Top 10 Best Names for a Dog
Makes me think of Air Bud and the Buddies series. Buddy was such a good dog. I even named my cat Buddy, but that's because I kept calling him that on accident. It's probably because the name fit him so well. He was my pal. Not better than my puppy though. Dogs are the best friends you can ever have, and I'm not just saying that because it's true. I've learned from experience.
I knew this would be the best one! Buddy is my favorite dog name. My sister used to have a dog named Buddy. BUDDY!
My dog's brother's name is Buddy, but I think it's spelled Buddie. It reminds me of Buddy from Secret Life of Pets! Cute name!
Really cute name! Honestly, I prefer Felix, which means happy and lucky, but that's just me. Rusty is a cute name too!
My dog's name is Lucky. He likes the name, and it is easy for my baby brother to say.
I agree, it's also a great dog name. My dog is definitely going to be called Lucky. Great name!
It's a hip name. The best there is. Finnick, Biscuit, and Bronzey are awesome too, but Spike is the best. Snoop and Browser are cool too.
Reminds me of a pit bull. Mostly from Tom and Jerry.
I named my puppy Spike because it is a bulldog, and in Tom and Jerry, there is Spike the bulldog.
Biscuit is ADORABLE! Perfect for a small fluffy dog, like a Maltese or even a Golden Retriever. But personally, my favorite name EVER for a dog is Socks or Yogurt. They're totally funny names that will suit dogs with fun and affectionate personalities.
Biscuit is a perfect dog name. We have a biscuit-colored beagle hound mix, and it suits him well. It just so happens it's also a children's storybook collection about a dog called Biscuit.
My favorite of all these! Best for a butterscotch or creamy furred dog, not too big and not too small. My dog is called Pinky, and she's a white Maltese. She's the most adorable little one ever!
Shadow makes me think of something dark and mean. But on the bright side, Shadow is a nice puppy name because a shadow follows you everywhere. Just like your puppy!
I have a dog named Shadow. It's most commonly used for black dogs. My dog is a Black Lab and also follows behind us everywhere like a little shadow.
Yeah, this name would go well with a Black Lab or some dog that is black.
It's not something that's a little ridiculous like Spike, Cupcake, or Precious. That's not how you treat a dog. Dogs are supposed to be part of the family. Make them feel that way and give them a human name. Max is cute, short, and is a great name for dogs of all sizes and colors. Maybe not the best name for a girl dog, but it's perfect for a male dog.
Max is a lovely name because my mother had a dog called Max. It makes the dog sound happy and playful, which you always want in your dog's name. I think it is truly a brilliant name, and I would recommend it to anyone with a boy dog.
PS: I wish I could call my dog Max. I would love to.
What a great name! Whenever I get out a name tag, I wonder what I should name this dog, and this one was the answer!
I love StampyLongNose, and Stampy had a dog called Snowy.
Makes me think of snow. Perfect for a beautiful white lad!
I named my dog Scooby. It is so adorable, plus it is named after the TV show.
Perfect for those that want to own a Great Dane!
I used to have a dog named Angel. The vet had to put her to sleep forever. I cry about her. Please vote for her for this name.
Lots of dogs are angelic. It would be an amazing name if their personality is kind of like an angel's!
I chose Angel, Snowy, Angel, and Caramel. I bet you get my style! Angel really pops out to me, though.
If you call it "Caramel," you're just going to end up saying, "Hey, Carmel! Come here, Carmel!" like you're a 70-year-old Texan. But if you do call it "Caramel," then don't say "Carmel."
Caramel is a cute name. It also reminds me of chocolate caramel!
This is the best name for a Minecraft dog. Caramel is so cute!
The Newcomers
I really like that name. It makes my heart melt.
Nice name. I like Athena as well.
Snoopy is a great name. It's extremely cute and short enough to call quickly. It's also a little unusual, which I like a lot. It reminds me of the movie and the comic. I would call a sweet, dopey dog Snoopy, especially if it's a little clumsy and likes to snoop around.
Snoopy is such a cute and awesome name for a dog. It's like one of the most popular. Good grief!
The name Snoopy reminds me of the Beagle named Snoopy in the movie Peanuts.
I love this name! It reminds me of the book I read called "Duke." It's about a German Shepherd going into war.
My husky is called Duke. I love him so much. The name really suits him. He is a strong and dependable dog.
I love that name! I'm going to name my dog that now!
I like this name because it reminds me of my old guinea pig Jack.
Nigel is a great name. It sounds like a competent banker type, so you always feel confident that your dog will know how to handle any important mergers or acquisition deals.
I LOVE Nigel. It is adorable. Who wouldn't like this name? But everybody has different opinions.
Nigel. The perfect name for a dog, like one of mine.
I named my dog Toby. It's a really cute name and suits a lovable dog.
I had a mod installed, and my dog ate all the peanuts, so I called him Peanut. He is still alive. I've had him for half a year.
Really sweet.
Gonna name my next dog that soon!
I love that name! It is cute. One of my brother's nicknames is Peanut.
I have watched a movie called Something and Otis about a cat and a dog. Such a cute name!
This is a great dog name, especially if the dog has a sarcastic personality.
I used to have a really cute dog named Ben. He was compassionate, adorable, and all around just great! He was part Red Heeler, part Airedale Terrier. He was the sweetest thing. This is a great name.
Love the name. Had a golden retriever that it suited perfectly. He was named after Ben Roethlisberger of the Pittsburgh Steelers.

Mocha is an awesome and incredible name!
I've read Puppy Place: Mocha! It's so good!