Top 10 People Who Committed Suicide Due to Bullying

The Top Ten
Joel Morales Searched 2 sites

Joel Morales: In 2012, 12-year-old Joel Morales from East Harlem, New York, took his life after enduring persistent bullying that included taunts about his small stature and intelligence, as well as insults related to his father's death. His family had transferred him to a new school to avoid the harassment, but the bullying continued, leading to this tragic outcome.
Amanda Todd Amanda Todd: Amanda Todd, a Canadian teenager, died by suicide in 2012 after years of cyberbullying and harassment following the distribution of an explicit photo without her consent. Despite attempts to change schools and seek help, the relentless bullying exacerbated her mental health struggles.
Kelly Yeomans Kelly Yeomans: Kelly Yeomans, a 13-year-old from Derbyshire, England, ended her life in 1997 after repeated bullying from her peers, who often targeted her at home and school with verbal abuse and physical harassment. Her family reported frequent incidents, including taunts and even trash thrown into their yard, which escalated until her death.
Hamed Nastoh Hamed Nastoh: Hamed Nastoh, a high school student in British Columbia, died by suicide in 2000 after being bullied over his academic achievements and appearance. He left a note describing the pain caused by his peers' taunts and insults, which highlighted the impact of social isolation and ridicule.
Dawn-Marie Wesley Dawn-Marie Wesley: In 2000, 14-year-old Dawn-Marie Wesley from British Columbia ended her life, leaving behind a note attributing her despair to bullying by classmates. Her death became significant in Canada's discourse on bullying, leading to discussions about legal and social interventions in schools.
Nicola Ann Raphael Nicola Ann Raphael: Nicola Ann Raphael, a 15-year-old from Scotland, died by suicide in 2001 following persistent bullying that targeted her interest in goth culture and personal appearance. She experienced verbal and physical harassment at school, which her family said left her feeling isolated and hopeless.
Ryan Halligan Ryan Halligan: Ryan Halligan, a 13-year-old from Vermont, took his life in 2003 after being bullied both in school and online about his appearance and academic performance. His family later advocated for bullying prevention and cyberbullying awareness in his memory.
Megan Meier Megan Meier: Megan Meier, a 13-year-old from Missouri, died by suicide in 2006 following cyberbullying on MySpace, where she was deceived by an individual posing as a teenage boy. Her case brought significant attention to cyberbullying legislation and online safety for teens.
Brodie Panlock Brodie Panlock: Brodie Panlock, a 19-year-old from Melbourne, Australia, ended her life in 2006 after enduring severe workplace bullying, which included public humiliation and physical harassment. Her case led to the implementation of stricter workplace anti-bullying laws in Australia.
Du Yuwei
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