Top 10 Best Paleontological Reconstructions

I've made a list for the worst paleontological reconstructions of extinct animals, so I decided "why not make list for the best ones?" so I did it. Here is the list of the best reconstructions of extinct animals of all time.
The Top Ten
1 Tyrannosaurus - Prehistoric Planet
2 Tarbosaurus - Prehistoric Planet
3 Nanuqsaurus - Prehistoric Planet
4 Qianzhousaurus - Prehistoric Planet
5 Dreadnoughtus - Prehistoric Planet
6 Alamosaurus - Prehistoric Planet
7 Rapetosaurus - Prehistoric Planet
8 Velociraptor - Prehistoric Planet
9 Dromaeosaurus - Prehistoric Planet
10 Rajasaurus - Prehistoric Planet
The Contenders
11 Atrociraptor - Prehistoric Planet
12 Majungasaurus - Prehistoric Planet

Yeah, that is 100% better than that awful Jurassic Fight Club's quote-on-quote "Majungasaurus". It looks and act like a real animal, not a bloodthirsty monster as in most media. I enjoyed this Prehistoric Planet's depiction of the animal.

13 Corythoraptor - Prehistoric Planet
14 Isisaurus - Prehistoric Planet
15 Pyroraptor - Prehistoric Planet
16 Austroraptor - Prehistoric Planet
17 Edmontosaurus - Prehistoric Planet
18 Olorotitan - Prehistoric Planet
19 Barsboldia - Prehistoric Planet
20 Secernosaurus - Prehistoric Planet
21 Quetzalcoatlus - Prehistoric Planet
22 Hatzegopteryx - Prehistoric Planet
23 Phosphatodraco - Prehistoric Planet
24 Tethydraco - Prehistoric Planet
25 Barbaridactylus - Prehistoric Planet
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