Top 10 Best Xtrullor Songs

Known for blending intricate orchestral compositions with face-melting dubstep drops, Xtrullor has built up a loyal fanbase that spans far beyond the boundaries of any one genre. This Finnish musician and composer has been shaking the electronic music scene for years, mixing emotion and heavy electronic beats in a way that few can replicate.
The Top Ten

Probably one of the best songs I have ever heard in my lifetime. The piano is absolutely beautiful and chilling, and the dubstep drops are fantastic! It has the perfect balance of orchestra and dubstep, creating one of the most beautiful songs ever!

And to top it all off, the drops are so awesome!

Best dubstep ever - especially the second drop. I mean, look at the buildup to the first one!

This is my favorite song by Xtrullor. I can't believe how good this song is!


I like catchy songs, and this song is the best. In iTunes, I've listened to this song about 100 times, which means I listen to this song every second!

It's also good in Geometry Dash, by the way.

The best song ever! Cry and Hate Everything came in a close second.

A really catchy, awesome song. Very upbeat at first, and then the dubstep drop comes, which is so good! The dubstep is hard, yet flows so well.

Awesome song.

Ego Death

Incredibly awesome and crazy song! It has the most brutal dubstep drops ever! The first drop is great, but the second drop is so brutal!

Awesome song.

Great! No, incredible! The drop is brutal, the build-up is suspenseful, and the song is amazing!

Probably one of the most brutal drops I've ever heard in my life.


Definitely one of his best songs! Great and awesome sound design, and amazing drops. The first drop is awesome, and the second drop is even more awesome!

Fantastic song.

The drop went complete overload. This is the reason I love Xtrullor. Skrillex is meh compared to this.

You won't believe how long I thought this was by NK. Really cool song.


Amazing and beautiful. The orchestra is fantastic. It's so grand, and it makes the song beautiful. The drop is good, but the orchestra is amazing!

I love this song even more than Supernova.


I have no idea why anyone would vote for any other song besides this one, and why it's in the minority. This song is incredible, with build-ups that make everything feel like some crazy climax. Then the drops come, which is where the fun begins. The first drop is extremely well done, but far from Xtrullor's best, probably to lure the listener into thinking it's just another average Xtrullor song. But when the second drop comes, it goes kamikaze on your ears. If anyone thinks another drop is better, it's not just your opinion that's wrong. You are flat-out wrong. If someone somehow ever outdoes this, it will be Xtrullor again. But for now, I'm with the 5% of people who are right, as of when I post this.


This song is so good! It's the perfect song. An amazing beginning, a great melody, and one of the hardest, most brutal drops I have ever seen! It gives me chills every time.

This song is befitting for a scream room.

Never go to the scream room! This song is dark but groovy.


Awesome song. It has a really creepy and evil atmosphere, and the dubstep drop is amazing. The groans give the song a really dark vibe, and I absolutely love it!

It's the song of one of my favorite levels in Crying Souls, so I like it.


Where to begin with this song? If anger were a song, it would be this one. I love this song! The raging melody and the crazy dubstep are perfect!

Awesome song!

It's as if a seizure could be a song. I love dubstep, and I know a great song when I hear one.

Oh, so this is what people with migraines hear!


Nirmiti is a song that, when I listen to it, makes me love that first drop. Best Xtrullor song. Please make more, Xtrullor.

The Newcomers

? Instant Reaction
? Catharsis
The Contenders

Reverie is such a great song, better than Supernova, in my opinion. Supernova is still very awesome, but Reverie is the best, in my opinion.

Absolutely amazing. So spacey, with amazing drops. It's like Supernova 2.

Nine Circles

A great remix of a great song. I love the feel of the song, and I love what Xtrullor did to it. The drops especially are really awesome. Xtrullor took one of my favorite Rukkus songs and turned it into something amazing!

The original Nine Circles is still better, though, no offense. But still, an awesome remix.

Event Horizon

Replace Supernova. It is the best song ever.

Nice percussive drop and orchestration.


Jnana is perfect in every way. It has the heaviest dubstep and his most emotional orchestral melody. It's exactly what resembles Xtrullor.

A very overlooked example of a perfect Xtrullor piece. Emotional and strong orchestration mixed with unique sound effects. The drop is exactly what defines his style. This one also has a very interesting approach to SFX and build-up.

Overall, it feels orchestrally whole, and the sound design represents everything Xtrullor.

Supernova is nothing compared to this.

Zelda Palace Theme II Remix

As a Zelda lover, I have always enjoyed Zelda remixes (because who doesn't?), but this one takes the cake!


Has a great Wild West tone and dubstep drop.


A powerful old English acoustic violin song.

Hate Everything
Birth of the Sun
Yo Lets Up
Universal Expression
Terran Era
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