Top 10 Best Pets
Pets come in all shapes and sizes, and they bring their own unique charm and companionship into our lives. Whether you're looking for a loyal friend to keep you company, a low-maintenance pet to brighten your day, or even a small critter to entertain you with their playful antics, there's something for everyone.
If you don't have a dog, you won't understand. I've seen that the people in the cat comments are getting triggered because of their past experiences with dogs. If you haven't lived with a dog, you just don't understand. I love my dogs, and they can become your best friend.
I get that they can hurt people, but it's not their fault. It's their owners' fault. Dogs themselves are more loyal, lovable, and the cutest animals ever! If you're ever sad, they can make you happy. If you're bored, they're always up to play. Dogs are the best pets ever!

It is the only domesticated species in the family Felidae and is often referred to as the domestic cat to distinguish it from the wild members of the family. A cat can either be a house cat, a farm cat or a feral cat; the latter... read more
Reasons to get a cat:
They don't have to go outside to use the bathroom.
They don't have to be taken on walks.
They don't require as much attention.
They can do tricks. (I have seen many people say only dogs do tricks. This is false. Many cats, including my own, can do tricks.)
They can sit on laps. (Only small dogs can do this.)
They can catch mice and bugs.
They are much easier to take care of.
They don't jump on you all the time. (I know that not all dogs do this, but many do.)
Also, for those of you saying cats can't save lives, there have been many stories about cats saving lives, including one where a cat saved its owner from a seizure!
All in all, cats are just amazing, and I encourage you to vote for cats.

When trained properly, rabbits can learn tricks and even use the litter box. I've owned many rabbits, primarily mini rexes. Each one has had a unique personality. One would even hop to the door when someone arrived so she could greet them.
Our current rabbits know the commands "beg," "down," "up," and "bedtime." Rabbits can be very loyal. Our oldest rabbit loves to get pets from all of us, but she greets my dad as if she knows she was his present.
When my bunny passed away, her mom and sister grieved. They were lethargic and had tears dried on their faces. So, overall, bunnies can be very complicated, but given the right care, they can make outstanding family members.

I have two guinea pigs. They are adorable, intelligent, and easy to take care of! They are still a little shy, but they know who I am and are generally less scared of me. They are just the cutest little things!
Unlike most rodents, they rarely bite, they will not pee or poo on your shirt, and they can eat a whole variety of things! Each one has a different personality, and it's super fun to experiment and learn more about them and their unique personalities over time.
For instance, one of mine is super social, super friendly, and will chew on everything. My other one, however, is very shy and will only come out for people she recognizes. They were both rescued, and it makes me feel so happy to finally give those two a good home. I wouldn't trade them for the world!

Fish are not boring. Find the type that appeals to you. They possess plenty of personality. My oscars, for instance, greet me like puppies when I enter their room! Most fish are easy to take care of but require more attention than some people might think. They do not have short lifespans if properly cared for. Please do research to give them the best life possible. Fishkeeping is not for everyone, but if you decide it is for you, be warned - it is addicting. One tank can quickly turn into an entire room full of them.
Many species of aquarium fish are more intelligent than people give them credit for. Goldfish do not have a three-second memory and can remember things for up to five months as well as recognize their owners. Betta fish have unique personalities and can be taught many tricks.

Birds are much more intelligent than people give them credit for. My cockatiel and green cheek conure can do more tricks than most dogs! Keeping birds as pets is not cruel. These birds were bred in captivity and cannot survive in the wild. It would be cruel to set them free because they could be eaten by a predator, freeze in the winter, or starve to death.
As long as they're allowed to fly around the house every day (wing clipping is wrong), are interacted with, and have a good-sized cage with lots of toys for when you're not home to supervise them (for their safety), pet birds can be very happy. Birds are extremely affectionate and bond deeply with their owners. My cockatiel even asks to be scratched when he bows his head down!

Hamsters are awesome. I've only ever had a Chinese dwarf hamster. She was really cute, docile, and loving. She did take some time to get used to me, but once she did, she was great.
She had a shy personality and quivered when she sat in any stranger's hand. I loved that she was loyal to me and only me. Her name was Cali.
I think hamsters are a great pet to have because you have to be really responsible. Also, they are cute and friendly. However, if you keep pestering the hamster, it will bite you (I have learned that the hard way).

