Top 10 Best Slam Death Metal Bands
Slam death metal doesn't hold back - it's loud, brutal, and packed with some of the heaviest riffs and most crushing breakdowns in metal. Slam death metal brings together the raw aggression of death metal and the relentless groove of hardcore, creating a sound that's all about thick, chugging riffs, guttural vocals, and intense blast beats. The bands in this list have earned their place by delivering track after track of some of the most relentless, bone-crushing tunes out there.The true creators of slam. They took the original brutal death metal style and tweaked it into the rhythm-focused, guttural sound that was their own back in their day. Today, this sound is heard in every other band on this list.
Abominable Putridity, Ingested, Kraanium... all great bands who would NOT exist without Devourment. 'Molesting the Decapitated' and 'Butcher the Weak' are easily the two greatest slam albums ever made. Every band that followed them is doing exactly what Devourment started, but they still don't come close to the extreme brutality and depravity of these slam gods.
Devourment is one of the few metal bands who truly created an entire subgenre single-handedly. There's no denying that they are one of the most influential and important extreme metal bands of all time.
Abominable Putridity is amazing! These guys really know how to make some awesome slam death metal!
These Russians know what real slam death metal is. Much respect from Sweden.
Indisputably the best band. Amazing gutturals and great tone.
With songs like Carpet Wounding and Post Apocalyptic Segregation, this is one of the best bands not just in the slam category but also in the whole of metal. The coordination is just orgasmic!
Great band, love it. And I hope someday I can make their art for T-shirt design. Tani Art's.
Made slam more brutal with their breakdowns, vocals, and of course the bass drops! I recommend Omnivore and Disemboweled Engorgement.
The bass drops are very heavy. Definitely check them out if you haven't listened to them yet.
This band is insane! For me, they are the best.
Kraanium was one of the best slam bands ever in my opinion. What a pity Martin died.
These guys are awesome. They deserve the respect.
Filthy and brutally disgusting!
Great vocals and amazing performances from the instruments. It all flows and fits together perfectly.
Simply incredible! They can be incredibly brutal even without being as morbid as other slam bands. They were especially great when they were fronted by Jonathan Huber.
Listen to their Purification album. It's one of the best out there.
The Newcomers
I would look these guys up purely for the fast-paced guitar riffs and the insanely heavy vocals.
The top three songs by these guys, in my opinion, are:
1. Bleeding Castration
2. Anomaly Amputation
3. Cerebral Executions
Find something heavier than Armathine Redolance.
I need to make more slam metal, maybe with some jazz influence. If you want to see this, check me out on YouTube as Lopyt *Sir_Guy*. If you don't, go listen to Malodorous. Have a great day everyone!
WtC is a very talented slam band with very unique vocals that will leave you on edge throughout the whole song. Love throwing down to Cadaver.
Internal Bleeding is without a doubt a major part of the NY DeathSlam scene. Along with Suffocation, Skinless, and Repudilation, they used to destroy venues in the '90s and still kill it today.
This band has been through just about every adversity known to man, and they're so badass they're still putting out new records. I've been in this scene for damn near 30 years, and there would be no Devourment if it weren't for Internal Bleeding. That's a FACT.
R.I.P. Bill Tolley.
THE slam band. Should be number 1.
Vulvodynia is the best brutal slam band I've ever heard. Their vocals are amazing, and how they present their lyrics is also great. They do a great job and are very nice to their fans. They called my little brother awesome because he was wearing my Finis Omnium Ignorantium hat.
Best slam band in my opinion. The lyrics are amazingly wild and the instrumentals are great as well. Honestly, it's one of the only slam bands where I find their songs to be catchy. I hear one song, and it's stuck in my head the rest of the day.
Megalodon has roughly twenty minutes of groovy slam complemented with some of the best cricket vocals, and a change in tempo at the halfway mark for the song Hacksaw Surgery, which is not slam but rather brutal death.
Heaps of people don't even know about Intracranial Purgatory.
Brutal death from the murder capital of the East Coast, Baltimore, Maryland.
My friend knows these guys personally. Such a great band!
Should be way higher on the list.
Even though they can't play their own music live, they're still one of the best bands I have ever heard.
Check out their songs Genetic Mutations and Eons in Vacuum if you've never heard them. They're a good band!
Putreseminal Morphodysplastic Virulency - Best album ever made.
This band is amazing. The singer sounds like a frog, crickets, and a hungry person's stomach all in one. The music is varied and brutal.