Best Symphonic Black Metal Bands

In the Nightside Eclipse is more than just a masterpiece. It is a landmark of human accomplishment. It's the musical equivalent of the construction of the pyramids, the Great Wall, the moon landing, etc.
Dimmu Borgir is good, but Emperor is on another level altogether. Just listen to their first two albums. Absolute black metal classics!
Known as the creators of symphonic black metal, listen to their first album. It's got all their best work on it.

My favorite metal act ever. The composition is excellent, and the music is incredible, seamlessly blending symphony with metal. I first heard their song Raabjørn Speiler Draugheimens Skodde, and when the scream at the end played, I was like, Whoa, what IS this stuff? I became a black metal fan for life. It's paradoxical that some of the most profound, deep, moving, and beautiful music I've ever heard has been from Dimmu Borgir and other metal bands, even though they try so hard to be inaccessible. Life is full of paradoxes.

Carach Angren is one of the best black metal bands, and one of the best metal bands I've ever heard. They are simply amazing! The epic symphonies, the killer guitars, and the haunting vocals make Carach Angren incredible. Seregor's vocals are among the most unique in black metal. He sounds like he's possessed (by black metal). All of their albums are amazing stories. I honestly cannot wait for their new album "Dance and Laugh Amongst the Rotten" to come out!
This band has everything: extremely talented vocals, perfect instruments, well-written lyrics, and the perfect level of symphony.

The reason they are so good in the symphonic black metal scene is because they use the idea of slow-burning, long songs. Plus, they have a very original sound, which mostly derives from Dani Filth's voice in combination with the rest of the band. The way they use short songs to lead into longer ones makes their music even more epic. Truly brilliant!
They are the best! With the amazing voice of frontman Dani Filth, they can reach everywhere! One of the best bands I have ever heard. Their music is different, and there's a lot of craziness in their songs! They are the best!

So many roads, so many places,
A million towns, a myriad faces.
It's called: world population,
But the appropriate name is world domination.
One album, but the best symphonic black metal album in the history of metal. Truly creative.

Probably the most similar to Dimmu Borgir and very underrated.
Vesania is symphonic blackened death metal from Poland. Very good band!
As per other comments, two absolutely brilliant efforts put this band in the top 3, at least.
Too bad they haven't released anything since 2003. Awesome and highly underrated band.
Way too underrated. Their sound is truly majestic.
The Newcomers

Great band. One of my favorites.
This black metal band is pure EPICNESS. The music and choirs are just amazing! You don't have to growl, scream, and sing about Satan, demons, and hell all the time to be a black or death metal band, like most people believe.
All you really need is scary yet awesome music and beautifully sung lyrics about death, doomsday, or your woes.
What is a symphonic black metal list without Summoning? I can't believe nobody brought them up until now.
Wonderful mixture of gothic metal and symphonic black metal. The melancholy atmosphere, along with the intensity, is very atmospheric.
Absolute masters of ambient/symphonic black metal. They deserve so much more recognition. Their first two albums alone should be in a separate category of greatness, frustratingly underrated!
The throne of black symphonic metal belongs to them.
Good stuff. Truly black metal.
I think they were one of the first true symphonic black metal bands, alongside Arcturus. Their second demo, "Demo '92," featured symphonic keyboards and was released in 1992, even before the release of "In the Nightside Eclipse."

The best symphonic black metal band in existence!

I agree, Bal-Sagoth is very underrated and very unique in their sound. My list would be Bal-Sagoth, Dimmu Borgir, Cradle of Filth, and Dark Tranquillity.
Underrated. This band is the other creator of symphonic black metal.

The best folk/viking black metal band out there! With songs like 1184, Todeswalzer, Journey to the End, and many more, they are unbeatable!
One of the best bands in India is Demonic Resurrection. The Demon King is just killer, and The Unrelenting Surge of Vengeance - no words for this song. The frontman of this band is just incredible. Watch them - they are too good!

Should be much higher. Omega Arcane is a masterpiece!
Completely underrated! They are almost the best!
This band is just too awesome. My top choice.