Turtles are awesome and not so difficult to feed. I have one in my classroom, and she is awesome. You might find one in the grassy plains or a regular box turtle in your yard. However, I recommend getting one from your local pet store to ensure safety. Turtles are really cool. I hope you enjoyed this and that they make it at least into the top twenty!
Turtles are awesome. I have four, and they didn't bite once I trained them. The one and only negative thing about turtles is if you use gravel, the tank gets filthy. But they are pretty cool because they hunt fish when I put feeder goldfish in with them.

Go beardies! I have a six-month-old beardie at home, and I have to say, I love him! He's a foot and a third already and still growing. Although he can get a little smelly at times, he still is my sweet boy.
When I first got him, I almost thought he would be like a wild lizard without a real distinguished personality. Boy, was I wrong! He loves to curl up on the couch like a dog for naps, explore, and be downright mischievous! I would advise this pet to anyone who has dog or cat allergies and would like a sweet animal to curl up in their lap occasionally and add a little spice to their life!

In my opinion, chinchillas should be ranked a little higher because they are easy to take care of and are extremely good with other animals. They are also wonderful with both younger and older children. Chinchillas do not have teeth capable of biting like dogs, cats, or rats, making them safer around kids. They are among the fluffiest animals in the world and learn tricks very easily. It is truly enjoyable. Moreover, when you have to be away for most of the day, they will be sleeping, so you do not have to worry about them feeling lonely.
Chinchillas are very good pets for children aged 10-14. They are not very hard to take care of and rarely bite, but their cages take up a bit of space. I would highly recommend them because they're snuggly and teach responsibility.
The Newcomers

My big sister has a pet chipmunk.

I have two crayfish, and they are extremely easy to take care of.
The one that is almost fully grown is so cool when she moves her rocks around, and the baby one is so cute.

My rats are what brought me out of depression. Knowing that something depends on you and can't wait to see you is so important. Rats are extremely expressive. You always know what they are feeling, which is why they are very good for people with mental disorders.
Rats are easier to understand than people and are incredibly affectionate. When I stand up to leave, mine hate it so much that they will run and climb up my leg. Each rat has its own unique personality. They are also much safer for children because they only bite when they are terrified or in pain. In contrast, hamsters bite when they are grumpy, often due to their sleep patterns.
Rats are easier to handle than hamsters. People often worry about rat teeth, but rats have the same size and pressure of teeth as hamsters. The teeth are just easier to see. Yes, rats chew things because they are rodents and their teeth never stop growing.
Rats are considered the cleanest of the rodents and are smart enough to develop OCD, which means they clean themselves even more meticulously. Contrary to popular belief, they do not carry more diseases than any other pet. The association with the plague was due to the insects on them, not the rats themselves. It could have been any animal. It just happened to be rats. So before you judge them, do your research, because the reputation they have is completely unfounded.

I vote tortoises because they don't make any noises. Kids love to see their pets eat a lot, and well, that's what they do. Also, I have one, and it is so great to have.
Kids also get to grow up with a tortoise. And I should know because this is a kid speaking here!
Easy to look after and incredibly cute as well. They are good with children and adults and eat inexpensive food as well!
I think they have endearing personalities and are, personally for me, at least No. 3!
Having a tortoise can be kind of stressful sometimes, but they are really cute and super fun to play with. You can teach them tricks (at least that's what I've heard, though mine doesn't know any).

Most people are afraid of snakes because our culture teaches us to fear them. Books, movies, and media portray them as bloodthirsty monstrosities. But they are very inquisitive and friendly creatures. I have nine snakes, one of which is wild-caught, and all of them love being held and exploring the house from around my shoulders. I really have a hard time understanding the fear some people have of them because I understand how gentle and innocent they truly are. They make great pets!
Snakes are amazing! They are low maintenance and easy to take care of, and they will not bite unless provoked. It is sad that I have to emphasize this so much, but when people visit, they often get scared of my snakes and mistakenly think they are dangerous. Snakes will not harm you, and most are not poisonous. They actually make great pets!

I absolutely adore horses. They are beautiful, useful, and quite intelligent. I would advise you to do your research before taking in a horse because they require a significant amount of work to keep them healthy. However, they can practically pay for themselves if used properly. You must take very good care of them, otherwise, they may end up costing you more than you can afford in veterinary bills. But with the proper care, they are not as expensive as many people think.
People think horses are expensive, but they're not really. I have a horse, and all you really have to pay for is their feed, and a bag can last almost a month. The money you do pay is definitely worth it. Horses are so lovable!
My pony follows me around when I go into the field and snuffles me, which is so nice and tickly. I have such a great bond with my pony, and I would NEVER dream of selling her. I can't believe horses are only 12th. They are definitely the best pets, along with cats and dogs!

