Freddie gave us lots of emotions. I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that Freddie Mercury is the greatest singer ever, and this little ballad is really designed to make you cry.

This made me cry so hard. I wonder if Mary Austin is out there, crying about how Freddie died. And when I grow older, I'll be there at your side to remind you I still love you... broke my heart. I started to tear up. I love Queen so much.

Who Wants to Live Forever?

I was unfamiliar with this particular song until recently. I was driving back from a gig 6 hours away, and the bass player and I were blasting our favorite Queen songs for a majority of the drive. This had the effect of reminding me just what a big fan I am. When he played "The Show Must Go On," it reminded me just what a tragedy it was that this great talent was taken from us too soon. By the end of the song, I had a lump in my throat.

Immediately after "The Show Must Go On," he played "Who Wants to Live Forever." It was far too powerful a moment for me to hold back my tears. I tried not to let him see, though I'm not sure how successful I was. At least I didn't crash the car.

Bohemian Rhapsody

In general, whenever I hear this song, I always feel like crying just because I can't believe Freddie Mercury is really dead.

I really like this song because I feel like this a lot. I wish I hadn't been born at all, and Freddie sings it with such feeling.

The ending and the beginning are sad, mostly the ending. The middle opera rock part was awesome!

Save Me

I am adding a comment to this because I searched the lyrics up, and if you let your guard down, it can very easily make you cry. It is about a man who probably got cheated on, or his wife/girlfriend broke up with him. And she had already said "I love you till I die", making him very well believe that. I'll give you the lyrics sometime else. Very touching, actually.

Probably my favorite ever Queen song, wonderful lyrics, wonderful melodies, and genuine heartfelt emotion from Freddie. Unlike the somewhat maudlin tone of many of the songs from Innuendo and Made in Heaven, and the ever-so-slightly overdone Who Wants to Live Forever, this particular piece gets the sentimentality just right.

No-One but You (Only the Good Die Young)

Why isn't this on top? Sure, The Show Must Go On is depressing, but the fact that this was made after Freddie died and it was just Brian, Roger, and John just punches your heart. I'm not one to get emotional at songs, but this is the only one that makes me cry or get choked up every time I listen to it. And the fact that it was John's last recording ever makes this sadder. Get this higher!

I cried when I heard this. Everything about the song and the video is completely, heart-wrenchingly sad. Everything from the cups on the piano to the look on John's face... there are truly no words to correctly describe how sad this song is.

I Was Born to Love You

It fills me with extreme nostalgia for a time I never had.

Freddie having fun! What a great singer and showman. Nobody can ever sing and write songs like him. Truly missed but glad we did have him, even if it was for a short time. He will live forever. Miss you!

In My Defence

In my opinion, this is the saddest Freddie song. When I hear the lyrics, I see behind them a real human. Not an artist, not a big star, not a poet, but a real good man who knew how imperfect we all are.

Undoubtedly, in my personal opinion, this song is the saddest song Freddie Mercury ever performed as a solo artist. "These Are the Days of Our Lives" is the saddest song that Queen did, in my opinion (although it was without Freddie), but this is the saddest Freddie ever did. "In my defense, what is there to say? All the mistakes we made must be faced today..." Hope you're rocking in rock and roll heaven Freddie. RIP

The Newcomers

? Somebody to Love

One of the greatest songs ever. Probably everybody has that phase in life when it is his favorite.

? Long Away

Hello, I think this song definitely deserves to be on this list. Maybe it is not well-known, but it is one of my favorites and indeed very sad.

I recommend listening to it to everyone.

The Contenders
It's a Hard Life

When you think of it, this song is actually heartbreaking.

Lots of emotion in this song. It's unbelievable. The lyrics are so beautiful. Very underrated song.

So much power and emotion in this song. I love it.

Mother Love

I wish I had been born early enough to hear good music like this. I would have given anything to have seen Queen perform live. I know I could see them with Adam, who is a great singer, but it just wouldn't be the same. If I had a time machine, I would go back to 1985 and watch Live Aid, at least on TV. But time travel is for science fiction, and it is scientifically impossible.

The Made in Heaven album makes me emotional whenever I think about it. I wish I had been around back when stuff like this was on the radio. I am honestly so jealous of my parents, who were born in the 1960s. They were around for Queen, AC/DC, The Beatles, Nirvana, etc. What I would have given to be born half a century earlier than I was.

I was born in 2006, and I am thirteen. My family does not like classic rock, and my brother makes me listen to trashy pop and dubstep I hate. This song gets me emotional because it is so sad. Brian sang the last verse because Freddie didn't have enough time left to record it.

Is This the World We Created...?

Cry every time I hear this song. God made a perfect world, and we are screwing it up out of selfish greed. Is it too late to fix it? Love Brian's beautiful acoustic guitar on this.

Heaven for Everyone

The song, originally written by Roger for his own band, truly ended up reflecting on Freddie. Listening to him sing, knowing what was coming, has something inspirational and extremely heartbreaking.

Granted, I do like the original Cross version with Roger, but hearing it with Freddie drives me to tears every time.

One Year of Love

Great love song. It's better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all.


This song is amazing in every way. It made me so sad when I first heard it. The piano is gorgeous, and Freddie's vocals are amazing (as always). His voice manages to convey so much emotion. This ballad is a testament to Queen, Freddie, and all love songs.

You Take My Breath Away

He wrote this song to his lover of 6 years, Mary Austin, trying to keep her in his life when he came out as bisexual to her. It makes me sad when he says anywhere you go I'll follow, showing he still really loves her, but his sexuality doesn't let him be with her.

The harmonization in this song is enough to make me want to cry.

"I would surely die if you dismiss me from your love."

Whoever Mercury wrote of in this song, he loved very much.

The only Queen songs that could make me cry (and I don't cry easily!) are White Queen (As It Began) and this pure jewel of a song.

Queen takes my breath away. Queen is love, Queen is life!

All Dead, All Dead

Though it may have been inspired by the death of Brian's cat, the emotions of loss are clear and vivid. The thing is, when you feel the emotions and think the thoughts associated with the loss of a pet, like his cat, you can feel the direct connection between that and the song. But also, you can connect the song and its emotions with loss in general and the vague, lonely feeling that accompanies you throughout your life.

This Brian May song truly has some of his best vocals. Singing about loneliness would hurt even more after Freddie's death.

The Great Pretender

Sadness hidden behind the mask of an "entertaining" piece of music. That is what makes this song so ominous-sounding if you listen to the words and realize the sadness hidden behind the happy-sounding music. Eerie...

Yeah. I would vote for All Dead, All Dead. But this upsets me more, just thinking I'll never see this guy and how he never saw all the love he got sometimes. The great pretender... even the title makes me sad.


This song is amazing and really tugs at my emotional side.

The lyrics mix hopefulness with sadness in the best way.

Made in Heaven
A Winter's Tale

The last song Mercury ever recorded. He didn't have a chance to finish it, so the last verses were sung by Brian May. An extremely gloomy song, and his voice seems stronger than ever.

Totally beautiful and heartbreaking. We used this song for the loss of my younger brother. It breaks my heart but is also a comfort!

White Queen

Brian May wrote this song about a girl from his childhood he never had the courage to ask out.

This song definitely deserves to be higher up on the list. It's phenomenal.

My Melancholy Blues

This song is sad. It's so underrated. It doesn't get the praise and love it deserves. I love the piano playing.

Friends Will Be Friends

Co-written by John and Freddie, two friends, this is a song about friendship. When one friend died, the other was heartbroken.

This song makes me think of John and Freddie and their friendship.

We love you, John!

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