Top 10 Most Unusual Deaths of Famous People
Unusual cause of death or/and unusual circumstances.
He was a 16th-century Danish astronomer whose research helped Sir Isaac Newton devise the theory of gravity. He died because he didn't make it to the bathroom in time. In that society, it was considered an insult to leave the table before the banquet was over. Brahe had too much alcohol but was too polite to ask to be excused, instead allowing his bladder to burst, which killed him slowly and painfully over the next 11 days.
Seriously? That's crazy! That poor polite fellow.

He was a 17th-century composer who wrote music for the King of France. While rehearsing for a concert, he became overexcited and drove his baton through his foot, which caused blood poisoning.

He was an influential English philosopher, statesman, scientist, jurist, orator, and author in the 16th century. However, he became a victim of his own experimental scientific method. Inspired by the possibility of using snow to preserve meat (instead of salt), he tried to test his theory outside in the snow by stuffing a chicken. The chicken didn't freeze, but Bacon did. He contracted a fatal case of pneumonia and died a week later.
I have to admit that his idea was great, but it was ahead of its time. Bacon just didn't have the necessary technology or inventions. Today, we all use freezers and fridges to preserve meat, which also utilize low temperatures.

In 24 hours, Bonham drank around 40 shots (1-1.4 liters) of 40% ABV vodka, after which he vomited and choked.

He was living in his parents' house at the time because he was depressed and suicidal. His father shot him after an argument over misplaced documents. Gaye's father had reportedly been beaten by the singer prior to the shooting and received five years of probation after pleading guilty to manslaughter charges.
Why would his father do this? And what's worse is that he died literally on the eve of his 45th birthday.

The family has strongly contested this.

He choked on a bottlecap that he had removed from a bottle of eyedrops and placed in his mouth. The bottlecap slipped down his throat as he tilted his head back to place the eyedrops in his eyes. After his death, drugs were found in his room, leading to suspicions that they contributed to his death.

She was an American dancer, often cited as the creator of modern dance. She was a passenger in a car when her long scarf, draped around her neck, got entangled around one of the vehicle's open-spoked wheels and rear axle. She was "hurled in an extraordinary manner from an open automobile" and was "instantly killed by the force of her fall to the stone pavement." She was nearly decapitated by the sudden tightening of the scarf around her neck.

He was the lead singer and harmonica player for The Yardbirds. At 33, he died from electrocution at his home while playing his improperly grounded electric guitar.
The Newcomers

One of the most bloodthirsty men in history died from a nosebleed. He was too drunk to notice the problem with his nose. An alternative theory is that he succumbed to internal bleeding after heavy drinking, possibly due to a condition called esophageal varices, where dilated veins in the lower part of the esophagus rupture, leading to death by hemorrhage.
More recent theories have suggested murder by poisoning.

Rest in peace. Dimebag was a legend and one of the greatest guitarists of all time.

Character actor and politician Albert Dekker was found dead in 1968 in his home. He was naked, kneeling in the bathtub, with a noose tightly wrapped around his neck and looped around the shower curtain rod. He was blindfolded, his wrists were handcuffed, there was a ball gag in his mouth, and two hypodermic needles were inserted in one arm. His body was covered in explicit words and drawings in red lipstick.
Autoerotic asphyxiation is the intentional restriction of oxygen to the brain for sexual arousal.

It happened while on location filming the Steven Spielberg-produced "Twilight Zone: The Movie." Spielberg, pilot Dorsey Wingo, and director John Landis were ultimately acquitted of involuntary manslaughter, and Morrow's daughters settled out of court.