Hedgehogs are low-maintenance and provide hours of joy. They have sweet little fluffy faces, fluffy undersides, and look like spiky potatoes from the top. Most of them never bite and are typically very easy to potty train, except when they are on their exercise wheel. They are the cutest things ever.
Hedgehogs exhibit many amusing behaviors. They wholeheartedly believe that if they can't see you, you can't see them. So, they will "hide" by emphatically shoving their little faces under things, with their entire spherical bodies in clear view, and hold very still. They take themselves very seriously! They let you know they are grumpy by huffing and scrunching their foreheads. Then, a second later, they look at you with these sweet, angelic faces. You can roll them into a ball and set them down, and many will just stay where you put them like that for hours, napping away. Sometimes you find them "splooted" out while napping, with all four legs sprawled out. They are just so cute and funny! Plus, they have the cutest little butts ever.

I love ferrets! I am a ferret enthusiast. They are adorable and make excellent pets for adults with jobs. If you go to work early in the morning, you could wake up a little earlier, perhaps thirty to forty-five minutes, and play with your ferret until it is time to leave. Ferrets love attention and sleep between sixteen and twenty hours during the daytime.
Ferrets are so awesome and cute. I want one so badly. They should be third on the list. I have guinea pigs right now, and they are not that great. They make huge messes because they're pigs. They can't control their bladders at all. They just let it out.
Ferrets are as good as or better than cats because they actually love you back. They give you attention, so I've heard.

Frogs are so cute and they make great pets! There are so many kinds of frogs, so you can really make sure that it is a great species of frog for you. They are very fun and are not gross or slimy either.
Frogs are very cute and easy to take care of, and they're great pets! Just because they have slimy skin doesn't mean they're gross or scary. They're actually very friendly and fun!
Frogs should be much higher on this list! People might think that frogs are gross, but they are actually cute! They aren't too hard to take care of either.

Pigs are the best! You can teach them tricks! And no, they are not dirty like everyone says. You can train them to be potty trained too.
They are very friendly and affectionate. They are nice to kids and wouldn't hurt them! I would very much recommend a pig!
Pigs are the cutest animals! They are also the smartest pets and can learn tricks faster than dogs. I really want a little teacup pig, although obviously, not everyone wants a pig in their house. They are very loyal and loving animals. They are typically pink and are not always dirty and covered in mud - only if you let them be. They also do not usually shed much. Pigs make fabulous pets.
- Pink

Gerbils should be number one! Because they are:
1. Cute! Awesome! Cool, awesome, cool!
2. Easy to care for - they pretty much only need food, water, love, and a mate to keep him or her company.
3. Entertaining! They run around here, run around there, and I could watch a gerbil all day!
Gerbils should be ranked much higher! I have one, and they are fantastic pets because they are active and fun to watch. They are easy to take care of and are inexpensive!
Gerbils are very active and are fun to watch. They have their own personalities and are very friendly. They should DEFINITELY be in the top 5.

Yes, they are so nice and cute, and I wish I could have one. I met someone with one. They let me pet it. She was fat though but she was the cutest mice ever.
Mice are so awesome! I love it when they squeak. I've never actually had a pet mouse, but I know people who have. Mice are another one of my favorite animals, along with cats, ants, frogs, rabbits, and guinea pigs.
I had a little mouse, and she was adorable, always kissing me and playing. I miss her and will get another one.
I would come back home and call her, and she would come straight away!

They may pinch you, but they still are awesome. I have two in the same cage, and they get along great. So, if you get them, then you don't have to worry about them eating each other! They are also very cool to watch because they like to climb on the walls of their cage.
They are awesome, but they do need high humidity and they are picky about what they like eating. So, you must offer a wide selection of food so that they don't starve.
I know they don't do much, but they are cool. I want one so much. They carry their shell on their back. It should be heavy. I say they should be number one. They're so cool.

I have a passion for monkeys, especially finger monkeys. However, it's important to understand and read up on them before taking one home.

I think capybaras should be included here because they are very awesome and playful. They remind me of a giant guinea pig. They are part guinea pig and part rabbit. I just love them, and they are kind of like guinea pig bunny dogs.
I have a capybara. They're just like dogs, and they swim better than dogs. I always swim with them!
Capybaras are my favorite animal in the whole wide world!

Skunks make strange but wonderful pets.