Best Rascal Flatts Songs

Fantastic song, one of the best songs I have ever heard. The best of Rascal Flatts. Emotion and feelings are palpable in this song. The words are really meaningful. Everyone must give this song a try.
It's the best emotional song with quality. You will never forget it once you listen to it. Trust me, give it a try. I'm from India and still, I like it because the song carries a message for all true lovers. The guys of Rascal Flatts are accomplished songwriters and have written several of their hits. But, they don't limit themselves to only recording their own music.
Rascal Flatts is an American country rock band that originated in Columbus, Ohio, United States of America. Since its inception, Rascal Flatts has been composed of three members: Gary LeVox (lead vocals), Jay DeMarcus (bass guitar, keyboard, piano, vocals), and Joe Don Rooney (lead guitar, vocals). LeVox and DeMarcus are second cousins.

I heard this song just as I was leaving Atlanta Airport on the radio. As soon as I landed in England, I looked it up on iTunes. It's now the most played song on my iPod and my favorite song ever (not just of theirs, I have all of them).
Whenever life feels tough, this song's simplicity, themes, and soaring melody convince me to keep trying. Beautiful song.
I absolutely love this song. The first time I heard it was when they sang a little snippet on the Hannah Montana movie, and that's how I found out about the song.
P.S. I always wanted Tate Stevens to sing it on The X Factor last year.

One of the best messages behind a song ever. And I'm talking about all the music ever made. If people lived this message, the world would be a better place. This should definitely be #1 on the list.
My dad died when I was three years old. I'm seventeen now, and this song brings tears to my eyes every time I listen to it because I imagine this is something my dad would say to me.
Encouragement comes from every lyric in this song. Every song I have heard from Rascal Flatts I have loved, but this is one of my all-time favorites. How about you?

This song is more than just awesome. It has a deeper meaning. Rascal Flatts is sending a message to their listeners in this one. As a listener, I could be driving or walking for exercise. There's something about this song that makes me think of the bright future ahead of me.
Rascal Flatts isn't just singing. They're practically talking to us, encouraging us to never give up on our dreams. Life is a highway - choose your routes carefully and accept failure because only through failure do we learn to succeed. You must ask yourself, what are failures? They are basically mistakes that you learn from. Success is around the corner. Just persist and persevere and never give up.
Life is a journey. Life is a highway. It can be rough, but if you persevere and keep faith in God, you will make it through. Remember, life is a highway, as the guys tell you. We are all capable of succeeding. Everyone can achieve success. It's never too late to start.

An inspiring song to be strong and love the people in your life and love your life! I love this song! Such powerful vocals, just awesome!
I love this song! I love the meaning and the way it makes me feel. This is definitely the best song on the charts. Thank you.
Only song in the world guaranteed to pick me back up when I'm feeling down.

It shows how much America has changed from back then. Some would say it's for the better, but I think it's for the worse with TV these days being all reality shows with sex and drugs. I wish I was around for the old days.
This song speaks of a simpler, slower pace of life, of community where neighbors greet each other and people care more about family and friends.
This song takes me back to when I was little, watching the "Andy Griffith" show. A much more peaceful time in the world.

This song's awesome when you're drunk!

Love it! Heard it on Smallville the first time and loved it ever since. It's just so great and gives me goosebumps every time I listen to it. Plainly awesome.
Rarely has anyone ever hit their emotional stride like Rascal Flatts did on this song. The piano, the lyrics, the harmonies... Everything is just perfect.
Live each day like it's your last. This song is just amazing. Period.
The Newcomers

This song's lyricism is just beautiful.
For a non-single, I think it can compete with their radio hits.
Arguably the highest-quality song they ever put out. It deserves to be higher on this list.

EPIC! Deserves top 5, at least! One of the best songs ever written. I love how all their songs are so meaningful and wise. Outstanding. Truly brilliant and marvelous. It's a charming song and close to my heart.
Easily top 5. An amazing ballad that deserves more recognition. I have a lot of favorites, and this one is probably behind "What Hurts the Most," "Bless the Broken Road," and "My Wish" at number 4. Move it up!
Why the heck was this awesome song not even on the list when it deserves to be in the top ten? This is my personal favorite from Rascal Flatts.
This song can't be 19th! It should be in at least the top 10! Awesome tune and one of my favorite songs.

This has helped me through difficult times. My first encounter with Rascal Flatts, and it won't be the last. I love the friend who recommended I listen to it.
Makes me cry every time, but it's a beautiful song.
This is by far the best song of all time.

OMG. This song is the best song ever! I love this song, especially on a patriotic day!

This song can really change your life. The lyrics have such a powerful meaning, and Gary sings this to perfection like every other song!
A real account of how my life was, finding my way back from my addiction and the bad choices that took me down to my bottom pit and the road back.
This song is pure perfection. It should totally be in the top 10!

I can't understand how this is not in the top ten. It is a heart-wrenching ballad from their album Unstoppable. It's about the suicide of a high school friend and how this can't be the way they meant to draw a crowd. It brings tears to my eyes every time.
This song always gets me. We all have darker times in our lives. This song helps us get through them just a little bit faster. Every word in the beginning sticks with me.
This is my favorite song from them. I can really connect with it, and truthfully, it makes me bawl every time. This song deserves to be number one.

This is a wonderful song. They wrote it themselves. I think it needs to be number one in the top ten.
Simply the best song by Rascal Flatts. The lyrics are impeccable.

I have an old friend who came to me every time a relationship failed for 16 years. I had a crush on her all those years. We finally had our own relationship, and it didn't work out. She married another guy two months later. This song says a lot to me.
Dude, I love this song. It's perfect for when I need a kind of sad song. It's really a wonderful song!
Who couldn't love this song? This is great for me when I have a fight with my boyfriend.

So beautiful. This song connects with me so much, and I'm 18 and from Scotland. So if it reaches me here, Rascal Flatts must be doing something right.
This song is just so cool! The way it sounds and the emotion Gary sings with is just AMAZING!
One of my favorite songs of all time by any writer! Just great!

Best duet ever, much better than Celine Dion or Neil Diamond. The female role can be interchanged due to Rascal Flatts' great unique sound.