Top Ten Characters You Love to Hate
These are characters who were so disgusting in their display of childish behavior and narcissism that we, as an audience, despise them. It becomes second nature to hate them repeatedly.
- Set up Holloway by infecting him and then had him killed.
- Set up Shaw and used her for his own curiosity before disposing of her.
- Set up Oram to be killed amidst the chaos.
- Set up Walter, pretended to be him, and then infiltrated the ship.
- Set up Daniels and sealed her in the end for his own sick, twisted experiment.

- Pretended to be a part of the criminal crew but sold them all out to the predators for a chance to one-up them, since he's a serial killer at heart.

- Deliberately allowed Eduard Delacroix to be tortured to death by frying him on the electric chair without the wet sponge.
- Started trouble with the rest of the staff, mocking them and acting like a jerk, before getting beaten for his psychotic tendencies.
- Shot and killed William Wild Bill Wharton after going completely nuts on death row and was sent to an institution.

- Caused the deaths of multiple victims and made it look like accidents, such as Keith Jennings being decapitated, Father Brennan being impaled, Kate dying after air was injected into her IV, Robert being shot by a sniper, and Holly the Nanny being hanged.
- Disgustingly doesn't assist victims when he can and is ultimately seen in a position of authority.

- Pretended to be a young orphan, worked her way into the lives of a couple, and then destroyed it.
- Killed Sister Abigail by bashing her head in with a hammer.
- Killed John Coleman by seducing him and then stabbing him to death with a kitchen knife.

- Betrayed Dr. Gero not once, but twice, and also betrayed Dr. Myuu. Hacked off Gero's head, disobeying direct orders. Used the opportunity to merge with counterpart 17 and betrayed the doctors again.
- Displayed terrible disloyalty and was unreliable. Destroyed the controller device and activated Android 16, even though he was not completed.
- Took a completely childish approach to wandering around and driving.
- Destroyed countless civilians for no reason and declared it to be fun. Unlike true villains who do things for business, he's just a rotten child at heart looking to start trouble.

- Set up all the characters against each other by assuming different appearances and hiding in the shadows, manipulating everyone and laughing about it.
- Killed Maes Hughes when he came close to solving his manipulative ways, preventing him from alerting everyone.
- When Roy Mustang roasted and toasted him, it was deserved, but it should have been more ruthless because of how disgusting he was to everyone, including the actual villains.

- Fused with Clockwerk to further her sick agenda.
- Betrayed, double-crossed, and manipulated the Cooper gang.
- Betrayed Arpeggio, her former mentor.
- Also double-crossed Interpol and Carmelita.

- Jeopardized everyone's lives for his own quest to capture the anaconda.
- Caused Gary to die, suffocated Denise using his legs, and did nothing to save Mateo. He already knew about the death of his poacher friend from the beginning and left Westridge for dead. He deliberately used Terri and Danny as bait for the anaconda.

- Set up all the people in the house for her sick, twisted game and stabbed Donald W. Blackburn to death once he was of no use to her.
- Didn't care about the contestants or their fate.
- Tried to kill Steven H. Price but got her comeuppance when the dark mist came for her.
The Newcomers