Top Ten Reasons Why Dogs are Better Than Cats

The Top Ten
Dogs can be trained better

I am more of a dog person, but cats can get trained. I have a cat myself. She only listens to my sister but still. To be honest, dogs can probably get trained better than cats. Well, it is at least easier. My cat doesn't laze around, but she barely ever listens to me.

If you want to train a cat, choose the right breed. AKA: Abyssinian! That's my BFF's cat. I think she likes her cat more than her dog, but only because her Abyssinian is so good at training. She can play fetch and, unbelievably, likes water and learned how to swim (only just). I think that proves that cats can be trained.

But it is much easier to train a dog, so I guess the topic is right. Dogs can be trained to be in the military, herd sheep, and sniff out bombs or drugs for police officers in airports. It's not that cats are more lazy and can't be trained. It's because dogs were made like that.

It's hard to explain, but it's like dogs were made to sniff out things (not necessarily bombs or drugs, more like rats or mice). They were trained and made to do that, so that's why dogs seem more helpful, when really, cats can be quite helpful too. Sorry for the long comment.

Dogs protect you better

Yup. Sure, my dog may be aggressive towards other dogs, but he is just trying to tell them, "Hey, don't come near me or my owner."

Plus, my friend has a German Shepherd, and one night a person got into her backyard. The dog ran outside and bit the guy. If it weren't for that dog, my friend would never be the same.

My friend has a German Shepherd, and one night a person got into her backyard. The dog ran outside and bit the guy. If it weren't for that dog, my friend would never be the same.

Indeed! Well, a Golden Retriever would do a better job at it than, let's say, a Shih Tzu, but at least they'll try.

Dogs care about you

Although there are some (but very few) good and affectionate cats, most are just indifferent. Dogs, on the other hand, will fight for you. If they see that you are sad, they will comfort you. And they have their own personalities as well, unlike cats, which all seem to act the same.

There have been studies that show if you die and the dog has no food to eat, the dog will starve to death before it eats you because it is loyal. Cats, on the other hand, will eat you.

So do cats - they just don't show it.

Now, do not get me wrong, I love both dogs and cats. Cats love you, but you have to earn it. A dog just loves you at first sight.

Dogs are better suited to lead you to a more active lifestyle

Cats just hunt. Dogs help the blind, sniff out drugs and bombs, get papers, and do a million other things.

If I had a dog, I'd be so much more active. And by active, I mean I'd actually move sometimes.

Indeed. They have a happy, childish spirit and a sense of fun.

Dogs come in all shapes, sizes, and abilities

Cats do come in different breeds, but I think dogs have greater diversity. Some dogs are couch potatoes, while others are much more active. Dog breeds behave differently, but all cats pretty much act the same.

Dogs love attention

Agree. All cats do is lay in their beds and purr. Even when dogs are so tired or grumpy, they will stop thinking of themselves and help you.

Cats hate you. Period. Dogs like attention but won't bother you for it. Cats will hiss and scratch you if you try to hug them.

There is no such thing as a bad dog - only a bad owner

This is insanely true, but I hate the way dog people jump to defend a dog that bites a lot, saying this in its defense (which is correct). But if another animal, for example, a cat, does something remotely wrong, we, the dog people, talk trash about it and completely ignore our own logic, saying the other animal is evil or something.

I agree with this. My dog was abused for a year before we got her. If we had her first, she would not have anxiety or any other problems.

There is a book called "No Bad Dogs." Look it up. It sounds boring, but I read some of it and liked it a lot.

Dogs are cuter

I have a pug (who can breathe perfectly fine, thank you very much), and he is super cute. Cats are just ugly furballs. Search ugly cats on Google and you will see the truth. Dogs rule.

Dogs are smarter

Dogs can be trained to smell out people under rubble and even cancer, chase down criminals, hunt without endangering wildlife, assist the blind and those with epilepsy, and will always remain loyal to their owners.

Cats, on the other hand, are selfish and lazy. They can only be trained to do basic things like using a litter box and jumping through hoops.

They say in cartoons that cats are smarter, but if you ask me, dogs are smarter.

Some can even smell different cancers. Look it up.

Dogs are better at knowing when you are sad and comforting you

This sounds unlikely, but I think it might be true because when I'm crying, my dog tilts his head to try to understand.

Almost every cat will ignore you. They don't care about you. A dog will always find a way to comfort you!

Cats don't care if you are sad. They only care about their food. When I'm sad, my dog comes over to me and comforts me.

The Newcomers

? Dogs wag their tails
? Dogs are cooler
The Contenders
Dogs are much more fun to play with

Cats are lazy and boring to have. You have nothing to do with them. They just hunt, which I don't exactly like. You don't want to see a dead rat in your house, do you?

Dogs like to play around, go outside, and do all kinds of fun stuff.

Cats just sit around. Dogs, on the other hand, play fetch, can be trained to play hide and seek, and they actually get along with other dogs, unlike cats with other cats.

They are more active and sociable! Perfect!

Dogs are man's best friend
Dogs are more domesticated

Cats are wild animals. If you feed wild birds, they will come back to get more food. It's the same with cats. They are wild!

Dogs save more lives

Therapy dogs for people thinking of suicide. Search and rescue... Ahem. Did anyone forget about how 300 dogs saved at least 600 people? Police dogs sniff out drugs on people. Service dogs help the disabled.

True. Dogs make sacrifices too! Cats just care about themselves and only want to keep themselves safe.

True. When there is danger, dogs try to help their owner the best they can. Cats just try to save themselves.

Dogs listen to you better

Uh-huh! That's true! I talk to dogs, and I can tell they're listening.

Dogs deal with change better

Agreed. Cats would freak out if you move their litter box, but dogs would see it as an adventure.

Dogs will wake you up if there is an emergency

Agreed. If you see the cat list, it is so inaccurate. Most cats didn't save lives as heroically as dogs. Dogs can call for help and pull you out of a fire if you have fallen.

Dogs are used for rescues and have saved many people.

Dogs can do jobs

Dogs are great. I have two Maremma dogs who look after my alpacas so those wild animals don't kill them. A cat can't do that!

When was the last time you heard of a security cat? Or a service cat?

Dogs are more loyal
Dogs don't get lost as easily
Dogs are happy; they think you are the best person in the world even if you are grumpy

You give them one treat, and they treat you as a king or queen. Dogs are awesome.

Of course they are! Who is with me?

Dogs don't cough up hairballs

Dogs don't eat their hair. And they don't lick themselves all over, covering themselves in their own saliva.

Cats cough up hairballs in annoying places just to make you grumpy. Dogs don't cover themselves in saliva.

Dogs love unconditionally

Is unconditional love a good thing?

Dogs don't scratch as much

Yes, if you tease them. They are just animals, duh! They need to protect themselves. What would you do if someone hugged you all the time when you didn't like it?

Dogs are less lazy

True! I had this cat once, and it did nothing. Ever. Sometimes I forgot I had a pet because even when I noticed it and paid attention to it, it just sat there.

It was kinda annoying.

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